Weekly Update:

Friday, January 17, 2025

Happy Friday, Cornerstone Family! This Sunday we're welcoming back Rev. Brad Buescher as our guest preacher. He'll be preaching on Micah 6:8 with a sermon titled, "Experiencing God". You can read more about Brad below.

Note: The church office will be closed this coming Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Brad Buescher spent 30 years as a pastor in the EPC (eight of those years serving at Covenant Chapel) before joining EPC World Outreach Staff as the Director of Strategic Trips and Engage 2025 Coordinator. His hearts desire is to raise awareness of people groups with least access to the gospel. One way he does this is by leading vision trips to places where our EPC global workers live and minister in the 10/40 Window. 

Brad and his wife, Michele, live in Overland Park and have three grown children. Their youngest, Luke, and his wife, Bianca, welcomed a baby last June which is Brad and Michele's first grandchild!

Freedom to Flourish Update

As of January 15th, we've received $117,313 toward our goal of $235K! As a reminder, Freedom to Flourish is a special campaign to pay off our mortgage between now and May 2025. Becoming debt-free instead of refinancing the loan will save Cornerstone $24K a year and avoid $120K in interest costs over 15 years. Gifts should be noted as "F2F" and can be made by check or online. If you are interested in gifting stock, please reach out to Lance Hodges in the church office. 

Next Thursday | Community Night

"Fellowship Dinner" has a new name in 2025: Community Night! Despite the new name, our focus is still the same. We'll continue to be out in the community, sharing a meal together or participating in other events and activities. Join us at our first community night of 2025! Details below!

Date: Thursday, January 23rd

Time: 6:00-7:30PM

Where: Corner Bakery Cafe, 6721 W 135th St Overland Park, KS

Details: Let's have dinner together to kick-off the new year! We look forward to seeing you!

Spring Parent Class

Looking for a community of parents? Join our parent class! We'll be discussing practical methods to partner with our children in their management of worry and anxiety. This is part two of the course, but you didn't need to participate in part one to join part two.

We'll meet on Sunday mornings from 10:05-10:50am starting February 2nd. Please purchase a copy of The Worry-Free Parent by Sissy Goff prior to attending the first session. There are several childcare options so use the links below for more details or to register.

More Details
Register Here

New Class Starts this Sunday

Cornerstone Basics is a class designed for you to learn more about the Christian faith. For the winter series, Elder Deb Swirczynski and Staff Member Jordan Robinson will lead you through a course to discover your spiritual gifts. Details and registration below!

Date: Sundays starting January 19th

Time: 10:10-10:50AM

Length: 6 sessions

Cost: $8.27 per participant book

Where: Cornerstone Library

Description: Congratulations, you're gifted! In this new class, you'll discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ. Walk away knowing the best way to put your gifts into action in 2025. We hope you can join us!

Questions? Contact Deb Swirczynski

Register Here

January Mission Focus Update

So far, we've collected 89 pounds for New Hope Food Pantry! That's awesome! Don't forget that mission bags are available in the church lobby. Fill a bag with their needed items and then place it in the mission bin my the end of this monday. Thank you for stocking their shelves for the new year!

Needed Items:

  • Peanut butter
  • Canned meat
  • Stove-top stuffing
  • Instant potatoes
  • Pasta sauce
  • Saltine crackers

February Cornerstone Classics

Time to start reading the February Cornerstone Classics book! They'll meet via Zoom on February 10th at 7:00PM to discuss The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. Use the button below to register. Questions? Contact Gene Baldwin

Register for February

Has any of your information changed? Help us keep our database current by dropping us a note on our Contact page.

Looking for links or other resources? Click or scan the QR code for quick access!

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church | 913-738-5250 | info@cornerstoneks.org
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