Updates at The Emanuel Synagogue

Oct. 15, 2024 / 13 Tishrei 5785

Oct. 16 - Erev Sukkot

5:45 pm: Mincha/Maariv 

5:49 pm: Candle lighting

Rabbi Philip & Ruth Lazowski invite The Emanuel congregation to sit and nosh in their sukkah, Wed. Oct 16, following 5:45 pm services.

Please join them at their home,

34 Timberwood Rd. in West Hartford.

Oct. 17 - Sukkot I

9 am: Services

5:45 pm: Mincha/Maariv 

6:47 pm: Candle lighting

Oct. 18 – Sukkot II

9 am: Shacharit

5:45 pm: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv

5:46 pm: Candle lighting


Main Office will be closed:

Oct. 17-18: for Sukkot

Oct. 24- 25: for Simchat Torah

Ritual Director Hazzan Moshe Pinchover will be at the locations listed below to hand out pre-ordered lulav/etrog sets, on the following dates and times:

TODAY, Tues, Oct. 15:

6:15 pm, Emanuel Kitchen

Thurs, Oct. 17:

9:00 am, Main Sanctuary

Questions: Contact Moshe

(860) 881-8189

Sunday, Oct. 20 at 12 pm

Religious School Families:

Please join us for Pizza in the Sukkah! REGISTER

October 24 - 25: Simchat Torah

Thurs. Oct. 24: Erev Simchat Torah

  • 9:00 am: Morning Service
  • 10:45 am (approx.) Yizkor
  • 5:15 pm: Light Parent/Child Supper REGISTER
  • 5:30 pm: Mincha/Maariv
  • 6:00 pm: Memorial for Oct. 7
  • 6:10 pm: Celebration begins

*Volunteers needed for set- up, meal prep, etc. Details & Sign-up

Please RSVP 

Fri. Oct 25: Simchat Torah

  • 9 am: Morning Service
  • 10 am: Hakafot w/ Group Torah honors

Kiddush lunch to follow services


for Nov. 8 Shabbat Dinner & SAVE!

Open to ALL- Join us

  • 4:15 pm - Mincha
  • 4:30 pm - Torah study and discussion: Student Rabbi Alex Friedman & Rabbi David Small
  • 5:15 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv- Grade 5 will help lead
  • 6:15 pm - Community-wide Shabbat Dinner


Salad, Roasted chicken quarters, rosemary & garlic baby potatoes, green beans.(Vegetarian Option: Butternut squash risotto with spinach and leeks.) Dessert: Lemon blueberry pound cake. Chicken Fingers for the kids!


Now - 11/4!


Oct. 19 - 9:30 am


Registration ENDS Oct. 23


Oct. 20, 9:30 - 10:30

Details & Registration

Member in the News!

Reported in the Oct. 4 edition of the Bloomfield Messenger:


At the 43rd induction ceremony in Hartford, The Cricket Hall of Fame inducted former Bloomfield Mayor & Emanuel member Syd Schulman in tribute to his “sacrifice, dedication and love for the game.” READ MORE

University of Hartford student and Rabbi Small intern, Avital (Tali) Lichtenfeld, will lead the following Lunch ‘n Learn sessions after Shabbat services. Join Tali for an exploration of these ideas and discover how they fit into Jewish values. 

Oct. 26: “Magic and Witchcraft”

Although not prominent in Jewish practice, ideas of magic and witchcraft are found throughout Jewish texts.

Nov. 23: “Demonology

We will look at major Jewish demons and their impact on the practice of Judaism.

Registration Deadline Nov. 5;

Ad deadline Oct. 21 DETAILS

Oct. 31- 11:00 am REGISTER

About Dr. Yizhar Hess

Dr. Yizhar Hess will speak about the Masorti Movement’s essential role in shaping the future of Judaism in Israel and the responsibility of Masorti Conservative Jews around the world to help support our brothers and sisters in Israel. Hess will also explain the importance of voting for MERCAZ in the upcoming World Zionist Organization elections. FREE & Open to all!

Please Register
Details and Registration

Brotherhood Oct. 21

Program Changes

The Brotherhood Paid-Up Membership Dinner scheduled for Monday, Oct. 21, has been POSTPONED. A new date will be announced shortly.

Scotch in the Sukkah, also scheduled for Oct. 21, has been CANCELLED.

Dec: 28 STILL available!

To reserve: Contact Regina

2025 dates to be announced soon. Todah Rabbah to all for your sponsorships this year!

In Our Community
Details & FREE Tickets

Sunday Walks for Israel

continue in West Hartford

View remarks from Sen. Richard Blumenthal from Oct. 13

For updates: Visit us on WhatsApp

Details & Tickets

Mon., Oct. 21 - 6 pm

Beth El Temple-Details

The Emanuel Synagogue | 860-236-1275 |160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117 | emanuelsynagogue.org/

Visit us on Facebook and on our YouTube Channel!

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