Aug. 28th, 2021
Good Saturday morning, Raptor Families

Three weeks - it is hard to believe that we have completed the first three weeks of this school year. If you have seen the new modular structure coming together in the rear of the main school building, you might be wondering how we are going to utilize these classrooms. This eight classroom unit will be used primarily for our high school students and teachers.
 Our history department and math department will be located in this area. Our science department and English department will remain in the main building. The addition of these classrooms will allow us to continue to expand our high school electives as well. READ MORE

P.S. - COVID updates
In case you missed the update sent out earlier this week regarding the school’s procedures for handling COVID cases at school you can read the letter here.
Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit developed by the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) and updated regularly.

Feed a Raptor
Help feed a Raptor! We would like to invite those who can donate nutritious food items for lunch. Our Family & Consumer Science class can prepare sandwiches, vegetables, and fruits for bagged lunches, but we need the food to fill the bags! We are in need of sandwich meats, cheeses, vegetables that can be consumed raw, .... fruit, yogurt, and granola bars. We also need lunch bags and sandwich baggies. You can drop off these items in the car line. Monetary donations earmarked for this cause are also welcome and greatly appreciated. Make a financial contribution here

CANVAS is THE connection to staying in the know with your child's education
Want to see what your child is learning? Want to check your child’s grades? Want to contact your child’s teachers? Canvas is your one-stop-shop!
Canvas is the Learning Management System that we use at LLCA, and we strongly encourage all parents to register for the system.

Elementary Update:
Our first Muddy Sneakers Outdoor Classroom adventure will be September 3rd for all fifth-grade students. 
If you want to chaperone, please contact your child's homeroom teacher ahead of time.
You must have a background check on file to chaperone.
The cost of the background check is $10..

Did Someone Say Field Trip?
Students in 7th grade will be attending a field trip to Charlotte to view the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit on September 7th. If you have not returned your child’s permission form to attend, please do so as soon as possible.

Middle School Town Hall Meeting
Middle School Instructors invite families to join a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, September 1st at 5:30 pm. We are going to talk about field trips, the need for volunteers, our SOAR expectations, and what they look like in all areas of the school. There will be plenty of time for families to ask questions and provide feedback. Please join us!
High School Field Trip
High School Field Trip Day - September 7th:  All high school students will participate in a field trip on Tuesday, September 7th. Your child should be bringing home a permission slip very soon. Please complete the form and return it by Wednesday, September 1st. 

FAFSA/College Financial Aid Information Meeting
Seniors & Parents of Seniors - Thursday, September 9th: Friendly reminder to seniors and their parents of the planned FAFSA/College Financial Aid Information Meeting on Thursday, September 9 at 6 pm. Please contact Mrs. Powell at with any questions.

The most important part of a child's daily instruction schedule is the BEGINNING.
To that end, many of our families completely rely on our transportation services to safely bring their children to and from school at one of our thirteen cluster stops across the area.
But the fact is that we are in critical need of additional drivers, and we're calling on all of you to help recruit drivers for this important component of our operations.
Even if you don't take advantage of our transportation services, chances are pretty high that your children share classes and friendships with a student who does.
Despite all of the things that make us unique, we are a Raptor family. Let's spread the word far and wide for this great opportunity to be a very important part of your children's education - getting them here to learn!

Monday, September 6th:
No School - Labor Day

Friday, September 17th:
Parent-Teacher Conference Day

Monday, September 20th:
No School - Teacher Workday 

The first PTO meeting for this year will be Tuesday, September 7th at 5:30 PM at school.

If you are interested in joining the PTO this year, please email PTO President
Michelle Yelton at
Our Mission:
To provide an educational community with high academic and character expectations, creating life-long learners. 

Our Vision: 
To partner with community resources supporting a culture of mutual respect and academic excellence that reflects high quality and relevant instruction and produces college and/or career-ready graduates.
Visit us online at