A message from Pastor Karleen
Happy Friday! It’s been a busy week as folks are making final preparations for the Fall Festival on Saturday. I even had my first experience watching the preparations for lutefisk. 😊
After the party is over on Saturday, Sunday will come. And this Sunday, we are moving into the book of Exodus, which begins with the transition, "Now a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph."
There’s no backstory given, but we quickly learn that Jacob’s twelve sons have grown and multiplied over the generations in Egypt to become a “people.” We’re introduced to Moses who, according to Exodus 6, is the great-grandson of Levi, Joseph’s brother, suggesting that the Israelites had been in Egypt for several generations. By this time, they have become enslaved by the king. Sunday’s story is that of the 10th plague, how Israel was spared, and how the people are to remember.
Through this story, we learn that God gives us ways to remember and celebrate God’s deliverance in our own lives.
Enjoy Fall Festival! See you on Sunday.
Pr. Karleen
PS: It’s so much easier to remember your name and your face if we can sit down for a conversation. If you’d like to meet me for coffee, lunch, or after work, feel free to schedule a time. You can do it here, or send me an email (pastor@rejoicelutheranchurch.org), or a text (320-406-1626).