In this issue...

  • Pastor's Message
  • Important Reminders
  • Rejoice Activities
  • Community Events
  • Prayers and Links


A message from Pastor Karleen

Happy Friday! It’s been a busy week as folks are making final preparations for the Fall Festival on Saturday. I even had my first experience watching the preparations for lutefisk. 😊 


After the party is over on Saturday, Sunday will come. And this Sunday, we are moving into the book of Exodus, which begins with the transition, "Now a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph." 


There’s no backstory given, but we quickly learn that Jacob’s twelve sons have grown and multiplied over the generations in Egypt to become a “people.” We’re introduced to Moses who, according to Exodus 6, is the great-grandson of Levi, Joseph’s brother, suggesting that the Israelites had been in Egypt for several generations. By this time, they have become enslaved by the king. Sunday’s story is that of the 10th plague, how Israel was spared, and how the people are to remember. 


Through this story, we learn that God gives us ways to remember and celebrate God’s deliverance in our own lives.  


Enjoy Fall Festival! See you on Sunday. 


Pr. Karleen 


PS: It’s so much easier to remember your name and your face if we can sit down for a conversation. If you’d like to meet me for coffee, lunch, or after work, feel free to schedule a time. You can do it here, or send me an email (, or a text (320-406-1626).

This Week's Order of Worship

Important Reminders

Thursday, October 17: Young@Heart with a return visit from Our Friend, Charlie Roth. Call the church office to RSVP.

Fall Festival

September 28: 10am-5:30pm

See You There!


Rejoice Links


Online Giving




Upcoming Events at Rejoice

*September 28: Fall Festival

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9-3

  • Doors open for walking 9-2:30. Ring the buzzer by Door 1 (office entrance)

Community Food Rescue [Free groceries for all]

  • Sundays following worship in the Education Wing

Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Mondays at 7p

Women's Bible Study

  • Third Tuesday monthly
  • 10a

Stitch and Pray

  • Wednesday afternoons
  • 1p in the Rejoice Good News Library
  • Bring your knitting needles and crochet hooks to make prayer shawls for those that are experiencing health or spiritual challenges
  • All levels of skill are welcome

Young @ Heart

  • Third Thursday monthly
  • Doors open at 10:30a for card playing and fellowship
  • Lunch at 11:30a followed by short program
  • Mark your calendar and call the office at 320.558.6851 to reserve your spot for a couple of hours of fun and fellowship! Don't forget to invite a friend to join you!

Area Happenings  

Benefit for Rylie Bunting October 12 11am-3pm at Up the Creek Bar & Grill, Silver Creek.

See the COMMUNITY EVENTS board for current flyers.

Prayer Concerns

If you have a loved one or friend in need of prayer, please use one of the prayer concern requests located on the round table in Celebration Hall and in the Welcome pads. Requests will be printed for up to four weeks; call the church office at 320.558.6851 to extend listing. If a name of a friend or loved one has been omitted please resubmit the name and/or concern using one of the prayer concern forms found in the red Welcome Pads in the worship area. 

Receiving Treatment for Cancer:

John Swan (friend of Ron and Lynn Schneider)

Missy Cook (friend of Ron and Lynn Schneider)

Mary Yerbich (cousin, Lori Lanes)

Vern Scott (friend, Lee and Rosemary Monk)


Elaine Erickson (mom, Linda Allen & Carol Eich)

Ryan Lanes (son, Jim Lanes)

Edith Johnson

Pat (sister, Wally Westerberg)

Barbara Suchomel, (mother, Kirk Suchomel)

Duane Johnson

Matha Bradford

Daniel Kroll (nephew, Lori Lanes)

Darlene Johnson

Betty Loehr

Jeff (son-in-law, Ron & Carolyn Stensby}

Rejoice Staff

Karleen Jung Pastor

Janelle Rudningen Music Coordinator

Sara Nelson Office Coordinator

| 320.558.6851 | |

Additional Links




SWMN Synod

God Pause