Weekly Update - October 13, 2017
In This Update

MaxwellFrom the Principal's Desk
Dear Friends and Families,

One of the greatest joys of being a principal is seeing students engaged in learning.  This week I had the pleasure of joining the 2 nd grade classroom during writer's workshop time.  Mrs. Ascheman gathered the students on the floor and began a descriptive words lesson by holding up a stuffed animal asking them to use descriptive works to describe the animal.  The children shared words like curly fur, white, dog, soft and then had an engaging discussion about what the dog's name might be.  We found out it was Farley!  After the whiteboard was full of descriptive words for the animal, she introduced one of my very favorite books to read to her class, Up North at the Cabin .  The students were silent as Mrs. Aschman began to read.  They envisioned passing the big walleye statue on Lake Mille Lacs, the trees turning to all birch and pine, and the homes being made of log.  By half way through the story they were hearing describing words like;  the river spills over the rocks and whispers to me.   After the story, the students paired up to share their favorite page of the story.  Now it was their turn to think of their very favorite place and write about it.  The room was quiet as they walked back to their desks.  Each child sat down and begin to write using descriptive words to share about their favorite place.  

Mrs. Maxwell

WeekThe Week Ahead

October 12 6:30 p.m. School Advisory Council
October 18-20, October 23
No School
October 19 - 22
Washington DC Trip (8th Grade)
You can view the entire school calendar  here.

MarathonMarathon News Update

Thank you all for your support of our Service Marathon, Family Fun Night and Pancake Breakfast!

Look for information in your inbox on LINDSAY WHALEN's Visit MONDAY, OCTOBER 16

Everyone Welcome to Join!

Conferences - Mark Your Calendars!

ConferencesConferences are for the following dates
Tuesday, October 24 PreK - 8  3:00 - 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 26 PreK - 8   3:00 - 6:00 pm
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Please remember these St. Michael School families in your prayers this week.
Mary & Noah Bradfield
Caden & Stella Jensen
Blake Klamm
Carter & Mason Kuhlmann
Isabelle & Noah Morgan
Kenzie, Lauren & Zack Wiese
Sara Connell
Pat Casey
Rhonda Zweber
Barb Stark
It's often said that time is our most precious gift. And to give your time to something or someone else is an unselfish gift that will be returned when you least expect it.
"Love one another as I have loved YOU!"


One Night Without a Home is October 27th - 28th
All Youth in 6th-8th Grade are Invited to Participate
Register by Wednesday October 25


Your child can become a Ninja Warrior for the first Early Release day!
November 9th

Have your child become creative with Adventures Plus at 

Friday November 10th

Here is What is happening in the 7th grade Language Arts class 
by Kirsten Morgan

Students read two short stories in literature, to practice standards such as making text, personal, and world connections to what they have been reading. Now that we are starting our first novel this week, students will continue to be asked to "think outside the box" and beyond traditional comprehension questions focused around plot, setting, character development and the like, and formulate answers to Socratic questions. What is Socratic thinking? It's a way to develop thinking skills on many levels, and to defend our thinking, often using text-based evidence. It will ultimately lead to better writing, if we practice it verbally as well. Here is a website that will explain more: link. Students are expected to go beyond the obvious, and apply their understanding of the text, (in this case, a documentary novel), to generate ideas and respond to literary questions focused on that day's reading. Students will generally be reading 2 chapters a day and have been given bookmarks that outline reading assignments for Nothing but the Truth. I have many extra copies; if you would like to read the book along with your child, please contact me and I will gladly send a book home with your child.
First Book Report
We moved our first book report of six this year, originally due October 11, to the 12 th, to allow students to write for a longer period of time (30 mins. vs. 42 mins.). Students are currently doing research to 6 questions that we discussed in class (also available on my website) to uncover background information about the author's life and career. Students will be then using their notes they've taken from various websites and resources to write an in-class book report on the 12 th. They can either type it on their Chrome book or write it by hand on paper. This alleviates opportunities for plagiarism when completed outside of school, as teachers can view documents on Hapara, which is a motoring program for teachers, to ensure students are on safe websites during class. You can learn more about Hapara here.
Etymology Tests
Students have enjoyed the new format, that tests them on various levels of Marzano's Understanding including remember, understand, apply, and analyze, for the 7 th grade Etymology tests. To read more about Marzano, click here. Projects are aimed toward creating new information and connecting it to prior knowledge. If you find your child is struggling with the new application of understanding, invite your child to explain how he/she is studying, using his/her primary learning style. If the learning style and study technique do not match, your child may not be as successful as he/she can be. I have many study strategies listed on my website. If you are looking for some new ideas, please check out this page

Information on Holy Family Catholic High School 
Holy Family catholic HS

Finding the right fit for your child's high school experience is an important step in framing his or her future. Holy Family Catholic High School is an exceptional choice to consider. Our graduates emerge ready to lead, learn and make their world a better place. Year after year we see the incredible results when another group of graduates takes their next step into college and life.
HfchsThere are multiple ways to learn more about our school.
Attend an open house.
These evenings are great opportunities for families to learn more about our tuition assistance, scholarships, transportation options, curriculum, and activities. Our next open house is Thursday, November 2, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. We hope you will join us. Learn more at http://myschool.hfchs.org/openhouseregistration.php
Schedule a shadow day visit.
Eighth grade students are invited to spend a day with a current Holy Family student to experience a typical day on campus. From the classrooms to the hallways to the cafeteria, a Shadow Day will bring the HFCHS experience to life for your son or daughter!
Take a tour with our admissions team.
Private appointments offer families a personalized discussion and closer look at Holy Family.  Day and evening tour appointments are available year-round. Schedule yours today! Contact Scott Breimhorst or Rob Bell at admissions@hfchs.org 

metroMetro Dining cards are available at the school and parish office for $25 each.  

Victim/Survivor Assistance

The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis partners with Canvas Health, an independent and professional local care provider, to offer confidential, compassionate assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at (651) 291-4497.

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