SPLS Weekly Update
Upcoming Events
May 14 - School Closed (Teacher Professional Day)
May 14 - Hawk's Hallow Reward Outing
May 31 - School Closed (Memorial Day)
June 1 - Field Day
June 1 - Noon Dismissal (No Eagles Nest)
June 1 - Valleybrook Swim Party (12:00 - 2:30)
June 3 - 8th Grade Graduation
June 4 - Last day of School - Noon Dismissal
June 11 - Report Cards mailed home
Hawks Hollow Farm
7615 Bradshaw Rd, Kingsville, MD 21087

Friday, May 14th (No School this Day)

9AM-11AM Session: PreK 3, PreK 4, K & 1st

11:30AM-1:30PM Session: 2nd, 3rd & 4th

Parents will be responsible for transporting their students to and from the event. Each child will need to have a grownup with them to participate, so plan to stay for the event or arrange for another parent/grandparent to accompany them. Feel free to bring a snack and a water bottle. If you have children in both sessions and want to only attend one session with all the kids, we ask that you attend the second session and let Leslie Steppe know ahead of time @ [email protected]. Each session is limited to 50 students, so please do not bring younger or older siblings whose classes didn't qualify for the event. Thank you, again, for your amazing support of St. Paul's.

Please have your child wear their mask and sign and send in your waiver form before the event next Friday (link below).
Back by popular demand!
St. Paul's will have it's
Field Day on June 1st!
We will run events so the classes will stay/compete in their groupings. Stay tuned for more details to follow. We will need volunteers. If you are interested in helping please contact Steve Mikros at

Things to remember:

  • Students and Volunteers will wear masks at school
  • School Dismissal is at 12PM
  • There is no Eagles Nest June 1st
  • We will NOT be providing lunch on June 1st, like in the past, plan accordingly
  • ValleyBrook Swim Party will follow immediately (12 - 2:30PM)
  • We will respect and follow Valleybrook's covid protocols
We are pleased to share that Mrs. Janet Coons (Kindergarten) and Ms. Carrie Rye (Middle School) recently completed a 7-month technology program called TEC21, named for Technology Enriched Classrooms, designed for teaching and learning in the 21st Century. In a series of workshops offered for the first time this year to Lutheran schools throughout the Southeastern district, Mrs. Coons and Ms. Rye joined other teachers in a close-knit cohort each month. The TEC21 program focuses on learning new educational technologies to engage, motivate, and educate children. This unique workshop series, planned and taught by Ms. Tracey Gove (Middle School), welcomed a group of Lutheran educators from Virginia and Maryland to examine, question, evaluate, and understand technology, while developing practical applications for their own classrooms. While this program is new to the Southeastern district this year, the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod has similar workshop cohorts running throughout the country, and even internationally, concluding the 12th year of operation this May. We look forward to two more teachers taking on the exciting challenge next school year, as Mrs. Schildwachter (Middle School) and Ms. Brant (2nd Grade) join Ms. Gove in her next TEC21 workshop series this fall.  

Attached are photos of "Celebration Day," which is a day that each participant shares ways they have experimented with new technologies in their classrooms to engage, motivate, and educate their students. 

These are the first cohort graduates of TEC21 for the Southeastern district as this nationwide program was newly introduced to our district last spring. 

Another photo is the afternoon of a workshop day, when participants are given independent time to develop ways to implement the tools into their curriculum. 

To read more about it, visit www.tec21connect.com

Dear St. Paul's families,
The time has come to replace the Church and Church/School office roof after many years of patching and plugging. After applying some grant funding to the project, we need to raise the remainder of the replacement estimate of $48,803. Due to the urgency of the need we are scheduled to begin work in early June of this summer 2021.  Please consider donating to the New Roof Fund Drive. As always, donations can be given on-line through the church or school website, by mailing a check to the main office or through weekly church offering. Please note 'New Roof' on your donation so we can properly designate funds.

Thanks so much for your consideration - every dollar helps!

Matt Shull and the Property Committee
Reminder from the School Nurse

Make sure you send in an extra mask for your students. Masks may need to be refreshed after recess outside. Thank you

Thank You to our Corporate Sponsors!!!
Diamond Corporate Sponsors
The Knight Family

Harry & Scott Sanders

The Lehnhoff Family
The Schaum,
VanGelder, and Veaux Family
The Eberwein Family
The Sychuk Family
Silver Corporate Sponsors

The Class Family
The Sychuk Family
The Seeger Family
The Majchrzak Family
Centerpiece Sponsors
SPLS Partner Sponsors
Scott Davidson - Real Estate Professional, Advanced Realty Bel Air,
Thomas Keister, Merle Trich, The Fussell Famliy,
Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra, Grant Hughes Construction,
Legacy Search Advisors, Szeliga Family, Musicland - Bel Air, Sharon Garrison, Dzambasow Consulting,
Lassahn Funeral Home, Carol Roberts
Towne Grill & Pub - Joppatown, Michele Buttion,
Wendel & Dawn Robson,
Ellen, Sue and Gil Thompson, 1st Grade Class,
Bonnie Williams, 4th Grade Class, Karen Dojan,
PH Heating & Air Conditioning, Home Depot