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October 24, 2013

All School
Friday, October 25, Fall Festival:

Howdy Y'all! The City Tree Fall Festival Hoedown is tomorrow, Oct 25  from 4:30pm-7:30pm. Join us for an old fashioned fall festival and fun filled carnival with food, games, rummage sale, book sale, and prizes. Invite families and friends! All proceeds go toward the City Tree PTO to assist the school with providing enrichment, appreciation, and extra activities. Come dressed for the theme and receive free tickets!! Don't have anything or forget to dress up? We will have a limited number of hats and bandanas for sale at the event. We look forward to seeing y'all at the Fall Festival. Yeehaw!!!


Friday, October 25, Western Dress Day: 

Friday is Western Dress Day! Students are welcome to come to school dressed in their best, western attire. Please note: This is NOT a free dress day, western-themed dress allowed ONLY! Realize that our roof playground is not "cowboy boot friendly". Don't wear them boots to school, ya'll, but feel free to slip them on for the Fall Festival!


Friday, October 25, Scholastic Book Fair Begins!

The Scholastic Book Fair begins at the Fall Festival, Friday, Oct 25 in the Dining Room! It continues through the next week in the Geneva Room between 3:15-5:00pm. You can begin ordering books online NOW! Click here to see whats available for sale. Remember that for every 2 books purchased, the school gets a free book for the library! Book fair ends Friday, Nov 1.


Scholastic Book Fair Volunteers Needed:

We need help moving the book fair at the end of the Fall Festival from the Dining Room to the Geneva Room. We also need volunteers to help with the book fair sale in the afternoons during the week of October 28. Any help will be appreciated and counts towards your parent participation hours. Contact book fair coordinator Peter Tucker to volunteer.


Friday, November 1, Red Ribbon Week Canned Food Drive:

On Friday students will end Red Ribbon Week by bringing cans of food to go with our theme "Be all You 'CAN' Be". These donations will be brought forward in chapel and given to a group of families that are headed to New Orleans over Thanksgiving to provide a special meal for those still recovering from hurricane Katrina. Click here for more info about the canned food drive.

Friday & Saturday, Nov 15 & 16, 5th Annual FPC Holiday Market:

FPC's 5th Annual Holiday Market is almost here! Come and start your holiday shopping on Friday, November 15 from Noon-7pm and Saturday, November 16 from 10am-2pm. We have 30 crafters coming to show their talent as well as 5 non-profits including: Tomorrow's Project (soup mixes), Growing Liberia's Children, and many more! Lunch and dinner will be sold as well as bake sale items! This is a great time to bring family, friends, and neighbors to our school and church community. Click here to read the flyer. Contact Jean Benthien with questions and for further information.

Friday, Nov 22, Coin Drive for Growing Liberia's Children:

City Tree has a sister school in Liberia, Africa. We are having a coin drive to help our sister school. Bring back coins to chapel on Friday, Nov 22. We will collect these cans as an offering and then send the money to St. Paul's School in Liberia.

Thanks to Kathi Winnenberg:

Friday, October 25 will be Kathi Winnenberg's last day as City Tree's Office Manager. We are grateful for Kathi's 6 years of dedicated service here. She amazes us all with her multi-tasking skills! Hard work and commitment are the words that come to mind  most often when we think of Kathi. Her ministry to students, parents, and staff has impacted many and made our school a better place. A Navy change of duty station has Kathi and her family relocating to Oak Harbor, Washington. Please join us in wishing her God's best as she heads north.

More Safety Patrol Volunteers Needed:

Parents, as of right now, we are unable to adequately staff a safety patrol, and we need your help! Please sign up on your child's clipboard or on the clipboard right outside the school office if you can help!


Designate City Tree through United Way!

For thousands of busy San Diegans, workplace giving is the most convenient way to give back to our community. More than 1,000 local companies and public agencies host workplace giving campaigns each year to make it easy for their employees to get involved and promote the spirit of giving. You can designate City Tree to receive your United Way/CHAD donations. Our number is 9820. We appreciate your gifts!


Growing Liberia's Children Costume Sales Fundraiser:

Buy your Halloween costume and raise money for Growing Liberia's Children! GLC has partnered with Wholesale Costume Club to raise funds for St Paul's. Participation is easy, here' s how:

-Go to to shop for costumes

-At checkout, choose the option "become a member" - It's free, fundraisers must be members

-Enter the promo code FUN1778 in the promo code box and click "apply code" then continue with your checkout

-Your costume will be mailed directly to your home and GLC will receive 15% of your total purchase

-Click here for the official flyer

PTOParent Teacher Organization
Fall Festival, Volunteers Needed:

We need your help for the event! Here is a list of ways you can help:

-Parents and Middle School Students, we need volunteers during the event, sign-up sheets will be available on Monday, October 14 in the front entry of the school. This is an opportunity to fulfill some of your volunteers hours!

-Donate items (i.e., houseware, toys, games, jewelry, etc.) for the Rummage Sale. No Clothes Please! We will start to collect items starting Wednesday, October 16. Items can be placed on a table in the hallway next to the office.

-Donate Baked Goods for the Falcon Store Bake Sale. Bring all baked goods the morning of October 25.

-Donate Cakes for the cake walk. This is a great one to involved kids of all age groups by letting them decorate their own cake. Bring all cakes the morning of October 25.


Christmas Program Slide Show, Volunteer Needed:

Preschool is looking for one volunteer to take preschool pictures for the Preschool Christmas Program as well as put together a slide show. Pictures will be taken on a morning weekday that works for the volunteer. Volunteer is able to use their hours towards their Family Participation hours. Contact the school office if you would like to volunteer.


Monday-Friday, October 28-November 1, Red Ribbon Week:

Next week City Tree will be participating in Red Ribbon Week! Each day next week will have a different anti-drug theme. Encourage your child to participate in the special dress and themes each day. Click here to read the flyer.

Tuesday, October 29, 2nd Grade Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch:

Who: Mr. Gross' 2nd grade class

What: Visit to Oma's Pumpkin Patch

Departing: 10:15am

Return time: 3:15pm

Cost: $8 due ASAP! Pay teacher if you have not already. 

Students must bring: sack lunch and car seat!

Attire: Free dress and good walking shoes

We need parent drivers! Sign up on the clipboard.


Wednesday, October 30, Fall Mile Fun Run:

Students in grades 1-8 will be running a mile at Balboa Park. Please come out and cheer your students on, help with timing or run with your student. We need parent volunteer! Sign up to assist with the fun run on your child's clipboard. Attached is detailed information about times, student dress, and rain dates.

5th Grade Girls' Volleyball Practice:

Tuesday - 3:30-5pm, on the roof 

Thursday - 3:30-5pm, on the roof

Middle School

Last week of the 1st quarter!

Encourage your students to finish strong!


Friday, October 25, 8th Grade Leadership Camp:

Our 8th grade student leaders will be attending the annual ACSI Middle School Leadership Conference on Friday, Oct 25 with Mrs. Henzel. All students must meet at City Tree no later than 6am! Feel free to bring a sack breakfast, but lunch is provided. We will be traveling by bus to the conference in Pasadena, and plan to return at approximately 5pm (depending on traffic). Feel free to call the office after 3:00pm for an update on return time. Students much wear their FROG shirts for this trip! This is an exciting opportunity for students to work with peers from other Christian schools with a similar purpose toward service and leadership. Please contact Mrs. Henzel with questions about the trip.


Tuesday-Friday, October 22-25, 6th Grade Camp: ihc

Reminder: If you are picking up from camp on Friday, please arrive at camp no later than 1:00pm. We expect to arrive back at City Tree by 2:30pm. Feel free to call the office after 2pm for an update on arrival time. Please plan to pick up your child at that time, or if you are planning to attend Fall Festival, your child may stay until they are picked up by you at 4:30pm. We look forward to an exciting week! Check out daily pictures from this week's camp by registering at the following link. It looks like our kids are having a wonderful time!


Wednesday-Friday, October 23-25, 7th Grade Catalina:

Reminder: Our return ferry is expected to arrive in Los Angeles at approximately 1:30pm and back at City Tree by approximately 4pm. Feel free to call the office after 2:30pm for an update on expected return time.


Saturday, October 26, Science Fair Prep workshop 2 of 3:

Take advantage of this FREE workshop offered by sponsors of the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair. This is an excellent training to assist students as they work through their project. Click here for the flyer. 

Monday-Friday, October 28-November 1, Red Ribbon Week:

Next week City Tree will be participating in Red Ribbon Week! Each day next week will have a different anti-drug theme. Encourage your child to participate in the special dress and themes each day. Click here to read the flyer.


Wednesday, October 30, Fall Mile Fun Run:

Students in grades 1-8 will be running a mile at Balboa Park. Please come out and cheer your students on, help with timing or run with your student. We need parent volunteer! Sign up to assist with the fun run on your child's clipboard. Attached is detailed information about times, student dress, and rain dates.

Thursday, November 7, "Newsies" Production:

Join us at 4:30pm on Thursday, November 7 for the Middle School theater arts production, excerpts from "Newsies." Admission is free, and the doors to the chapel will open at 4:00pm. Please do not arrive prior to 4:00pm as students will still be rehearsing. Friends and family welcome! This is the culmination of a wonderful student effort during the first quarter. We look forward to this exciting show! **NOTE: ALL students must remain at school until the show is over. Dress rehearsals will begin during the school day and continue into after school.

Math Tutoring Reminder, 3:20-4:00 in Room 110:

Monday - Open to all students

Wed - Available for students who have been referred by Ms. Rahlf only.


5th Grade Girls' Volleyball Practice:

Tuesday - 3:30-5pm, on the roof 

Thursday - 3:30-5pm, on the roof


October PE Schedule:

October 30 - Mile Fun Run (10:45-12:30), Parent help needed for this event! Students should come to school in their PE uniforms and bring a change of clothes for after the run.


October Supplementary Curriculum:

Grades 6-8:

Tues/Thurs - Band or CYT Theater Arts (all students)

Looking Ahead
Friday, October 25: All school Fall Festival

Friday, October 25: Scholastic Book Fair begins 

Monday-Friday, Oct 28- Nov 1:
Red Ribbon Week

Wednesday, October 30: Mile Fun Run, Grades 1-8


Friday, November 1: Scholastic Book Fair ends

Thursday, November 7: Middle School CYT Performance @ 4:30pm 

PicturesPictures of the Week

Students always have a great time during recess on the playground. They play with different toys and games, and share wonderful fellowship time with fellow classmates and peers.

This week, the Growing Liberia's Children ministry sold baked good for our St. Paul's sister school in Liberia.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. 
Psalms 20:7 (NIV)