Weekly Update
John Thornburg
Dear Parents,

Welcome back from spring break! I hope all of our families were able to spend time together and re-energize for the remainder of the school year. As you know, Governor Baker has closed the use of school buildings until the end of the academic year. The news was not surprising, but it was disappointing. We will be discussing our plans to close out the year for grades 9-11 on Wednesday, April 29 from 4-5 PM during my Coffee with the Headmaster on GoToMeeting. During our time together, I will share with you the end-of-year details and answer any questions you may have.

Our outstanding Senior Class of 2020 is in our hearts and minds at this time. We had hoped to hold our traditional "in-person" events, but the continuation of school closure without an identified reopening date is problematic. We are currently creating a full virtual Senior Week schedule for sometime in June. Our hope is that this re-imagined Senior Week in June (date TBD) will be a worthy celebration for our seniors. And, we would still like to plan a live fall event after the Shelter-In-Place order has lifted so that our recent graduates can return and celebrate together.

Thank you for your support and your prayers as we continue to move forward with our goals for this year.

John K. Thornburg
What's New?
Teaching Hands-On Classes Online
"Isolation breeds creativity" holds a very literal meaning when it comes to teaching engineering classes online. I never thought that my engineering classes could be held without the lab, the tools, the 3-D printer and the desktops loaded with software that help students solve problems. But, what is life without a good challenge? During the COVID-19 outbreak, healthcare providers have faced a shortage of medical supplies and they are sometimes required to wear the same N95 mask for the entire shift. Using this shortage as a teachable moment for my Engineering Design class, the students became excited about this worthy cause. In fact, our class is now working to redesign the N95 masks using Computer-aided design software to accommodate the need for healthcare workers to drink fluids without touching or contaminating their masks. Students learned completely new, home-accessible software and reverse-engineered products using household items. We have been using G-suites, CodeHS and Onshape Educator plan to augment the learning experience. With Zoom's screen sharing capability, I can provide remote one-on-one support for students just as I would in a physical classroom.  
What I miss most about being at 99 Crystal St. is the chance to spend time with our graduating seniors as they finish their final weeks. I started my MC career with the students and they will always be special to me. The current situation has brought us closer together as a school community and the support of administration, staff and faculty has been beyond amazing. I look forward to returning to the building, to the routine and my multiple cups of coffee a day soon!

Mrs. Saman Abbas
Technology and Engineering Teacher
Friday Funday - Week 2
Take a look at our Plus Ultra Pet video from last Friday! All of the pictures can be found on the website under Student Life - Friday Funday. Congratulations to the winner, Courtney Casaletto ’22 and her dog Bubba.

This Thursday will be a Pajama Tag Day for all students, and everyone is encouraged to submit a selfie for Friday’s "Pajama Selfie" Contest! Please submit pictures before noon on Friday to mccormackj@maldencatholic.org .

The HUNT IS ON! On Friday, May 1 from 3-4 PM we will also be hosting a Virtual Scavenger Hunt. Please email mccormackj@maldencatholic.org for an invite or register through the link below.

MC UnGala - Thursday at 6 PM
We’re just three days away from Malden Catholic’s UnGala- A Day of Caring and we’re calling on you to join us on Thursday, April 24 for a 24-hour community effort to raise support for our MC students and programming.

Our goal is to achieve a record level of participation and raise $50,000 for this unprecedented Day of Caring. The easiest way to get involved is by making a gift online. You can further increase your impact by joining us at 6 PM for our Virtual UnGala Party and participate in our live event with the Headmaster, senior leadership, student, alumni and faculty. Sign up today!

To donate, click here or text 'MC' to 41-444.
June SAT Cancelled
The College Board announced that it has cancelled the June administration of the SAT. If you have registered for that test date, you will either receive a refund or be given the opportunity to register for the SAT exam in August, September, or October.

To accommodate test takers, the College Board intends to introduce a September SAT test date as health and safety allows, as well as maintain the late August and early October dates. Test registration will open early for next year's seniors before other students can register. It will be important to pay attention to registration dates. If you have questions about how standardized testing will affect admissions next year, please reach out to your counselor. 

Inspiration from MC Athletics
Stay positive, stay focused, stay strong... United We Rise!

MC coaches, athletes and our athletic administrative staff worked hard and put together a video designed to lift your spirits and remind us that together, we can accomplish anything.
Defying the Odds
Malden Catholic's Chief of Staff, Sean Hurley '97, was very grateful and relieved to learn that his wife's grandmother had fully recovered from COVID-19.

Sophie Avouris, of Yonkers, New York, beat the COVID-19 virus at the age of 102 and the doctors said that this recovery was nothing short of "miraculous."

MC Helps Those at Medford Senior Center
Our amazing MC families have helped support and inspire our community by providing over 60 masks and messages of hope for the Malden Senior Center. We would like to thank the Bragg family, Christina Autilio and Lily Baglio for the masks and uplifting MC posters.
Campus Ministry
A Prayer to Heal Stress
Thank you to Campus Minister, Dr. Baccari, for making a prayer video to help us stay calm and to heal our stress during these challenging times.

All of the Campus Ministry prayers can be found on our MC YouTube page.
Rosary - Tuesday at 2 PM
Campus Ministry will be hosting a Virtual Rosary on Tuesday at 2 PM. This is a great way to connect with fellow MC students and families.

Please email campusministry@maldencatholic.org to receive an invite.
Prayer Intentions
When we get together to pray with students, parents and teachers, we always include community prayer intentions. If you have a special intention of someone in need, please email us at: campusministry@maldencatholic.org .  
Moms in Prayer - Tuesday at 5 PM
Campus Ministry is holding Moms in Prayer on Tuesday, at 5 PM. This is just another a great way to connect with members of our MC community.

Information for All
Our MC Heroes
Malden Catholic would like to acknowledge the act of Plus Ultra from all first responders and individuals on the front line. Scott Elias '96, emergency room technician at Beth Israel Lahey Health, has been working around the clock to treat patients with the COVID-19 virus.

“It is a different time in the Emergency Room. Every day we have new protocols and things are constantly changing. It is an amazing sight to see how everyone comes together every day not only to help care for the patients that walk through our doors, but also for each other."
Resources for Small Businesses
The State of Massachusetts has provided guidelines and resources for small business owners who are struggling due to the financial impact of the COVID-19 virus.

This includes state and federal relief loans, essential service guidelines, and more.