Friday, April 5, Family Shabbat at 7:00 pm Lay Led
Annual Second Seder
Saturday, April 20, 6:00pm at the temple
This event is open to our members, their families and guests, and will include a complete Seder menu, ceremonial foods, Seder plates, ceremonial wine and beverages. It will be partially catered with the chicken coming from Boston Market. Families or individuals may be asked to bring food. The cost is $18/person.
For questions email Pat & Bob Schneider or call 978-256-1588
Join a Chavurah, an
Affinity Group, or Both!
Please respond by April 15  to be
 part of the first round of groups .
Small groups are an excellent way to foster deeper friendships and a stronger congregational community. Groups will be formed in the near future. Fill out the form to be matched to a group today!
Celebrate Jewish life with old friends and new with a  Chavurah.  Connect with other members with common interests with an  Affinity Group.
New Amazon Program
Effective immediately!
 Every time you shop on Amazon, let a percentage of your sale be directed to Congregation Shalom. This could add thousands of dollars to the temple's budget! All you must do is click on the A mazon graphic on the fundraising page on the Congregation Shalom website each time you shop . The Fundraising Page can be accessed by hovering over Giving in the upper right-hand area of the website and then clicking on Fundraising . No matter how small your purchase, every penny helps!

New Amazon rules: you must click on the Amazon graphic at the top of the Fundraising page each time you shop for your purchase to qualify!
Sunset Shabbat/Confirmation
Friday, April 12 at 6:00pm
with Ari Strasser
Torah Study
Sunday, April 7
10:30am - 11:45am
One Community Read April 30
Powerful story of how a prominent white supremacist changed his heart and mind. It can help us understand what is happening in this American moment and better understand one another. Open to the public. At Congregation Shalom. Details.
Groundbreaking Workshop!
Rescheduled from March 4.
The Persistence of Hate: Exploring Contemporary Antisemitism 
Wednesday, May 15, 6:30 - 9:30pm 
Facing History’s ground-breaking lessons explore the role that antisemitism played at the 2017  Unite the Right  rally in Charlottesville as a case study in contemporary antisemitism.
At Congregation Shalom. Light dinner included.
And Don't Forget...
Caring Committee Can Help
The Caring Committee is always available to provide meals or transportation to those members and families who need a little help. Please don't hesitate to contact  Katie Wolman  or  Rabbi Perr y.