Oct. 17, 2021
Our LLCA Principals: The Faces behind our Leadership

By School Director, Barbara Cohen

Every year during the month of October, school principals are recognized by their schools for their leadership and commitment to overall school improvement. This year - for the first time in the history of the school - LLCA has three division principals.
As part of the national recognition program for school principals, I would like to share with families some of the amazing things our school principals are doing each and every day to improve LLCA.
These three individuals have gone above and beyond to ensure their students’ academic success. They have worked tirelessly to protect the health and safety of every person in our learning community - often with rapidly changing guidance from health and elected officials.
With every new challenge, they’ve risen to the occasion and led the teachers and students forward with strong leadership.
Positive Covid Trends:
We are happy to say that our Covid numbers have dropped significantly. Currently, to our knowledge, we have only one positive case of Covid.
We must continue our mitigation efforts to keep our numbers down throughout the cold and flu season.
Hand washing, maintaining a safe distance, and wearing your mask properly while in school are all important ways to stay well this season.
It's College Shirt Day on Monday for Grades K-12 & Staff:
As part of the kick-off to the College Application Week by the College Foundation of North Carolina, LLCA will have a college shirt day for all K-12 students and staff this Monday.
Everyone may wear a shirt from their favorite COLLEGE (not your favorite NFL, NBA, MLB, etc. teams). Please note that students must wear regular uniform pants/bottoms and shoes. No other non-uniform shirts are allowed. If students choose not to participate, they should be in their regular school uniform.

P.S. - Don't forget to take the Family Feedback Survey

Thanks to the Vision of School Nurse Crystal Redmon, "Breakfast-on-the-GO" is coming to LLCA

Be on the lookout for “Breakfast-on-the-Go” coming soon to LLCA.
Breakfast-on-the-Go will be a mobile cart parked in the front of the school. Students can grab fresh fruits, and healthy, hand-held snacks as well as milk and other healthy drink options. Our hope is that this will bridge the gap on many levels in providing early, healthy nutrition for students, and thereby increase brain power for the day.
The new Breakfast-on-the-GO program was made possible through a grant from the RHI Legacy Foundation.
School Nurse, Crystal Redmon saw a need, had the idea, and applied for the grant!
Thank you, Crystal, for always putting EVERY LLCA student first in all that you do!
  • Tuesday, Oct. 19: Sixth-grade field trip to WNC Nature Center
  • Monday, October 18-20: STAR 360 Make-Up Testing for Middle School 
  • Tuesday, October 19: NC Check-In Science for 8th Grade   
  • Wednesday, Oct. 20: 7:30 pm. The first meeting of the Middle School SAVE Promise Club  
  • Thursday, Oct. 21: 4 pm. LLCA Board of Directors Meeting More Info
  • Oct. 25-29: Elementary K-5: Red Ribbon Week
  • Thursday, Oct. 28: 4:30-6 pmRead and Treat” FAMILY Night for K-5 students and families
  • Thursday, Oct 28: Team Sports Photos at 1:30 pm (Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Basketball)
The Hickory Nut Gorge Foundation has once again come through for the LLCA Raptors. The board of directors recently awarded a $1,000 grant to the Family and Consumer Science Class, (FACS), to purchase a new refrigerator to make and store groceries to provide lunches, beverages, fruit, and snacks to Raptor students in need.
Pictured above, FACS Instructor, Madison Chinea accepts the grant check from Woody Turner, a board member with the HNG Foundation.
P.S. - Wondering just what a "FACS class is all about and what our students learn? Some of us may remember it as a "Home Ec" class, but it has moved well beyond that. Today, students can actually major in Family and Consumer Science when they go off to college!
Kindergarten & Elementary Update:
Fifth-grade students attended their Muddy Sneakers outdoor learning at Party Rock this past week.
Elementary students also have several field trips scheduled for this month that continue to enhance their outdoor learning experiences.               
Red Ribbon Week Schedule for Grades K-5, Oct. 25-29:

Growing the LLCA Family Yet Again

We are excited to welcome another new faculty member to LLCA.
Ms. Carol Triplett is joining us as a new Kindergarten Teacher to the Little Raptors Kindergarten Program.
A little about Ms.Triplett:
Hello, everyone:
I have been a teacher for 24 years. My teaching career has allowed me to teach in every grade I am certified to teach (k-6). I have learned so much from my students, as well as my colleagues, over the years. I am still trying to narrow down my favorite grade level, but I have found that every grade has left me with too many great memories to choose just one.  
I have been married to the nicest guy in the world for 25 years. We have four wonderful children and three grandchildren. Our youngest, Tripp, is our last bird in the nest. He is a senior this year at RS-Central High School, and he keeps us very busy.  
When I’m not teaching, watching Tripp play sports, or enjoying my grandkids, I love to read ANYTHING I can get my hands on. I have mastered kayak-kindling (kayaking while reading my kindle)! 
I am looking forward to meeting, and working with everyone here. I can’t wait to learn as much as I can from all of the great teachers here!  
Our Elementary students did a great job in their performance of GoldiLocks this past week. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the theatre programs of LLCA!
Drumroll, please....
CANVAS and PowerSchool Participation Although no grade level had 100 percent participation in either platform, the grade level with the most participation was 6th grade! Congratulations! This class will receive a special Field Day experience on Friday, October 29th
We want to Go Ga-Ga
We have a need for a playground area for Middle School students and have plans for a Gaga Ball Pit which will also benefit upper Elementary students.
Learn more about Gaga Ball here and consider donating materials or labor in helping us build this new addition to our recreational offerings for students.
Contact Middle School Counselor Corrie Sias to get involved in this project: csias@llcharter.org

The Clubs are Off & Running
We had a great start with Clubs this week. Please make sure to pick your children up in the carline at 4 pm and to bring any craft or legos you may have.  
ATTENTION High School Parents!
This week begins the CFNC College Application Week. The week of October 18-22 is the time to complete your FAFSA application and during this week many colleges and universities waive their application fees. 

From the Athletic Front
Our Kindergarten -5th grade Walking Club is off to a great start this year. Walking Club happens every morning Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am to 7:55 am. If you would like for your child to participate in the morning walking club please email Coach Parke at eparke@llcharter.org 

Have you checked out the PTO's Teacher Needs website?
This handy tool allows you to see the needs of each teacher or staff member, then sign up to fulfill that need. Every little bit helps us reach our goal of checking these needs off the list.
PLEASE SHARE it with friends and family members. Items can be dropped off or shipped directly to the school from anywhere! Thanks so much for sharing and donating!

Our Mission:
To provide an educational community with high academic and character expectations, creating life-long learners. 

Our Vision: 
To partner with community resources supporting a culture of mutual respect and academic excellence that reflects high quality and relevant instruction and produces college and/or career-ready graduates.
Visit us online at llcharter.org