Mary Magdalene Church

~Weekly Update~

Happy New Year!

Mary Magdalene Church is an inclusive church in the Catholic tradition where people from all faiths and backgrounds are welcome to the Lord’s table. We strive to live the values that Jesus taught, to honor and respect each individual and to share the joy of God’s unconditional love in our community and beyond.

Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash

~A Message from Rev. Lori~

Dear Denise,

Happy New Year, Mary Magdalene Church! If you were with us this past Sunday, you will not be surprised to hear that I've had many questions about the history of lynching in this country. Please allow me to recommend some excellent resources on the topic. For an exploration of lynching in the United States, check out this. For a look at the history of lynching as it pertains to Christianity in the United States, take a look here. And for a website that documents lynchings, click here.

Of particular note for this week is something I became aware of only after I spoke last Sunday. The Ecumenical Catholic Communion will be organizing a trip to confront our country's history of lynching and racism this coming spring. Stay tuned for more information! We will be sure to include it in a future bulletin.

Thank you for all you do to heal the world by being willing to learn and to love. I am so grateful to walk with each and every one of you!

All the love,

Rev. Lori

Love Links

Click here for a little love this week....

Prayer Concerns

  • Lucille Clark
  • Joann Corso
  • Sue Powers
  • Regina
  • Wendy
  • Jennifer Dry Desanto
  • Lindell
  • McKenna
  • Johanna
  • Barbara
  • Ed Herrick
  • Charlie Gardner
  • Marty and Tony Martelli
  • Brian
  • Edie
  • Dylan
  • All victims of domestic violence
  • Mary Jo
  • John Joe Murphy
  • Lacey and Tom
  • Jim Kelly
  • Tony and AJ
  • Rebecca
  • Marilyn
  • Mary Tantillo
  • Bill Smith
  • The Cassidy Family
  • Family and friends of all victims of violence
  • Sarah and her family
  • Aidan and his family
  • Justin
  • Lorien
  • Kayla
  • All who are struggling with mental illness, suicidal thoughts and addiction

Do you have someone you

want us to pray for?


To add someone to the prayer list, contact:

Sue Gerber or Joann Corso


We will include your prayer request in our Prayers of the People for two weeks. If you'd like us to continue praying for the same need longer,

please just send an email! We'll be happy to do so.


If you'd like to join our team of "pray-ers" and be notified where there are

prayer needs, please send an email to Sue Gerber.

Watch last Sunday's Mass on Facebook or YouTube here! Join us any day or time you like. And let us know you are watching by leaving comments in the FB chat or emailing

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Online Mass Attendance

Facebook Views: 29

YouTube Views: 83

Thank you for joining us!

If for some reason we are unable to stream live, our Mass will always be posted on YouTube the following Monday morning.

From Your Social Justice Ministry...

Happy New Year! Let’s all say a prayer for a peaceful and understanding 2025! May we learn to work together even when there may be a difference of opinion. Kindness will be key this year. We wanted to share with you some opportunities to learn and celebrate the great Martin Luther King. 

The United Church of Pittsford, 123 S. Main St., Pittsford, NY, 14534 will host the series “MLK, Living the Dream” during the months of January and February. These events will highlight some of the work that embodies the spirit of Dr. King. Click here for more information. All events are free and open to everyone!

January 20th is Martin Luther King Day. Pachamama Alliance Rochester and the Third Presbyterian Church invite the greater Rochester and Monroe County community to come together as one to Inaugurate Hope and Re-Ignite the Dream. This event will be held at 2:30 PM Monday, January 20th at the Third Presbyterian Church, 4 Meigs St, Rochester. It will offer inspiring speakers, stirring music and the compelling words of Rev. Dr. King that kept the dream alive in the face of fire hoses, police dogs, billie clubs, and jail sentences. Join us as we inaugurate hope and re-ignite the dream of a better world within each of our own hearts.

Things to do at MMC!

Pastoral Search Committee Nominations

The Board of Trustees is seeking individuals to serve on the Pastoral Search Committee. This committee will help lead the process of hiring the next pastor of Mary Magdalene Church and will be comprised of 3 members of the community and 2 board members. If you are interested or know of someone who would be a good candidate for this important role, please submit your nomination by January 5th. You can find the ballot box in the hallway on the table.  

Money Ball!

This fundraising event is open to all parishioners and the public! Balls/numbers are available for purchase now! The proceeds will benefit Mary Magdalene Church and our InReach/OutReach ministries. Click here for an informational flyer. Contact Tammy Drollette to purchase a ball if you are not able to do so in person. 


Mary Magdalene Church Book Study

January 7th is just around the corner!! Join us in our next book discussion will be The Art of Living, by Thich Nhat Hanh. We will begin on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30 PM (Zoom and the library). We meet every two weeks. Since winter is always so tricky we will meet on Zoom on bad weather evenings. A new Zoom link will be sent to you when you register. Please contact Joyce Martelli at so that we know you are interested. We hope you will join us!

Snow Angels


It's that time of year again when we ask for volunteers to help clear the sidewalks and steps of snow and ice on Sunday mornings. We have a power shovel that is relatively easy to use and several regular shovels. Rock salt is available inside the back door and near the elevator in the front of the church. You would need to arrive to church early, between 9:15-9:30. Many hands make light work! If you can help please contact Sue. Thank you!

East Rochester Resource Center - December Pantry Needs

Click here for a list of November's pantry needs. Your items may be dropped off outside the church office. Thank you for your continued support!

Lost & Found

Are you missing a pair of sunglasses, your favorite hat, a water bottle? Check out the bin in hallway under the welcome sign. We've got quite the collection of items found in the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall! Unclaimed items will eventually be donated.

Children's Ministry 2024-2025

You can find this year's schedule here and on our website calendar. If you would like to sign your child up, please contact the office.

Knit, Purl, Crochet & Pray Ministry


Please join us and put your needles and hooks to good use bringing comfort and prayers to those in need! Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is open to all parishioners who wish to participate at home. Feel free to borrow the book Knitting into the Mystery - A Guide to the Shawl-Knitting Mystery found in the shawl basket. We are need shawls of all sizes! Place your completed shawl in the basket by the altar or in Sue Gerber’s office.

Ministry Sign Up Sheets Available!

Want to become more involved on Sunday? Consider one of many opportunities such as serving as a lector or Eucharistic minister, reading the Prayers of the People, or hosting a coffee hour. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board. If you have questions about any of these ministries, Rev. Lori or Sue would be happy to answer them. Thanks for your help!

Things to do in the community!

The offerings listed below are brought to us by members of our community who want you to know what is available!  Contact information is always provided so that you can find out more. Please know these offerings do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Mary Magdalene Church.

Documentary: Running to Stand Still

A special screening of “Running to Stand Still: Migrants Search for Hope in the Promised Land” will take place on Jan. 7 at Wood Library in Canandaigua. Hosted by Worldwide Documentaries and Called to Care, the 25-minute film highlights migrant experiences in search of a better life.

The event begins at 5 p.m. and includes a Q&A session and a slideshow showcasing Called to Care’s refugee resettlement efforts. Admission is free, but registration is encouraged via the library’s website. For more details, visit

2025 MLK Living the Dream Series

The United Church of Pittsford, 123 S. Main St., Pittsford, NY, 14534 will again host the series “MLK, Living the Dream” throughout the months of January and February. These events will highlight some of the work that embodies the spirit of Dr. King. Click here for more information. All events are free and open to everyone!

A Course In Miracles Study Groups

Dory Deisenroth will be starting two new ACIM study groups for 2025 beginning the last week in January.

On Tuesdays, a group studying the text will meet via Zoom from 6pm EST to 7:30pm EST. On Thursdays, a group will be meeting to study the lessons via Zoom from 6pm to 7:30pm. Both classes will meet weekly for a year.

The text study group will start on January 28 and meet for one year. The lesson study group will start on January 30 and meet each Thursday for one year.

If interested or if you have questions regarding these offerings please contact Dory at

Healing Circle

The healing circle is open to everyone! We join together with others to offer healing through connection to the Holy Spirit/Jesus/God. This healing circle offers healing for anyone or any situation in need of healing. We will spend thirty minutes in prayer offering names of people and situations to God/Jesus/ Holy Spirit for healing....this is a time of reflection and communion!

We meet via Zoom the first Friday of every month. Contact Dory Deisenroth at for more information and the Zoom link.

Please email Dory if you have someone or some situation in need of healing that you would like us to pray for.

CALM Ministry


CALM Ministry is a ministry of listening. We believe the gift of listening helps to alleviate suffering and that the gift of presence is one of the greatest gifts we can offer another. If you are hurting or lonely, we have trained soul-listeners who offer time and space to truly listen in a confidential and non-judgmental manner. CALM Ministers are not counselors and do not offer advice. They do, however, offer a warm heart and a soft landing place. For more information, please see our brochure, or email Lori Cunliff at

Bulletin Announcements

Do you have an announcement you would like to see included in our bulletin? Just email Sue Gerber by Tuesday at 5 pm to have your group's message or activity added to our Wednesday newsletter.

Ways to Give to MMC!


Thank you, as always, for your generosity! We have numerous ways you can choose to donate. You can use the button below to make a one-time donation, and you can contact our Office Administrator, Sue Gerber, to set up ongoing support.


If you are at least 73 years old and take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA each year, consider donating some of those funds as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to Mary Magdalene Church and enjoy some tax savings at the same time!


We also have an account with Can Kings! Your donation of cans and bottles can be made at any of the three Can King locations: 1276 Fairport Road, Fairport; 1183 Bay Road, Webster; or 505 East Main Street, Palmyra. Just let them know to put your donation down for Mary Magdalene Church! Please ask for a receipt, and if you're able please send the receipt to us, so we know to watch for your donation.


Weekly Services at Mary Magdalene Church

Wednesday Reflection

Come to church for prayer, communion and reflection every Wednesday from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Thursday Morning Contemplative Prayer


All are welcome every Thursday from 7:30-8:30 am

either in-person or via Zoom!


Join us for meditative music, reflective readings, silent contemplative prayer & communion.   


Please use the parking lot door and join us in the sanctuary. 



On Zoom: 

Meeting  ID: 814 3387 8080. The Passcode is 'presence'.

Sunday Morning Mass:

Join us in-person at 1008 Main St. in East Rochester, NY or join us virtually every Sunday at 10 am on Facebook Live or YouTube!


~ Join Us on Zoom ~

Coffee Hour after Mass on Sunday at 11:00 am

Church Office Hours


In general, our church is open the following hours:


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10-3 pm

Saturday: Happily by appointment!

Please contact Reverend Lori.

*Please note: These hours may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

If you would like to make an appointment to see Reverend Lori,

please email her directly. Click here for our Church Calendar!

Rev. Lori Vail



Phone: 585-353-5954


Bishop Denise Donato

Pastor Emeritus


Phone: 585-329-0895

Betty Jerabeck

Candidate for Diaconate



Sue Gerber

Parish Administrator


Phone: 585-586-4104

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