Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday is Pentecost. Wear Red!!!
What a fitting day for the convergence of Pentecost, High School Graduation Blessings, and my last Sunday. I will be wearing the red stole I wore at my ordination. Can’t think of a better way to go out.
Sunday is not about me. It is about the Church. It is about Rejoice Lutheran Church. However, it will include a special focus on graduates.
I am sure some are now fearful for Rejoice in finding a new pastor. I’ve had multiple people share their anxiety for losing people during the interim period. I understand those fears.
But, Pentecost, is a reminder that you have all the power you need in the Holy Spirit. You have an advocate in the Holy Spirit. You have a Comforter in the Holy Spirit. Rejoice is in the hands of the Spirit and you can trust God to provide.
Keep the main thing the main thing. I spoke last Sunday on love being at the heart of our faith. It is the main thing.
Micah 6:8 will be my focus in my sermon, another reminder of the main thing. Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. That is all God wants from us. Do it in love.
We pray: Dear Holy One, thank you for your timely reminder that you are the wind, breath and Spirit of Rejoice Lutheran Church. Without the Spirit, we are helpless and likely to stray. Embolden us to live faithfully to the heart of our faith, while we hand over all the results of faithful living to you to bless. Fill graduates with your Spirit as they venture out in new directions in life, and grant them meaning and purpose in whatever they choose in life. Amen
Pastor Jim