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8.00 a.m. Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel)

10.00 a.m. Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary)

In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube | Leaflet

Vestry-on-Call: Mr. Nazario Palma

A very happy birthday to the members of our congregation who celebrated their birthday this month including Janice Jackson, Edlin Harris, Susan Cole, Ivadeen Franklin, Jason Malone, Bethany Muller, and Carole Harmon

The parish office is closed for Christmastide,

December 26, 2024 through January 2, 2025.

Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge's Note

Merry Christmas! Many thanks to everyone who assisted in countless ways to make Christmas at St. John’s Cathedral a lovely and joyful celebration.

I wish to extend special thanks to everyone who decorated our beautiful cathedral in simple and elegant ways to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Special thanks to our acolytes and master of ceremonies, clergy, choir, altar guild, ushers, readers, gardeners, and cathedral staff for being ever-present, gracious and generous with their time, gifts and talents. Lastly, we give heartfelt thanks to the donors who have blessed us with monetary gifts, as well as the glorious new vestments and altar linens.

On this Sunday after Christmas, we give thanks to everyone who has made a pledge for next year, and who continue to give generously to support this cathedral community.

As we approach a new year, I will need to prepare a budget based on anticipated revenue and find a way to live within our means. If you have not already pledged, please join us as an active member of St. John’s Cathedral. You can make a pledge online, in-person at church, or by calling the office.

We would also be most grateful for year-end gifts if you are so moved. Checks and online contributions must be dated by December 31st to be counted as contributions for 2024. Thank you for blessing us with your presence and ministry among us.

Let us pray that the light of Christ continues to lead us forward, making all things possible with God.

Much love and blessings,



Gardening Ministry

Saturday, January 4

9:00 am - 11:00 am

Grab your gloves and join us on the lawn; the Gardening Ministry meets! Help us care for the earth. We will weed, cut, prune, fertilize, plant, mulch, and water, as well as share stories and gardening tips in good humor and fellowship. If you enjoy getting your fingernails and knees dirty, join the St. John's Gardening Ministry. Feel free to bring your favorite gardening tools!

Just a Reminder...

There is still time to fulfill your pledge for 2024 (in addition to affirming your commitment for 2025). Checks and online contributions must be dated by December 31, 2024 to be counted as contributions for 2024. Pledge cards are on the welcome table and available by clicking the button below.

Submit your 2025 pledge online HERE


Altar Linens and Vestments

Members of the vestry have generously led the way in the purchase of new vestments honoring friends and family; a special gift to the community as St. John’s launches into its second century. There is a vestment and a few altar linens that are currently unfunded and present an opportunity to dedicate a gift to the cathedral. Please speak with Canon Lurelean Gaines or Mr. Kyle Black in the parish office and make your interest known.

Updates on Coffee Hour

We’re excited to share a new way to make coffee hour after 10.00 a.m. extra special while celebrating our community. Starting January, we’re inviting everyone whose birthday falls in that current month to bring in some treats to share. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to practice hospitality, generosity, and joyful thanksgiving in a simple but meaningful way.

If your birthday is in January, please contact the Rev. Mel Soriano to let us know what you’d like to bring and on which weekend. Whether it’s cookies, fruit, or something homemade or heartier, your contribution will help make our time of fellowship even more joyful.

Thank you for sharing your special month with the community—we can’t wait to celebrate together!

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