Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation

A Message from Rev. Bill

Good morning, Church Family!

I hope you are staying warm on this “brisk” morning! Its hard to believe that we are approaching the last week of January already! Doesn’t it feel like we just celebrated Epiphany and were hearing “We Three Kings”? And next week will bring us the start of a new month!

I have been excited to see the way all our committees and volunteers are humming along and serving God in the way they believe God has called them to serve. Each committee is busy making plans for Service projects, Budget decisions, Youth Activities, Worship events and more! We are a busy church!

We will be planning for a couple of special Worship services in the next few months. One will be a Coffeehouse style of relaxed worship in the sanctuary and another a special “Instructional” Worship service where we explain each part of the service, what they mean and why we use it, and how it brings us closer to God! Watch for announcements soon!

Soon we will begin the study the “Scattering Seeds”  book that we offered during my sabbatical and have discussions about the impressions of the book and how they may apply to the way we serve God here in Duxbury. I am looking forward to your impressions and our conversations. In many ways, we are already doing many of the suggestions we find in the book. It is truly an exciting time to be here at Pilgrim Church!

Come and join us for worship, Bible Study, Book Study, Fellowship events and more. Watch our website for announcements and the Newsletter for detailed information!

Stay warm!



If you are interested in membership here at Pilgrim Church, come and join us after church on February 2nd for conversation with RB and church members!

Pledges needed for 2025 budget! 

Our Annual Budget Meeting is on Sunday, January 26th. If you have not sent in your 2025 pledge, please do so ASAP. Our Trustees need as much information as possible to develop an accurate budget for 2025. You can put it in the offering plate or mail it, our mailing address is:

Pilgrim Church, P.O. Box 186, Duxbury, MA 02331 You can also email Melissa office@uccduxbury.org with your pledge!

If you have already submitted your pledge, THANK YOU for your continued support!



JANUARY 26, 2025 11:15 AM

All members are invited to the Annual Budget Meeting of the Pilgrim Church of Duxbury, to approve the proposed budget and other matters that may be brought to the floor. We will meet immediately after church.



In accordance with Article III, Sec. 4 (B) of the By-laws of Pilgrim Church, the Annual Budget Meeting will be held Sunday, January 26, 2025, following the worship service. This meeting is open to all members for the purpose of approving the annual budget.

Middle School Youth Group this Sunday in the Youth Room from 4 - 5:15!

High School Youth Group this Sunday in the Youth Room from 5:30 - 7:00!


We will be collecting cookies, brownies, and bars for the guests at Pine Street Inn in the narthex of the church Sunday, January 19 – morning of Friday January 24.


Thank you for your continued support in this mission!

Book Study 

Our next book study for adults will be reading

Richard Rohr's

Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life.

From the book jacket:

As we journey through the first half of life, we often think that it will end when we have achieved our goals or climbed as high as we can. With this cultural assumption in our heads, we arrive at life's second half and believe there is nowhere to go but down. Falling Upward challenges us to rethink this perspective, shining light on the idea that the end of our first path is not an ending, but a new beginning.

As we transition into the second half of life, we are confronted by our challenges, mistakes, losses, and other forms of suffering. Little do most of us realize that these sufferings are in fact enormous gifts, opportunities to step outside our comfort zones and broaden our spiritual horizons. In this book, author Richard Rohr offers a paradigm for understanding one of life's most profound mysteries: how our failings can become the foundation for our ongoing spiritual growth.  

The Duxbury Free library will have 5 copies of the book on hold, starting next week under "Pilgrim Church."

Or you can purchase the book on Amazon HERE.  

We will meet the last Tuesday of each month and discuss three chapters each night.  

  • January 28 - Forward, Intro & Chapters 1 & 2 & 3
  • February 25 - Chapters 4, 5 & 6
  • March 25 - Chapter 7, 8 & 9
  • April 29 - Chapters 10, 11, 12 & 13

Please email Angelique at youthdir@uccduxbury.org and let her know if you're interested!

 Clothing Drive for Toddler Clothes –

Collection Day Sunday, January 26th

Did you know that Pilgrim Church supports the Plymouth Head Start program with monthly donations to help cover expenses for the families that participate in the program?  Head Start promotes school readiness of children under age five through comprehensive education, health, and social services.  Many of the families that qualify for this program are low income, single parent families that often can just cover the basic necessity expenses.  The teachers have shared that they often don’t have change of clothes for some of the children or appropriate seasonal clothing.  We would like to hold a toddler clothing drive of new and gently used clothes, jackets, shoes/sneakers. New socks and underwear will also be collected.  The items will be collected on Sunday, January 26th and sorted after church

Please only donate clothing in good condition and clean, no holes or stains, the rule of thumb is if you would not put it on your child please do not donate.  We thank you in advance for your support of this project.   Any questions and/or concerns please reach out to a member of the Mission/Outreach committee. 


Saturday, February 1st

10:00am to Noon


If you have put someone on the prayer list and it has been on for longer than 2 weeks, and would like them to remain on the prayer list, please contact Melissa, in the church office, Rev Bill or Patti MacLennan

by January 30th. Thank you!  office@uccduxbury.org revbill@uccduxbury.org   pmaclennan@uccduxbury.org

We keep a PRAYER LIST in our church bulletins each week as a reminder of people and situations that allows us to offer specific prayers for those people, pray with purpose and clarity, rather than just any general requests. A Prayer List also allows us to demonstrate a commitment to actively supporting others through prayer by keeping track of their concerns. It is a sign of a healthy Faith Community as we can encourage communal prayers and demonstrate our care for one another's needs.

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