Updates at The Emanuel Synagogue

Oct. 8, 2024 / 6 Tishrei 5785

Let's Get Ready for


Oct 11 - 12, 2024 / 9 Tishrei 5785

Please Note: In observance of

of the holiday, the Main Office will close Fri, Oct. 11, at noon.


For Yom Kippur, Oct 12

  • Ages 6 mos.- 5 years
  • 9 am - 1 pm

Pre-registration required*

*Walk-ins accepted space permitting, on a first come/first served basis.

Thank-you to Faith Helene & Judy Silver for generously donating flowers on the bimah for Yom Kippur

Leilah Rosen returns to The Emanuel to lead our Teen Kol Nidre Service

Oct 11

at 6pm


Oct 12

11 am Family Service

for families with kids

K- Grade 7

Leilah's bio

Kol Nidre: Donation bag drop off

Reminder: please return your filled bag with donated items for the Food Pantry Drive at Kol Nidre services (Oct. 11). For those who wish to make a monetary contribution, click here. Your Jewish community thanks you for your support

Update: Reg. Deadline Nov. 5; Ad deadline Oct. 21 DETAILS

Oct. 10 & 31

11:00 am REGISTER

Weds. Oct. 9, 4:15 - 5:30 pm

in the Sukkah!

Meet other families while helping to decorate the sukkah! REGISTER

In observance of Sukkot, the Main Office will be closed: Oct. 17-18 & Oct. 24- 25.

Pre-ordered sets may be picked up:

  • Mon-Tues, Oct. 14 - 15, 6:15 pm, Emanuel Kitchen
  • Thurs, Oct. 17, 9:00 am, Main Sanctuary

Sunday, Oct. 20 at 12 pm

Join us for pizza in the sukkah! REGISTER

REGISTER NOW & SAVE: Nov. Shabbat Dinner

Nov. 8, 2024 - Open to ALL- Join us

  • 4:15 pm - Mincha
  • 4:30 pm - Torah study/discussion: Student Rabbi Alex and Rabbi Small
  • 5:15 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv- Grade 5 will help lead
  • 6:15 pm - Community-wide Shabbat Dinner


Salad, Roasted chicken quarters, rosemary & garlic baby potatoes, green beans.(Vegetarian Option: Butternut squash risotto with spinach and leeks) Dessert: Lemon blueberry pound cake. Chicken Fingers for the kids!


Now - 11/4!


Monthly Book Club

Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 11 am Banks Garden Lobby 

We will discuss “The Stranger in the Lifeboat” by Mitch Albom

No registration needed- join us!

Sunday, Oct. 20

9:30- 10:30 AM

The Emanuel Synagogue

Details & Registration

Next Chapel Minyan

Oct. 19 - 9:30 am- REGISTER

Registration ENDS Oct. 23



Sept/Oct 2024 Newsletter

Dec: 28 STILL available!

To reserve: Contact Regina

2025 dates to be announced. Todah Rabbah to all for your sponsorships this year!

In Our Community
Details & FREE Tickets

Sunday Walks for Israel

 continue in West Hartford

For updates: Visit us on WhatsApp

Details & Tickets

Mon., Oct. 21 - 6 pm

Beth El Temple


The Emanuel Synagogue | 860-236-1275 |160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117 | emanuelsynagogue.org/

Visit us on Facebook and on our YouTube Channel!

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