Fr. Dimitri, Check out what is happening this week at St. Andrew
Weekly Update
St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church, Chicago
January 23 - January 30
Monday, January 24 :
9:00 AM -Orthros and Divine Liturgy for St. Xenia of St. Petersburg
7:00 PM -Bible Study with Fr. Dimitri: Isaiah
Tuesday, January 25:
9:00 AM - Orthros and Divine Liturgy for St. Gregory the Theologian
5:00 PM - Paraklisis Service
6:00 PM - Blessed Darkness with Fr. Dimitri
Wednesday, January 26:
6:30 PM - Catechism with Fr. Simeon
8:00 PM - Orthodox Study Group with Fr. Simeon
Thursday, January 27:
6:30 PM - GOAL Practice
Friday, January 28:
6:00 PM - Youth Night (JOY & Jr. GOYA)
Saturday, January 29:
1:30 PM - GOAL Games at St. Andrew
Sunday, January 30:
8:00 AM -Orthros and Divine Liturgy for the Three Hierarchs
GOAL Basketball at St. Haralambos
Upcoming Events
GO Red Sunday - February 6 - see flyer below
Koulouma Dinner - March 7 - see flyer below
95th Anniversary Dinner Dance - April 30 - see flyer below
COFFEE & CULTURE SCHEDULE - see flyer below
Outreach Opportunities - Answer the Call!
January 25 - Soup Kitchen
Monthly- Sandwiches for the Sarah's Circle Homeless Shelter
Help the Needy in Edgewater
Metropolis Outreach
Get Involved
JOIN FR. DIMITRI AND FR. SIMEON IN THE ALTAR! CALLING ALL YOUNG MEN - If you would like to serve in the Holy Altar, please contact Fr. Dimitri. Age minimum (6 years old so long as able to read the Creed). No age maximum (college-aged and above are welcome to serve and guide our young boys in the Altar).
If you read about one of our initiatives, events, service or plans that sparked your interest, please become a Philoptochos member! Go to the St. Andrew's Women's Philoptochos Society's website page for more information or click the stewardship form here to print one out. It is always fun being together in the service of the Lord!