Weekly Seal Squeal
The Week of June 15th
This weeks Hometown Hero is Corporal Jordan Mirakian!

"We are very proud that Corporal Mirakian was selected as the Chamber's Hometown Hero," said Chief of Police Philip Gonshak. "During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been so much information being put out to the public from various governments, cities, and agencies. Jordan's use of social media, Facebook Live "ride alongs," and his constant monitoring of our online presence has been so helpful to the community. He is always available to help clarify any confusion about local or county health orders and is very responsive when the community has questions about how to keep themselves safe."

Corporal Jordan Mirakian joined the Seal Beach Police Department after spending 18 years as a police officer in San Diego and Laguna Beach. Jordan has worked in a variety of assignments over a 20 year career including Patrol Operations, Field Training, Honor Guard, Regional Training and Investigations. For almost 8 years, Jordan was a Sergeant in what he calls his "former law enforcement life in San Diego". During his time with the Seal Beach Police Department, Jordan has been on the Beach Team, worked as a Field Training Officer and he's currently assigned to the graveyard shift as a patrol officer. In between calls for service, Jordan is part of a team of friends on the police department that manage the social media pages 

"We’re lucky to work for a city and department that trusts us to send out a consistent message to our community that is real, transparent, open and honest. Our livestreams have been a great way for us to get to know our community and they‘ve also given them a chance to get to know us as well." Jordan stated.

Behind the badge, Jordan is a former Los Alamitos Griffin and played football for both Los Alamitos High School and for ten years, the San Diego Enforcers Law Enforcement Football Team. He considers himself "homegrown" which is why in 2017, he applied for a vacant position with the Seal Beach Police Department and came back home to start over and serve the community where he grew up.

Jordan considers himself lucky to have two families; his Seal Beach Police Department family and his family at home. Jordan and his wife Natalya, who is a professional MMA Fighter, live in Orange County with their two dogs Rex and Shelby and their tortoise “Mr. T”. Yes, the character from the A-Team.   
Local businesses will get to enjoy a much needed extra month of summer as Los Alamitos Unified school district announced schools will begin on August 31st instead of the scheduled August 8th. Click below for Supt. Dr. Andrew Pulver's press release.

The County of Orange has provided clarification for local businesses after the State released new guidance for reopening of the following industries:

Nail salons, movie theaters, and youth sports are not authorized to reopen. We will let you know as soon as they are able to open.
To keep you updated with the most recent information, Paycheck Protection Program  (PPP)

Congress has passed and as recently as today the President has signed, the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA). This reform legislation gives business owners more flexibility and time to use the loan money and still have it forgiven as part of PPP program. 

  • To address this issue, the Act now extends the PPP program “covered period” until December 31, 2020, and gives employers 24 weeks, rather than eight weeks to spend PPP proceedsHowever, a congressional letter was added to the record to clarify that no new PPP loans may be originated after June 30, 2020

  • The Act also reduces the percentage of loan proceeds that must be spent on payroll costs from 75 percent to 60 percent, enabling businesses to spend more on overhead and fixed expenses such as rent and utilities.

  • The safe harbor restoration deadline has been extended from June 30, 2020, to December 31, 2020. 

  • Clarifies that loan forgiveness will not be reduced based on an inability to rehire employees if the employer can: 
  • Document written offers to rehire individuals who were employees of the organization on February 15, 2020; or 
  • An inability to hire similarly qualified employees for unfilled positions by December 31, 2020.

  • Clarifies that forgiveness will not be reduced for failure to maintain employment levels if the organization is able to document the following: 
  • An inability to return to the same level of business activity as existed prior to February 15, 2020, due to compliance with COVID-19-related guidance for sanitation, social distancing, or
  • Worker or customer safety requirements from the Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) between March 1 and December 31, 2020.

  • The Act also allows employers that receive PPP loan forgiveness to continue deferring payment of the employer share of the Social Security tax under CARES Act (Section 2302) through December 31, 2020.
Member 2 Member Discount Station 17
201 8th Street, Suite 110
Seal Beach, Ca 90740
562-799-0179 | info@sealbeachchamber.org