January 19, 2023

It's getting close... Have you registered yet?

(We just need to make sure we have enough food for everyone!)

The event will be in-person only and we will live-stream it via Vimeo.

There will be a prize for the chili with the most votes!

Click here to RSVP for the Chili Cook-off

Click here to sign up to bring a chili, salad, or topping


2023 Ranney-Balch grants are now available!

Emphasis will be given to efforts focused on congregations across the Presbytery of Detroit to carry out collaborative ministries of proclamation,

evangelism, and reconciliation. 

Targeted groups as laid out in the Ranney-Balch will are:

● The aged poor within the congregations of the Presbytery of Detroit

● Underprivileged groups within the boundaries of the Presbytery of Detroit

● Christian work among immigrants, Black people, and other underprivileged groups within our boundaries

Please click here for the application and for more information. All applications must be submitted by Friday, February 17, 2023.

On the Per Capita Sunday website, you’ll find all kinds of resources:

  • The Lectionary Reading for the day;
  • Per Capita Sunday Liturgy including Spanish and Korean translations;
  • Per Capita Hymn - "Together We Are Joined;"
  • Videos of Per Capita Sunday Minutes For Mission;
  • and a wonderful story, “Understanding Per Capita,” written by Rev. Dr. Timothy Hart-Andersen, Senior Pastor/Head of Staff at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, MN. In his story, Tim writes, “Without er capita payments that provide the funding for presbytery, synod and General Assembly, the support needed in a crisis by the congregation I now serve, would not have been there.” The story also has Spanish and Korean translations.



Saturday, February 11, 2023

at 10:00 am - 12 Noon


The Congregational Development

and Transformation Ministry Team

would like to invite all of our Elders and Deacons

to attend our 2023 training event. 

This training will include an overview of the Presbytery,

Elder-Deacon Election process, and responsibilities. 

It will also include an in-depth break-out portion for

Elders and Deacons that is pertinent to their responsibilities.


Each group will have time to ask questions and learn from experienced Teaching Elders and their equally experienced Elder and Deacon counterparts that will walk us through any issues participants would like to share with their group. 

Though the format is similar to last year’s training, we have other leaders in the presbytery leading us and we will receive new insights based on their knowledge and experience. 

Please register for this event and let us know if you are choosing the Elder or the Deacon track. 

You may register HERE through Wednesday, February 8, 2023. 

Once you register, you will receive the Zoom link.

Email any questions to Rev. Laura C. Kelsey, chair of CD&T at laura@fpcpontiac.com or call 248-727-3842. 

See you on the 11th!

The theme of the 2023 Conference in KENYA (an every three year event) is Mutually Encouraged from Romans 1:12 which says, “that we may be mutually encouraged by one another’s faith.”

After a season of distance, the Secretary General of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa notes, “We agree with the Apostle Paul that we ‘long to see you’. We will share worship, conversation, mutual learning, and encouragement.”

Because it’s an international conference there will be leaders from Scotland, Korea, Ireland, Canada, Kenya, and the United States in attendance. Joint projects will be shared and direction for future work will be highlighted.

Click here for more details.

Note the extended end time!

First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor

is pleased to announce its new creative arts series,

Open Doors, which includes musical performances,

dance, art exhibits, and talks that enrich, engage,

and are inclusive of people from a diversity

of backgrounds, experiences, and identities.

All events are free and open to the public.



Truly, it is a new season for all of us. Jesus calls us to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned and poor. By joining us on this journey, we are uniting in common mission to become a more relevant presence in the world. With God’s help and our labor, we can become a Matthew 25 church, actively engaged the world.

For a list of Matthew 25 congregations in the POD, click here.

For more information on how your church/organization can 

register as a 'Matthew 25' congregation click link here.



A Word from P & V

Revelation 21:5-6

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment."

Recently, my three-year-old son opened a book about the wonders of the universe. In this science and astronomy book, my son has been learning about the planets, their moons, the sun, the stars, the asteroids, and about powerful forces in the universe like gravity. My son knows the order of the planets and knows that Jupiter has more than 63 moons! It never ceases to amaze me how intuitive children are and how they are just sponges for information, knowledge, and learning. Everything is new for a child. Every little fact or piece of knowledge is a new thing to add to their minds. They experience so many firsts: walking, laughing, crying, heartbreak, love, something yummy, frustration, boredom, and even interesting facts about the solar system. 


           We here in the Church are far too often seemingly allergic to doing new things despite what God is doing, and I do firmly believe God is doing new things in our world. God may have ordained the flow, circuits, and dimensions of the heavenly bodies above us, but God did not stop there. God did not stop doing new things after finishing with creation. God did not stop doing new things after giving the Law to Moses. God did not stop doing new things after coming down to Earth in the person of Jesus Christ. God did not stop doing new things after dying on the cross, rising from the dead, and ascending into heaven. God did not stop doing new things after pouring out the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. God did not stop doing new things with the churches of the 1950s…


           Now some might say, “Pastor Charles, why do we need new things? What could possibly be new for us? To why, we will always experience new things and new things are coming for us. Just as a child growing up experiences new things so do all who age experience something new. Newness isn’t always as kind and rosy as being able to name the planets. Sometimes the new thing is tough to go through, something new we didn’t want for ourselves or our community. In those moments, we must trust those who went before us, who walked in the uncertainty of their newness. The faithfulness of our ancestors should not be discounted. Even more so, we trust in the God who does new things to walk beside us and guide us as only God can. New things are coming, and God will be in those new things. As to what could be new, who knows! Only God does. All I know is that whatever new things comes for our Presbytery and the people that make it up, I am looking forward to doing it together; we will do it together with our God who is making all things new. 


Happy New Year,

Pastor Charles Sadler II

The Presbytery's Anti-Racism Special Committee has openings on the committee. Anyone with a passion to work toward the eradication of systemic and institutional racism in the Detroit Presbytery is encouraged to explore opportunities to join. We are especially in need of ministers of Word and Sacrament. 

Please contact Elder Stefanie Lewis (stefanielw@aol.com) for more information. 


First Presbyterian of Saline is in need of red paraments for the pulpit, lectern, and Communion table.

If you have a set to share, please contact the church at 734-429-4140 or pastorkimberly@salinepres.org.

If you are interested, you may
Please send prayer requests to Tanya at tanya@detroitpresbytery.org, and put PRAYER in the subject line.
1 Timothy 2:1 "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them."


Westminster Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor is looking for a Part-time Bookkeeper. Click here for more information.

First Presbyterian of Port Huron is seeking a Full-time Solo Pastor. Click here for details.

First Presbyterian of Brighton is seeking a Part-time Tech CoordinatorClick here for more information.

St. Thomas Presbyterian in Shelby Township is seeking a Part-time Faith Formation Coordinator.  Click here to find out more.

St. Thomas Presbyterian in Shelby Township is also seeking a Part-time Coordinator of Technology & Worship. Click here for details.

First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, "Everybody's Church," is seeking a Full-time Head of Staff. Click here for more information.

Milford Presbyterian Church is seeking a Part-time Music Director. Click here to find out more.

First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, "Everybody's Church," is looking for a Full-time Director of Christian Education and All Abilities Inclusion Ministry. Click here for details.

First Presbyterian Church of Farmington is seeking a Part-time Sexton. For more information, click here.

STAGE Youth Ministry, Royal Oak/Berkley has an opening for a Youth Director. Please click the link for more details.

Kirkridge Presbyterian Church in Grand Blanc, MI, from the Presbytery of Lake Huron is seeking a Part-time Temporary Supply Pastor. Click here for details.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has several openings for which we are seeking qualified candidates looking for a call working at the national level. The positions include:

Processing Archivist (Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA)

CLC Call Process Consultant (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)

Records Manager (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)
Administrative Specialist for Special Offerings (Presbyterian Mission Agency, Louisville, KY)
Click here for details!


The Presbytery Office is Open

Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM-4:30PM

*Due to a reduced staff, we recommend calling ahead before visiting

to ensure that we are in the office.