Weekly Update from

Congregation Beth Israel

February 7, 2024

28 Shevat 5784

Monthly Centerite Newsletter Link


Check out our redesigned website!



I write to you today with a heavy heart. It has been very powerful for this past week to lead services and teach surrounded by pictures of Israelis believed to be held hostage in Gaza, each picture under the headline “KIDNAPPED.” After all these months of praying for the safe release of the hostages almost in the abstract, they suddenly emerged in the particularity of each person’s face, each person’s humanity. So it is with even more shock and grief that I read yesterday that Israel has now confirmed that 31 of these people are not just kidnapped, but murdered, and that Israel is investigating unconfirmed reports that at least 20 more are also murdered. It’s hard for me to contemplate the extra cruelty of holding the families of all these murdered people in suspense, not allowing them to bury their dead and grieve. Islam’s burial customs are similar enough to Judaism’s that Hamas knows full well the dreadful extra injury it is deliberately inflicting on these families.

On Monday, I hosted a class of visiting education students, talking with them about issues that impact their future Jewish students, from the Hebrew calendar and Jewish holidays to anti-Semitism. I was explaining to them how the whole Jewish people are traumatized still by October 7 and the ongoing holding of hostages. I picked up the picture of Naama Levy as we were passing the table in the hallway, and I described my family connection to her. One of the students told me afterwards that he was able to look past all the pictures, and not engage with the humanity of each face, until I did that, and then, suddenly, they all became real people to him. This, then, is one of our tasks as Jews, to humanize all Jews and all Israelis for our non-Jewish friends and neighbors and fellow employees or students, by bringing them face to face with our own full humanity and the humanity of just one other Jewish person, perhaps one Israeli. This is one of the quiet, gentle ways of fighting anti-Semitism in the world.

I hope to see you all at Shabbat this week. We will celebrate Shabbat, and do our very best not to let the sorrows of the world prevent us from seeking Shabbat peace, light and joy.


Rabbi Linda

Exploring Judaism

Wednesday, February 7 at 4:00 pm


Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82342128408?pwd=NWRYc2xEWnBZL252eXBMUUoveHZhQT09


Meeting ID: 823 4212 8408

Passcode: 595704

Temple Emanuel Shabbat Service

Friday, February 9 at 6:30 pm

Live Stream: https://youtube.com/live/hCHpkb8e0_g?feature=share


Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87422006420?pwd=S2VWYzFQQjFiQTNPYUw0ZWgrc1ltQT09

Meeting ID: 874 2200 6420

Passcode: 712544

Torah Study

Saturday, February 10 at 9:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88929612384?pwd=TmNrb1FUY2w1TkYyNmhvN2NuVGNLUT09


Meeting ID: 889 2961 2384

Passcode: 067318


Beth Israel Shabbat Service

Saturday, February 10 at 10:30 am

Live Stream: https://youtube.com/live/l7llY0f6jJ0?feature=share

Israel Discussion Group

Thursday, February 15 at 12:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83765505016?pwd=aHJ6SUtLNHBrT1l0akNYUXNDMHdQZz09

Meeting ID: 837 6550 5016

Passcode: 059487

Yahrzeit Request


Marla & Steve Andich request a minyan at Beit Shalom this evening, February 7th, at 6:00 p.m. for the yahrzeits

of Marla's father, Sidney Achler and Steve's grandmother, Sadie Andich.


Please make every effort to attend this service. 


Thank you!


Dear Congregants,

We are pleased to inform you that a Safety/Crisis Intervention Plan has been adopted by Congregation Beth Israel, Temple Emanuel and The Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities.


It is very important that our Congregants are proactive and know how to react when confronted by a crisis. We need to be prepared and one cannot assume it will never happen here. It can happen any place and at any time.


In addition, there have been more documented antisemitism acts than ever before in the United States.


On Thursday, February 15, 7:00 P.M. at Beit Shalom you and members of your immediate family are invited to be orientated to the plan.


Please call Ryan or Charmaine to register for this orientation. You must be a member of one of the Congregations. 

Lee Blumberg, President, Congregation Beth Israel

B.J. Weigle, President, Temple Emanuel

Allan Ross, Executive Director, Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities


20% OFF



Looking for a one-stop-shop for all your

Judaic needs? Look no further than the Beth Israel Gift Bar! Our shelves are stocked with a wide variety of items including cards, jewelry, toys, candles, Chanukah and Passover items, and more. Whether you're looking for a special gift or something for yourself, our selection is sure to have something that catches your eye.

Please call the office for an appointment.

The next Sisterhood book club will be held on

Thursday, March 7th at 10:00 a.m. 

The books will be 84 Charing Cross Road, The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street, and Q’s Legacy by Helene Hanff.  

Happy Birthday!

February Birthdays

Jenny Kitsis - 02/02

Josh Lederman - 02/03

Sasha Baker - 02/05

Martin Rich - 02/07

Steve Andich - 02/08

Dr. Steven Cooper - 02/12

Shelley Stangle - 02/13

Anne Ney - 02/14

Steven Strulowitz - 02/14

Wayne Close - 02/18

Jacqueline Schiff - 02/22

Dr. Tuvi Mendel - 02/23

Lee Blumberg - 02/24

Bob Cawley - 02/25

Justin Teitle - 02/25

Jake Howard - 02/27

Mazel Tov!

February Anniversaries

David & Mary Jane Andich - 02/14

"Refuah Shleimah"

Get Well Healing List


 Shari Baker

Mark Gumbiner

Gary Segal

Phillip Rotman

Esther Weiner

Mary Jane Andich

Stuart Leman

Juanita Summers

Florence Lipsman

Alan Andich

Jeff Goldstein

Noel Meller

Rabbi Linda Bertenthal

Lorrie Blumberg

Hank Farber

Please Be Reminded

We offer cards for every occasion such as birthdays, anniversaries,

condolences, birth of a child, or any occasion. 


Cards are available for a small $5.00 fee.

Please call Ryan at the Center office and he will gladly send out your cards.
