Volume 01 | February 2 2021
Weekly Update | UROP @ Georgia Tech
As an undergraduate at one of the foremost institutions in the nation, there are many reasons to delve into research. Undergraduate research sparks critical thinking and creativity. It hones the ability to pose the right question, solve for the right answer, and distill the messy, complex, and abstract thoughts of a lab notebook into an elegant argument. Research is the innate pursuit of progress and service and the catalyst of innovation. We work to enhance it.

Click here to visit the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program website.

On-campus Events and Activities
Have questions about research over the summer? Come learn about Summer Research Opportunities from Undergraduate Research Ambassadors!
We'll cover everything you need to know, from applying to REUs to setting up a lab position at Tech for the summer. We’ll also be discussing ways to pursue research related summer opportunities at major companies. We’ll be talking about opportunities for a variety of majors, so stop by if you’re interested in summer research in any capacity.
Come by our virtual workshop on Thursday, February 11th, from 11am-12pm on Bluejeans!
Funding Opportunities
President's Undergraduate Research Awards fund student salaries to conduct undergraduate research with Georgia Tech faculty and offset travel expenses for undergraduates to present their research at professional conferences. Between two hundred and three hundred competitive awards are offered each year.
Salary Awards offer a $1,500 stipend to undergraduate students who are conducting research with a Georgia Tech faculty member or Georgia Tech Research Institute scientist. Both faculty members and students can initiate research projects, but the award proposal must be written by the student, and the student must apply by the established deadline for the semester in which the funds are requested. Funds are competitively awarded.Co-op students or students with full-time paid internships during a semester may not accept PURA funding during that same semester.

Undergraduate students whose research has been accepted for presentation at a professional or academic conference may apply for up to $1,000 in PURA Travel Award funding. Multiple travel awards can be granted within the same academic year, and students may receive a travel award during the same semester of salary award funding. Funds are competitively awarded.

At this time, we are only accepting PURA travel award applications for registration to attend virtual conferences. We will not be funding in person travel at this time. Please email Allyson Tant at allyson.tant@gatech.edu if you have further questions.

Applications are to be submitted no earlier than three months prior to the anticipated conference date and no later than one month prior to the anticipated conference date.
Internship Opportunities
The Wake Forest School of Medicine Center for Precision Medicine uses state-of-the-art high-throughput genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics to study human diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and aging.

They are offering a 9-week Summer Research Internship to experience laboratory research in Precision medicine. Participants will be paired with a High School Intern to gain additional mentoring and teaching experience.

Application Deadline is February 8, 2021
Research Opportunities
SURP is a 10-week intensive, hands-on research experience for undergraduate students. The overall goals of the program are to expose students to different types of cancer research (clinical, biomedical, and community-based) and increase their awareness of cancer health disparities.

February 5, 2021 is the deadline for receipt of the online application and supporting materials.
This NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is focused on developing skills in geological mapping and field work in Precambrian rocks. The research goal is to better understand how earthquake ruptures propagate through bedrock in the deeper reaches of Earth's crust. To accomplish this, the REU students will map the distribution of pseudotachylyte - thin black veins that formed by frictional melting along faults during earthquakes.

Application Deadline: February 7, 2021
The Robotics program at Oregon State University has offered summer research opportunities for seven years. Our students have pursued projects in a variety of areas of robotics that deal with the real world; from remote marine sensing, to building and controlling legged robots, to picking up and manipulating objects, to managing swarms of robots, and to how we can incorporate robots into our daily lives.

During our 10-week summer program, students will work on specific research projects alongside graduate students and faculty, attend workshops to find out what graduate school and research is all about, learn how to apply for graduate student fellowships, and enjoy the great Oregon outdoors through student-organized activities.

Applications will close on February 10, 2021 at noon.
The principal goal of the REU in mathematics at CSUSB is to provide promising undergraduate math majors with a meaningful, exciting and challenging experience in mathematical research. During the eight-week residential program students will carry out guided independent and collaborative research. Research problems will come from the fields of Geometry and Knot Theory, and will be chosen in consultation with a faculty mentor. The program culminates with participants writing research papers based on their work, and presenting their results at a poster session as well as a formal seminar.

To receive full consideration, applications should be completed by February 11, 2021.
The Native American Research Internship is a dynamic summer research opportunity for Native American undergraduate junior and senior students who are interested in Health Science research. The internship is located at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is a 10-week, paid summer internship, funded by the National Institutes of Health.

The internship focus is to provide Native American students an outstanding laboratory or clinically based research experience working alongside world class research faculty at the University of Utah. 

Application materials must be submitted online no later than Friday, February 12, 2021 11:59pm MST.
With as much as 75% of the infrastructure required by 2050 not yet built, building for the future will require far-reaching changes in how the risk-averse engineering profession achieves the broadest possible level of multi-hazard resilience and sustainability for the smallest possible expenditure of limited natural resources.
It is important to equip the next generation of engineers and researchers with the skillset to creatively adapt innovative new technologies to meet society’s need for multi-hazard resilient infrastructure following collaborative problem-solving approaches. 

The proposed REU Site at Virginia Tech will fully immerse and engage a diverse group of undergraduate students in interdisciplinary research, communication, and career development activities centered around new generation structural engineering, resilient materials, smart design, physical security, and large-scale testing. The educational focus of the program is to broaden the scientific base of underrepresented minority and women undergraduates to encourage and reward interdisciplinary research through hands-on laboratory experiences.

Applications for Summer 2021 Will close February 12, 2021.
A 10-week program for undergraduates who wish to work closely with Harvard Business School faculty on research projects on topics ranging from business strategy to social media, and form innovation management to private equity. The tentative program dates for summer 2021 are June 5, 2021 to August 14, 2021.

Student applications for the 2021 program are now open and will be due on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 12:00 pm EST.

Want to stay informed about other Undergraduate Research Opportunities?

Click here to visit our website and find out about more research opportunities and the staff that make it possible!