May 10, 2020 - Trinity Parent Newsletter
Letter from Trinity's President
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Happy Mother's Day!

As a teenager, I had little real understanding of how important my mom was (and was going to become) in my life. In high school, mostly she was just someone to argue with. In retrospect of course, that's all different. Working at Trinity has amplified the knowledge that every caring, loving adult in our Blazers' lives makes a unique and profound impact on a young woman's goals, passion, drive, and success. The Trinity mission statement (in part) reads,  "The school community guides young women in developing skills for lifelong learning, an ethic of care and the desire for excellence."  This community includes you! It cannot be a job for the teachers alone. At Trinity we believe in partnering with our parents to guide our Blazers to be their best possible selves. Having just wrapped up Teacher Appreciation Week it is fitting then, that we take today to appreciate you! As part of our community you contribute to our success. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, surrogate parent, or a caring adult acting out of love as a parent would, today all of Trinity's faculty and staff thank you for your dedication to building these strong and compassionate young women. We are a partnership! Especially at this odd time, we work best for our students when we work together! If your daughter is struggling with anything, please encourage her to reach out to talk with her counselor or another trusted adult. We are truly #InThisTogether! 

Summer is racing toward us - so there are many matters of business in this email. Please take the time to review it carefully. I also hope you are following Trinity on our various social media outlets, Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , and YouTube . So many activities continue to happen to keep our community connected, it's a great way to keep up to date on all that's going on. Be sure to read the Senior Stories that are being featured!

Enjoy the week ahead, here's hoping soon enough the warmth and sunshine will be here to stay!
Laura Curley

PS  If you are in need of assistance during this economic downturn, the State of Illinois has provided us with this information for you.  CLICK HERE
Spring Spirit Week 2020
The Blazers will celebrate our first ever Virtual Spring Spirit Week! Trinity's Executive Council has been busy planning themes and games for each day!

Mon: Groutfit Day: Dress in GRAY Outfits
Game: Zoom/Kahoot Trivia game

Tues: Jersey Day : Dress in your favorite jersey
Game: Best Blazer Mascot Contest

Wed: College Day : Dress like a College Student
Game: Chopped: Trinity Edition

Thurs: Class Color Spirit Day ! Show Your CLASS spirit in your class colors
Spirit Breakfast:  Cook up a breakfast featuring foods of your class color
Game: BLAZERS GIVE BACK - Let’s get inspired and make a promise to do one good deed today. 

Trinity's Annual Blazer Showcase will be emailed to students and posted to social media after class on Thursday, May 14.

Follow Spirit Week on social media, including the first ever student #InstagramTakeover!
Trinity Locker Clean Out!

If your daughter has not signed up for locker clean out, now is the time!

In the coming weeks, we will be conducting state-approved locker clean-out days for students. We will be observing the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Department of Health guidelines, and safety is our top priority.
Congratulations Class of 2020
On Friday, Trinity’s faculty and administration traveled throughout the city and surrounding suburbs to drop off lawn signs to our senior class! We celebrate this class and admire thei r resilience, strength, and tenacity. 

We will be hosting a NO CONTACT Parking Lot Grad Supply Pick Up for Seniors on  Wednesday, May 20th from 9 am until 12 noon   at Trinity High School.  Click here for information on Trinity's Class of 2020 Parking Lot Pick-up on May 20th .

The Mothers Club Senior Luncheon has been postponed until Wednesday, July 22nd. The location will remain at Oak Park Country Club at 11:30am.  Invitations will be mailed as we get closer to the event.  
Senior Stories 2020
We are continuing a senior tradition at Trinity. We've kicked off the 5th annual Trinity  #SeniorStories ! We are so proud of our  #ClassOf2020  Blazers~they were accepted to colleges/universities across the country. As our seniors complete their final month as a  #TrinityBlazer , we’ve asked them to share their college admission/Trinity story with us. Our girls are unique, confident, and empowered! Look for new stories each day and take a peek into the lives of our Trinity Blazers ... Stay tuned!

Virtual Chapel Prayer Book
We invite you to submit a prayer request to be posted on Trinity's online Prayer Book of Intentions. These prayers are being offered up every morning as the Trinity community prays together. Join us in praying by adding these intentions to your daily prayer as well.

Summer School
  • If your daughter is a pre IB freshman, you have previously received information about a required summer language class.
  • THS required Public Speaking and Health Classes are available online this summer
Student Services Department Information

Check out the  Class of 2020 College Planning Newsletter  (April 15th Edition) 
Check out the  Class of 2021 College Planning Newsletter  (April 15th Edition) 
Book Buy Back
Buyback: Please use our virtual partner, VALORE BOOKS for your buyback needs. This market-based service is extremely easy to use and provides free shipping labels. They offer very competitive rates.

Rental: we are not requiring students (parents) to return their rental books to Follett. You own those books. There will be no late fees and no suspension of existing rental accounts. We look forward to renting to students again for the 2020-2021 academic term.

Block 4 Class Fees
From Trinity's Library
10 Books That Promote Positive Thinking in Teens.

If you would like to borrow any of these titles from Trinity's eLibrary, please email Ms. McGreal at . We have both audiobooks and eBooks.
Spring Athletes
Spring Athletic Uniforms will be collected during locker clean out days. Spring athletic pictures will also be distributed at that time.