In this issue...

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Order of Worship
  • Important Reminders
  • Graduate Blessing
  • Rejoice Activities
  • Community Events
  • Prayers and Links



Dear Friends, 


This coming Sunday is Pentecost.  Wear Red!!! 


What a fitting day for the convergence of Pentecost, High School Graduation Blessings, and my last Sunday.  I will be wearing the red stole I wore at my ordination.  Can’t think of a better way to go out. 


Sunday is not about me.  It is about the Church.  It is about Rejoice Lutheran Church.  However, it will include a special focus on graduates.   


I am sure some are now fearful for Rejoice in finding a new pastor.  I’ve had multiple people share their anxiety for losing people during the interim period.  I understand those fears. 


But, Pentecost, is a reminder that you have all the power you need in the Holy Spirit.  You have an advocate in the Holy Spirit.  You have a Comforter in the Holy Spirit.  Rejoice is in the hands of the Spirit and you can trust God to provide.   


Keep the main thing the main thing.  I spoke last Sunday on love being at the heart of our faith.  It is the main thing. 


Micah 6:8 will be my focus in my sermon, another reminder of the main thing.  Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.  That is all God wants from us.  Do it in love. 


We pray:  Dear Holy One, thank you for your timely reminder that you are the wind, breath and Spirit of Rejoice Lutheran Church.  Without the Spirit, we are helpless and likely to stray.  Embolden us to live faithfully to the heart of our faith, while we hand over all the results of faithful living to you to bless.  Fill graduates with your Spirit as they venture out in new directions in life, and grant them meaning and purpose in whatever they choose in life.  Amen 

Pastor Jim

Order of Worship

May 28, 2023 ~ 9:30am  

Day of Pentecost 

High School Graduation Recognition 


Welcome to Worship 

Here I am to Worship 

Psalm 104:24-34, 35b (responsively) 

 Spirit of God ELW 800 v.1,4 

 Prayer of the Day 

 Children’s Message 

 Welcome & Announcements 

 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 

 Gospel ~ John 20:19-23 


 Do Justice 

 Graduation Recognition 

Brayden Hard, Natalie VanNurden, Tucker Waling 

  Offering/People of Hope 

 Offering Prayer  

 Invitation to Holy Communion 

 Prayers of the Church 

 Lord’s Prayer 

 Distribution/Spirit of Gentleness ELW #396 v.1-4 

As the Deer  

Spirit Song 

 Post Communion Prayer 


 Go, My Children with My Blessing 


*Limited number of hymnals available to use at each entrance to the Sanctuary 

Important Reminders

Calling all Rejoice members....... Consider joining our Transition Team NOW.   Prior to our call committee search for Rejoice's new Pastor, we need a team of dedicated members to gather information: 

What does Rejoice need? What do we want?

Why would a new Pastor want to come serve at Rejoice? 

Writing a Ministry Site Profile and getting input from all Rejoice Members is the only way we can accurately do this!  Please prayerfully consider joining this team to complete this important step in calling a new pastor. Contact Susan Chwalek for more information and to join the team.

Please consider purchasing and/or selling our Rejoice Savings Card. This savings card will raise money for Rejoice and community ministries such as the relocation of the food shelf. 

Blessing Our High School Graduates

On Sunday May 28, we will be blessing our high school graduates and their families.  If you wish your student to be included please let the church office know and complete the following by

Sunday, May 14th:

* Fill out a graduate bio form

* Submit a picture to the church office

Forms available on the Youth and Family table and online. We will be happy to post your Open House on our Grad board too! 


Vacation Bible School is coming! Watch for more information coming soon. If you are willing to lead and/or help with VBS or have any questions, please email Carolyn Bissell.

Helpers needed for story time, snack time, games, crafts, or music.


Grass mowing has started!

Volunteers are needed, no commitment, just show up for a little while

and lend a helping hand.

Contact Paul Amundson or call 320-224-6119.


Fall Festival Planning

Calling all Fall Festival Teams & Volunteers! 

Mark your calendars & come with ideas and suggestions Monday June 5, 2023 at 6:30pm.* 

Park & enter through the Education Wing.

Interested but cannot attend? Please contact:

Chari Ahrenholz 320-492-1196 or

Leah Ahrenholz 320-492-1759 

*Reflects time change from original schedule

Rejoice Links


Online Giving




Upcoming Events at Rejoice

  • Sunday, May 28: Graduate Recognition & Blanket Blessing
  • Monday, June 5 at 6:30pm: Fall Festival planning meeting, all are welcome!

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-3

  • Doors open for walking 9-2:30. Ring the buzzer by Door 1 (office entrance)

Community Food Rescue [Free groceries for all]

  • Sundays following worship in the Education Wing

Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Mondays at 7pm

Women's Bible Study

  • Third Tuesday monthly
  • 10:00 a.m.

Yoga for All

  • Wednesday mornings
  • 9:00 a.m.
  • $10 per class or $32 per month
  • Senior discount: $9 per class or $25 per month

Stitch and Pray

  • Wednesday afternoons
  • 1:00 p.m. in the Rejoice Good News Library
  • Bring your knitting needles and crochet hooks to make prayer shawls for those that are experiencing health or spiritual challenges
  • All levels of skill are welcome

Young @ Heart

  • Third Thursday monthly
  • Doors open at 10:30 a.m. for card playing and fellowship
  • Lunch at 11:30 a.m. followed by short program
  • Mark your calendar and call Carol at 320.558.6851 to reserve your spot for a couple of hours of fun and fellowship! Don't forget to invite a friend to join you!

Area Happenings 

See the COMMUNITY EVENTS board for current flyers.

Prayer Concerns (* indicates member)

If you have a loved one or friend in need of prayer, please use one of the prayer concern requests located on the round table in Celebration Hall and in the Welcome pads. The star(*) in front of a name denotes a Rejoice member. Requests will be printed for up to four weeks; call the church office at 320.558.6851 to extend listing. If a name of a friend or loved one has been omitted please resubmit the name and/or concern using one of the prayer concern forms found in the red Welcome Pads in the worship area. 

Receiving Treatment for Cancer:

Thomas Beebe (Jim Lanes)

Judi Schill (mother, Chris Schill)

John Swan (friend, Ron & Lynn Schneider)

*Kent Asheim

*Martha Johnson

Sharon Wallace (Lori Lanes)

Duane Pingeon (friend, Lori Lanes)

Layne Lavandowska (friend, Lori Lanes)

*Lorraine Bluhm

*Pete Lidberg


*Darlene Johnson

*Lee Monk

*Charlie Johnson

Malissa Bechtold (neighbor, Jim & Lori Lanes)

*Marlys Johnson

*Elaine Niesche

*Duane Johnson

Rejoice Staff

Jim Bump Lead Pastor

Janelle Rudningen Music Coordinator

Carol Eich Office Coordinator

Lisa Pridgeon Office Assistant

| 320.558.6851 | http://www.rejoicelutheranchurch.org |

Additional Links




SWMN Synod

God Pause