C i t y   o f   S o l a n a   B e a c h


F e b r u a r y 1 7 ,  2 0 2 3

The following is provided as an update regarding City news, programs, and services.

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Community News & Events

Random Acts of Kindness Day

The City is proud to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day today, February 17th. On this day we celebrate, honor and encourage random acts of kindness in our community. Simple acts of kindness are contagious, and the collective power of kindness can change our attitudes towards one another and our sense of well being. When we are KIND, we inspire others to BE KIND, and it creates a ripple effect that spreads outwards. 

By adopted resolution, the City is an official “City of Kindness,” and is committed to fostering a culture of kindness among City government, schools, businesses, residents, and visitors. We encourage you to participate in help spreading kindness in Solana Beach! 

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La Colonia Park Master Plan Workshop

The City will be holding a workshop to solicit input on an update to the La Colonia Park Master Plan on Saturday, February 25th, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, at La Colonia Community Center. This Workshop will be held at the La Colonia Community Center in an effort to better accommodate local residents. After a brief presentation from the consultant team, attendees will be invited to participate in a guided tour of La Colonia Park so that they can provide input on what changes to the Master Plan and improvements to the Park they would like to see. Attendees will also be able to view the vacant lot to the north of the Skate Park to get a perspective of the site with the goal of providing input on what improvements/amenities could be provided to increase the recreational opportunities for the community. 

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Santa Fe Irrigation District Pipeline Construction

Santa Fe Irrigation District (SFID), the purveyor of water for a majority of the City of Solana Beach, is scheduling to upgrade the water pipeline system at the intersection of Lomas Santa Fe and El Viento, in Glenmont between El Viento and the water reservoir site (Larrick Resevoir), in Granados between El Viento and Cliff Street, and in Cliff Street Between Granados and Glenmont. This work is necessary to replace older water pipes that have exceeded their useful life. This project is scheduled to start in early March and will last until November 2023, weather permitting. Due to this significant construction activity which involves heavy equipment and roadway trenching, parts of the roadway segments mentioned above will be partially closed during typical construction hours (7:00 am to 3:30 pm). Additionally, some of these roadway segments will be fully closed for limited hours. Appropriate directional signage and construction personnel will facilitate vehicular movement through the area. In the event that construction might block access to residential driveways, residents will be notified 3 days in advance. 

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NCTD Frequent Rider Discount Fare

North County Transit District (NCTD) announced the launch of a new, discounted fare product for the COASTER train to meet the needs of the hybrid workforce, as well as provide flexibility for leisure travelers and frequent riders. The COASTER 5-Pack and COASTER 10-Pack, which are new pilot fare products, provide customers with five or ten individual days of unlimited COASTER and regional transit system use within a limited time from the initial purchase. The new fare products are ideal for employees with a hybrid work schedule who go to the office periodically or who want to take transit as an alternative to their regular commute. In addition, the products provide flexibility and savings for frequent riders who take in ballgames, attend concerts or other events.

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City Hall Holiday Closure

In observance of President's Day, City Hall and all non-essential City buildings will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2023. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. Essential City services and emergency response will be available during this time.

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Employment Opportunities 

Come join the City of Solana Beach Team and discover how you can make a difference. The City is currently recruiting for the following positions:

Fire Prevention Specialist
Seasonal Ocean Lifeguard

Visit the City’s Career Page to learn more and to submit your online application!

Public Meetings

City Council meetings are held in-person in the Council Chambers at City Hall. All meetings are also subject to cancellation. Please refer to the City's Public Meetings page for updates, meeting schedules, directions on submitting a public comment, or for more information.

Upcoming Meetings

City Council

Upcoming City Council Meeting

Wednesday, February 22th, at 6:00 PM

Next Regular City Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

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