News & Updates for the Virginia Synod
December 21, 2021
Discovering Hope in Advent Devotion
Each Tuesday in Advent, one of the Virginia Synod Council members will share a “hope sighting,” a place where they have seen God’s hope in the world around them. This week we hear from Dave Raecke, a member at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Warrenton.

This week’s lectionary reading from Micah says: Bethlehem, you’re not very important, but someone who will rule in Israel will come from there. He has existed from the beginning. He shall be the one of peace.
Sorry for the very rough translation of Micah 5:2-5, but it captures the thought and gets rid of some fancy wording. The thought hangs on the final words: “He shall be the one of peace”. That line brings the message and promise into our Advent hope. Peace can be here for all, and it is something that we can give to the world around us. Micah is telling us to pass it on. “Peace be with you”.
Christmas Message from Bishop Eaton

Abound in hope this Advent and Christmas!
Hybrid Ministry in a Post-Pandemic World
Online Webinar taught by Ryan Panzer
January 6, 13, 20 from 11:30-11:30

Whether you’re high-tech, low-tech, or no-tech whatsoever, it’s nearly impossible to miss the shift that’s taking place in our culture. Curiosity is on the rise. Participation is sparking creativity and connection. For the first time ever, digital technology is shaping our values.

Our churches need the capacity and will to engage with a changing culture—one that isn’t afraid to embrace hard questions.

How are you being called to adapt?

Workshop Agenda
  • Session 1 You Were Offline, Then You Were Online. Now Do Both.
  • Session 2 Hybrid Church in Action.
  • Session 3 Did it Work? Evaluating and Refining Your Hybrid Practice.

Pastor Colleen Montgomery will lead a Virginia Synod follow-up discussion of the content for those who participate, so be sure to let her know if you sign-up at [email protected].
The second annual Midwinter Power in the Spirit online gathering is coming soon! Save the dates for January 31-February 2. The Rev. Kevin Strickland, Bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA will join us as our keynote speaker. Registration will open on January 3.
In Our Prayers
For all rostered ministers and congregation leaders as they prepare to celebrate the joy of Christmas.

For all those who travel during the holidays that they may reach their destinations and return home safely.
Upcoming Events
Longest Night Evening Prayer
Tonight, December 21 at 7 PM on Zoom
Hosted by Grace, Chesapeake

The winter solstice is the longest night and the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere. For many, the lack of daylight intensifies other sufferings. What an opportunity, then, to share that the message of Christmas is specifically sent for those in pain and suffering. It is not that “all is merry and bright.” Rather, it is the abiding truth that God seeks to be with us, even when we are “blue.”

Lessons and Carols Service

"A Thrill of Hope: Lessons and Carols" for Christmas is a worship opportunity for the Virginia Synod to come together and praise the Newborn King! Inspired by the French Christmas carol, "O, Holy Night" (Cantique de Noël), this service will explore many of the ways the world is weary, how God comes to us in our weariness, and how we still rejoice.

This service will be available in a variety of formats:
Winter Celebration
Registration Open

Winter Celebration is our annual weekend faith-formation retreat for youth in 9th through 12th grades and adult leaders. This year we are gathering in-person (at Eagle Eyrie Retreat Center in Lynchburg) once again for Large Group experiences with lots of singing and skits and fun and Small Group experiences with lots of new friends, games, conversation, more games, and faith sharing!

There is also the option of attending the event via Zoom for those who are concerned about COVID safety or have other mobility limitations. The cost is $35 for online participation.

If you would prefer to register using a paper form instead of online, please contact Rev. Dave Delaney at [email protected], or contact the Virginia Synod Office at 540-389-1000. Starting Jan. 14, 2021, also please call Dave Delaney to receive instructions before registering.
Job Opportunities
New Job Opportunities were posted this week.
Job Opportunities can now be found on the Virginia Synod website at If you have a position opening you would like posted;
please email Rebecca Walls at [email protected].
Do You have an announcement, upcoming event, or news story idea?
Send it to Lenae Osmondson at [email protected] 
and make sure to follow our Submission Guidelines