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Week of Dec. 24, 2023

Click the link below for this week's announcements insert that goes in the worship bulletins as well as the monthly newsletter, The Flock.

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This Week's Prayer List
LCMS "Pray for Us" Calendar

If you have a prayer request, let the office know by 9 am Thursdays. 

Please submit requests to

Kingdom Kids - PreK-5th Grade

Read more about Kingdom Kids
Grace Place- PreK-Primary
Grace Place- Elementary
Sunday- PreK-Primary
Sunday- Elementary
Christmas Eve- PK
Christmas Eve- Elementary

Christmas Activity Booklets

Click on the image and it will automatically bring up a PDF that you can download and print.

Surge Youth Ministry is about creating an environment for powerful forward motion toward a deeper faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. 

How? By flooding hearts with HOPE.

SURGE Ministry News
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Get back into God's Word

with the weekly DID YOU KNOW?

"Did You Know?" is a weekly Bible quiz from Pastor Ed Rosser. This fun activity will get you back in the Bible and make you an expert in random Bible facts!! Each week there will be new questions and the previous week's answers.

59th Edition Answers
60th Edition Questions

Previous editions are available by contacting the church office at 423.629.4661, ext. 10, or you can reply to this email and let us know which edition you need.


In lieu of sending Christmas cards, I've written a Christmas greeting from Connie, Calvin, and Clarence Cow.


Mary and Joseph have finally arrived at the stable after an arduous journey. As they unpack and light a torch, they hear the voice of Clarence the cow a resident of the stable. "Hey! Who lit that torch? I was trying to take a nap. I need my beauty rest." Calvin the cow spoke up," You sure do need your beauty rest, but it hasn't helped your looks." Connie the cow chimed in, "I think we have company. It looks like that woman just gave birth to a beautiful little baby. This is so exciting." Clarence replied, "Why did they have to pick our stable? I hope the kid doesn't cry all night." Calvin spoke, "I'll take a crying child over your thunderous snoring."

The shepherds arrived at the stable and Clarence bellows, "What's all the commotion? Now who are these guys?" Connie replied, "There you go again, Clarence, making a big fuss. Can't you see the joy in the faces of these men as they kneel before the baby?" Never to be outdone, Clarence replies, "This place is like a Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. People crowding and bumping into me."

One of the shepherds spoke to Clarence, "Do you realize who this child is?" Clarence replied, "I don't have the foggiest. What is he some kind of royalty or a King? Obviously, he's not a King. No king would be born in a stable." The shepherd replied," He is the Christ, the Son of God, who has come to fulfill the prophesies, and you are in his midst."

Connie shouted, "I knew it! The Son of God. There is something special about him; I couldn't put my hoof on it, but there is something different. Wow! I've never been in the presence of a celebrity before." Clarence spoke up."I'm glad I invited him to use my stable. I can't wait to tell the herd who visited me. I bet the others will want my autograph."

Mary spoke to Joseph,"It's been a long, hard journey, and Jesus has been awake for quite some time. All this excitement has tired us out. It's time for us to rest. Now you cows need to go to sleep, we'll see you in the morning."

Clarence yawns with sleepy eyes, "Wow! I won't sleep a wink. I'm standing next to the King of Kings."

Pastor Rosser

Hymn of the Week Bible Study

The Nativity of Our Lord - pgs. 1-7

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Click on the links below to view the Quarterly Newsletter PDF or the Devotional and Activity pages as a PDF for this week's issue of HomeTouch®.

Read the Quarterly newsletter to learn more about ministry to the Homebound. Our homebound and isolated church members have been on our minds, including those who live alone or are unable to leave their homes. We offer a quarterly newsletter for our non-homebound members to learn about ways that you can reach out and minister to our homebound members. It is very much worth the time to read it!

Winter Quarter Newsletter

Download this Week's HomeTouch Devotion and Activity Sheet.

This is mailed to our Homebound members every week. Download it to enjoy a weekly puzzle and devotion for yourself as well!

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Dec. 24, 2023 
Extra Resources

Dear friends in Christ,

As the Advent season is in full swing and Christmas Day looms closer on the calendar, you might be wondering how to remember the homebound. Because everyone is so busy in December, the challenge can be daunting. 

Perhaps you can organize a card shower so active church members adopt one or two people to remember with Christmas card greetings. Carolers can sing for them. The team can also organize a Christmas basket of gifts or goodies. And a personal visit from a team member is critical during December. For some homebound people, that may be the only visit they receive.

Many people dread the holidays, unfortunately. The season brings many responsibilities and expectations, with gifts to buy, rehearsals and functions to attend, food to bake, and on and on. For some, it’s almost too much. But other people experience great joy and anticipation! Their spirits lift at the sound of carols, their eyes widen as they view lights and joyous decorations. They love Christmas because it’s a season of hope, love, joy and peace. 

I sincerely pray these emotions flood your heart and soul in the next few weeks!

In Christ,

Timothy Merrill 


HomeTouch Ministry

News from our LCMS District

Dec. "Encourager" Newsletter
Nov. "Lutheran Witness" Newsletter Supplement

As of Dec. 18, the December Supplement has not been published.

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You can help Middle Tennessee communities impacted by the December 9 tornado outbreak through a gift to the Mid-South District's Tornado Relief Fund.

Learn more at

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The Lutheran Witness

As the Synod’s official magazine, The Lutheran Witness features stories and commentaries that interpret the contemporary world from a Lutheran Christian perspective. Learn to think and speak like a Lutheran on topics of faith, culture and family.


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Reporter is the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The print edition and provide ministry news for rostered church workers and laypersons.


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Lutherans Engage the World

A quarterly publication of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod that engages the Church in the work of witness and mercy across the globe in our life together.


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Lutheran Hour Ministries began at the grassroots level as the Lutheran Laymen’s League, a group of 12 laypeople who came together to support the church in word and deed. What began with 12 has become a movement of tens of thousands of volunteers and supporters around the globe. In 1930, “There is a God” were the first words spoken on The Lutheran Hour® radio program broadcast over the airwaves to thousands of listeners.

Today LHM shares the Gospel message with people around the world more than 163 million times each week through ministry efforts such as Bible Correspondence Courses, Outreach Training, Bible Studies, Daily Devotions and, of course, The Lutheran Hour.

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