Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation

A Message from Rev. Bill

We are almost ready to enter a new month. It’s always good to sit and reflect on the best things in life and the reasons why we enjoy the changing seasons.

What’s your favorite thing about February?

Here’s my Top 5 Favorite Things about February (Not counting Maureen’s Birthday!)

5. It’s Short and Sweet – February knows you’ve got things to do, so it keeps it brief.

4. Groundhog Weather Predictions – Because nothing says “science” like waiting for a rodent to decide if winter sticks around.

3. Valentine’s Day = a second Halloween.

2. Presidents’ Day – A day off to score discounts on mattresses we didn’t even know we needed.

And my #1. The Super Bowl – The one day a year when it's socially acceptable to eat an entire pizza, a dozen wings, and a vat of Cheese dip by yourself.

Dear God, as I step into this new month, I thank you for the gift of a fresh start. Fill my life with your grace, open doors of opportunity, and guide my steps to serve others in your Name. May this month be filled with peace, joy, and abundant blessings. Amen.


If you have put someone on the prayer list and it has been on for longer than 2 weeks, and would like them to remain on the prayer list, please contact Melissa, in the church office, Rev Bill or Patti MacLennan

by January 30th. Thank you!  office@uccduxbury.org revbill@uccduxbury.org   pmaclennan@uccduxbury.org

We keep a PRAYER LIST in our church bulletins each week as a reminder of people and situations that allows us to offer specific prayers for those people, pray with purpose and clarity, rather than just any general requests. A Prayer List also allows us to demonstrate a commitment to actively supporting others through prayer by keeping track of their concerns. It is a sign of a healthy Faith Community as we can encourage communal prayers and demonstrate our care for one another's needs.

The Chosen - Season 4

Tomorrow, January 30th at 10:30 in the Youth Room.

Join us even if you haven’t seen the prior episodes. We have the DVD’s if you want to catch up, or you can go to https://watch.thechosen.tv/


If you are interested in membership here at Pilgrim Church, come and join us after church this Sunday, February 2nd for conversation with RB and church members!


Like to knit or crochet? Like to be with others who share that passion?  Grab your crochet hooks and knitting needles and join us in the Parlor on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30 to learn more about this exciting ministry. 

Genesis Youth Group this Sunday, February 2nd after church until 1:00 in the Youth Room!

There will be a combined special meeting of the Middle School and High School Youth Groups this Sunday, February 2nd from 4:30 - 5:30.

A staff member from summer CAMP will be here to give a little taste of what camp is like.  Come and find out more!

Order your Super Bowl pizza and help support our Mission Trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina!

Order your CHEESE or PEPPERONI pizza ($10) on the order form that will be in your church bulletin on February 2nd,


email Angelique at youthdir@uccduxbury.org with what kind of pizza and how many you'd like!

Pay when you get them after church on Sunday, February 9!



THIS Saturday, February 1st

10:00am to Noon


Who will win the Super Bowl?

Cast your vote by bringing a can of soup or beef stew to church on Sunday, February 9th and place it in the team box of your choice. Join in the fun. Let's support our Pilgrim Pantry and see if we can predict the winner.

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