Holy Week Schedule

  • HOLY THURSDAY - April 9 Mass at 7:00 PM
  • GOOD FRIDAY - April 10
  • Stations of the Cross @ 12:00 PM
  • Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord @ 3:00 PM (note time change)
  • EASTER VIGIL - April 11 Mass at 8:30 PM
  • EASTER SUNDAY- April 12 Mass at 10:00 AM

Note: You do not need a Facebook page to live stream our liturgies. Go to our Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/olgseattle ) and click videos in the menu on the left. Click the video screen with the red camera in the top corner. You will be prompted to open a FB account, but just click “Not Now”.

“Follow” our Facebook page and you will receive all current updates.
Rice Bowl Collection is Holy Thursday
Many of our Lenten celebrations involve familiar rituals that help bring the meaning of the liturgies to life. On Holy Thursday, we wash feet, we process with the Eucharist, and we bring our Rice Bowl donations to offer as the fruit of our prayer, fasting and almsgiving practices.  This Lent, we won't be able to gather physically but we can bring some of these rituals into our homes. We encourage everyone who can to prayerfully consider making their Rice Bowl donation as usual this Holy Thursday. 

Whether it be online, in person, or through the mail, take a moment to think about this annual ritual and what it means to you and to so many living in poverty around the world. 

As COVID-19 spreads throughout the developing world, many of our brothers and sisters will struggle. With fewer national resources, fragile infrastructures, war, and other challenges, they will need our support now more than ever. Catholic Relief Services will use 75% of our Rice Bowl contributions to continue providing hygiene, education, emergency assistance, job stimulation, agricultural support, health care, and coordination as this pandemic wages on. The other 25% will stay local to help hunger alleviation efforts in our own communities (things like St. Vincent de Paul, the Community Meal, the garden, etc.). Thank you for your generous donations each year!  

Giving is easy You can give:
  1. Through your online giving account at OLG. Just chose the "Rice Bowl" field. 
  2. Online at www.crsricebowl.org.  
  3. By phone at 1-877-435-7277
  4. With a check, made out to "OLG" with "Rice Bowl" in the memo line. You can drop it in the mail slot to the left of the Pastoral Center doors or mail it to us (7000 35th Ave S, Seattle 98126)
Let us Pray
As we end our Lenten journey and process towards the glory of Christ's Resurrection,
we pray for those we encountered through CRS Rice Bowl, and all members of our human family.
We pray that they do not go hungry, either in bodily nourishment or spiritual sustenance.
We pray that they always find safety in their homes,caring in their neighbors' hearts,
and stability in their futures.
Above all, we pray that they find brightness, hope, and peace in the promises that Easter brings.
We pray in the most holy, abundantly giving name of Jesus.
Other Announcements
Good News Stories
Have a great story to share or want to give a shout out? We've started a new addition to our newsletter. Read More
Volunteers Needed
St. Vincent de Paul is in need of about 50 masks for the volunteers serving our neighbors. If you are able to help please contact marionk@olgseattle.org

Need Instructions?
Census 2020: Be Counted
The official 2020 Census Day was April 1. In Washington, $16.7 billion in tax dollars for our communities are at stake, along with our democratic representation in Congress. We cannot afford to miss counting anyone in this census, especially traditionally undercounted people of color, immigrants, tribes, rural communities and young children. We often say in our legislative work that budgets are moral documents. In this case, the data that informs budgets and allocations of resources has moral implications too! It's not too late to be counted.

Got to Census 2020 to be counted and encourage others to do the same!
Messages from Archbishop Etienne
Calling all Catholics! The Archbishop Wants to Hear From You!
As part of Archbishop Etienne's new pastoral planning process, all Catholics in western Washington are asked to take a 15 minute survey and make their voices heard. The Archbishop and the new Archdiocesan Pastoral Council will carefully review the results, which will play a critical role in the new Pastorl Plan

You can access the survey by going to www.CatholicSurvey2020.com
The "Guad Squad" wishes you and your family a holy, happy and healthy Easter.


Fr. Kevin, Helen, Michelle, Gail, Sal, Marion, Jennifer, Marla & Sandy