This Sunday, January 29
J.R. Swisher is filling in for Derik while he is away for his mother in law's funeral.
He is preaching from
Matthew 5:3-12
and the title is: The Beatitudes
Bereavement Team                 ED 210 (Bessie Snead)
Homebound Team                 ED 305 (Pastor’s class)
Hospital Ministry                        Conference Room
Kingdom Impact Team          ED 206 (Believer’s)
Outreach Ministry Team ED 205 (Young Musicians)
Cheerful Hearts Valentine Luncheon: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 11:30 am
Wear your red & white and come for a delicious lunch (bring a covered dish) in the Fellowship Hall. David Alger from the Gideon's will provide a program. 
Make plans now to come enjoy an evening of fun, food and fellowship to celebrate love and marriage. Please RSVP to Davina so we have a head count!
Church Business Meeting
Sunday, February 5 after worship
Souper Bowl Luncheon
February 12 after worship
Plan to stay for our Souper Bowl luncheon on Sunday, February 12. There is a sign up sheet in the Connector building if you can bring soup! Funds raised will go to the Youth and Meals on Wheels.

Click the image or the button below to read this week's bulletin!