Volume 05| March 5 2021
Weekly Update | UROP @ Georgia Tech
The Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program is excited to share new on and off campus research opportunities with students to help get hands-on experience for their future careers.

Interested in learning more about Undergraduate Research Opportunities? Click here to visit the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program website.

On-campus Events and Activities
Considering graduate school? Join us for this interactive event on Tuesday, March 9th at 11 AM - 12 PM with graduate faculty and grad students as they answer your questions on what faculty consider when deciding whether to admit a student or not. Learn more about what you need to consider as you prepare for applying to graduate school.
Wondering how to establish a good mentor relationship with your faculty mentor/grad student? Curious about how to develop your own project within a lab? Come lear about how you can make the most of your first semesters in a research lab and advocate for yourself in a professional environment. We'll be covering everything from developing "interpersonal" skills to asking your faculty mentor for a letter of recommendation. We'll also be going over ways to engage with your mentors in a completely virtual environment.

Come by our virtual panel on Thursday, March 11th from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
We are inviting undergraduate students to apply to present their research at the 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium, on Thursday, April 22. This is Georgia Tech's largest undergraduate research colloquium and is a great opportunity for students to share their research with classmates and faculty from all over campus.

In addition, we will be hosting two workshops designed to help students showcase their work in the best way possible. Students can register for either Tuesday, April 13 at 11 AM [virtual] OR Thursday, April 15 at 11 AM [in-person] by clicking here.

The deadline to apply for the Research Symposium is Friday, March 26.
Funding Opportunities
President's Undergraduate Research Awards fund student salaries to conduct undergraduate research with Georgia Tech faculty and offset travel expenses for undergraduates to present their research at professional conferences. Between two hundred and three hundred competitive awards are offered each year.
Undergraduate students whose research has been accepted for presentation at a professional or academic conference may apply for up to $1,000 in PURA Travel Award funding. Multiple travel awards can be granted within the same academic year, and students may receive a travel award during the same semester of salary award funding. Funds are competitively awarded.

At this time, we are only accepting PURA travel award applications for registration to attend virtual conferences. We will not be funding in person travel at this time. Please email Recha Reid at Recha.Reid@gatech.edu if you have further questions.

Applications are to be submitted no earlier than three months prior to the anticipated conference date and no later than one month prior to the anticipated conference date.
The GTFWC Scholarship Program is pleased to award scholarships to deserving GT undergraduates who have a parent or guardian employed by Georgia Tech - the children of our Georgia Tech "family". For the academic year 2021-22, up to 6 scholarships of $2000 each will be awarded. In August of 2021, the Foundation will transfer the scholarship funds to the GT Financial Aid Office for disbursement to recipients for GT expenses: tuition, fees, books, and/or room and board.

Application Deadline is March 26, 2021
Internship Opportunities
The Van Andel Institute (VAI) offers a research internship program designed to provide medical students the opportunity to work closely with a research mentor on a project exploring the cellular, molecular, and genetic basis of human disease. The goal of this program is to introduce medical students to the concepts and practice of design, implementation, interpretation, and presentation of basic biomedical research.

Complete applications are reviewed on a rolling basis from December 2020 through March 2021.
Columbia Business School seeks applicants for the Summer Research Internship Program. This highly selective program provides interns an opportunity to work with Columbia Business School's faculty on a research project in finance, economics, marketing, management, decision sciences, operations, accounting, or data analytics.

Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, most interns work on one research project. The work may include literature reviews, data collection and cleaning, web scraping, and statistical analysis. All interns will present their final results to faculty at the end of the program.

Application deadline: March 15, 2021
Research Opportunities
The Diversifying Scholarship Research Conference features research by undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty that include topics of diversity, inequality, bias, and inclusivity. The goal of the event is to highlight research on marginalized topics and promote diversity in scholarly endeavors.

This event will highlight the diverse research being done across ground in the arts, social and physical sciences, humanities, education, and beyond. We seek to promote connections among undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty from different disciplines, fostering a commitment to inclusive research, pedagogy, and collaborative problem solving on social issues.

Abstract submission is open now through March 5, 2021
ASEE-SE has a long-standing tradition of fantastic conferences which are open to everyone interested in improving the engineering education experience. Participants include faculty, students, department chairs, college deans, and industry leaders in engineering, engineering technology, and computing education.

This year we will meet virtually Monday-Thursday, March 8-11 from 12:30-5 pm ET.
This REU site will provide training, mentorship and support to undergraduate students so that they can become independent researchers in the area of robotics. Throughout the project, the faculty and graduate student mentors will encourage creative thinking and frequent interactions to enhance the students' problem-solving skills.

The intellectual focus of this project is to allow one human operator to effectively manage a large robot swarm to achieve desired global objectives. Tailored around a swarm system inspired by the cooperative thermal soaring and foraging behaviors of hawks, three sub-projects will be conducted by undergraduate students during this REU project.

Application for the summer 2021 program is due by March 12, 2021.
The mission of HERL is to continuously improve the mobility and function of people with disabilities through advanced engineering in clinical research and medical rehabilitation. The APIRE REU program is designed to promote greater involvement and understanding of Rehabilitation Engineering and assistive technology- while fostering an understanding of the problems faced by individuals with disabilities.

ASPIRE research efforts in rehabilitation engineering are focused on identifying and addressing problems critical to achieving and maintaining the highest possible level of function in areas related to mobility, communications, sensory, and cognition and in activities associated with employment, independent living, and education

The application deadline is Friday, March 12, 2021.
The Research Experience for Student Veterans in Advanced Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship (REVAMP) program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer site. The Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute (GTMI) hosts the program to train undergraduate students in the fundamental principles of: advanced manufacturing science and technology and the transition of basic discoveries in manufacturing science into innovative commercial products and processes.

The deadline to submit the application is March 15, 2021.
Want to stay informed about other Undergraduate Research Opportunities?

Click here to visit our website and find out about more research opportunities and the staff that make it possible!