Gold Dome Update
Highlights from the House
Week Six
Last week we returned to the Gold Dome on Tuesday, February 18 for our sixth week of the 2020 legislative session. It is hard to believe that we have already completed one third of our allotted 40 legislative days. We passed numerous measures, the most important being the Amended Fiscal Year 2020 (AFY 2020) budget,
House Bill 792.
Budget AFY 2020 - House Bill 792
Last week, we completed our constitutional obligation of passing the House version of the amended fiscal year budget for the year 2020. After weeks of work, discussion and in-depth study we managed to keep funding for several programs and services which we consider vital for the citizens of our great state. Below is a quick highlight of what we passed in regard to our current budget.
Public Safety
- $801,000 to GBI to allow the agency to hire up to eight forensic scientists and two lab technicians to process DNA kits.
- $1.2 million for the GBI’s gang database and taskforce to help local law enforcement agencies combat gang violence.
- $1.7 million for the Criminal Justice Coordinating
- $1.34 million for our accountability courts which offer effective alternatives to sentencing for non-violent offenders
- $1.85 million to the Georgia Public Defender Council to allow the council to hire 16 attorneys to reduce the average caseload from 148.8 to 138 per public defender
- $281,000 for the Department of Agriculture (GDA) to enforce food safety initiatives.
- $200,000 for the GDA to develop the Georgia Hemp Program, authorized during the 2019 legislative session.
- $338,000 in the AFY 2020 budget to enhance the Georgia Grown brand.
Community Affairs
- $54,225 in funding for the Georgia Advocacy Office within the GA Dept. of Community Affairs.
- $100,000 for the southwest state hub of the Statewide Independent Living Council’s Home Access Program to promote independence for people with disabilities.
- $2.6 million for public health grants to county health departments, which provide basic health care services, programs and resources to local communities, especially in rural Georgia.
- $250,000 for loan repayment awards for rural physicians, physician assistants, dentists and advanced practice registered nurses who provide care in counties with populations of 50,000 or less.
- $150,000 to the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia for training, education programs and mobile unit testing.
- $463,000 for the Rural Health Systems Innovation Center at Mercer School of Medicine.
- $2 million to the Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission to provide support for the 24 percent of trauma centers in the state that are unfunded, as well as support trauma system expansion in rural Georgia.
- $5.4 million to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) for crisis beds and behavioral health care services
- $761,000 for the residential treatment of addictive diseases to increase the bed count by 22 statewide.
- $287,000 for provider support and training to build and maintain the state’s behavioral health workforce capacity, especially in rural areas.
- $750,000 to the Marcus Autism Center which would result in fewer children being on waitlists for intensive and critical services.
- $164,800 in funding to the Department of Human Services for the Georgia Memory Net to allow the five established memory clinics to continue to meet the growing demand for Alzheimer’s patients.
House Bill 792 now heads to our colleagues in the Senate where they will either agree with our proposals or recommend their own version. While we have accomplished the first step, there is still much to do before the final AFY 2020 budget is passed.
House Action
In addition to House Bill 792, we also managed to pass a number of measures to benefit our state. Here is a quick look at what we accomplished.
- House Bill 487 would allow state employees who are certified volunteers of the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary to volunteer for up to 15 workdays per year after certain natural disasters in specialized emergency services operations for the Civil Air Patrol.
- House Bill 195 would increase the death benefit for members of the Georgia Firefighters' Pension Fund from $5,000 to $10,000.
- House Bill 292 would repeal the requirement for an accrued liability to be paid to the Teachers Retirement System (TRS).
- House Bill 716 would require any carrier that issues a health benefit plan in Georgia through an agent to pay a commission to that agent and file their proposed commission rates with the Department of Insurance.
- House Bill 758 would allow motor carriers to implement, require or deploy a motor carrier safety improvement program.
- House Bill 759 would authorize the annual drug update to comply with federal regulations and would capture new synthetic drugs, such as spice and bath salts.
- House Bill 765 would increase the minimum salary and compensation of magistrates and clerks by providing a cost-of-living adjustment and a five percent raise.
- House Bill 786 would allow for an additional superior court judge in the Flint Judicial Circuit.
- House Resolution 1023 would allow Georgia voters the opportunity to vote on a constitutional amendment that would permit Georgia citizens to bring suit where a law violates the Georgia or United States Constitution.
All measures passed by the House are now transferred to the Senate where they will be under further review. If the Senate changes the legislation within the committee process, the bills will then come back to the House to either agree or disagree with the changes. If the Senate agrees and passes legislation, it is then transferred to the Governor for his signature or veto.
Thank you for the honor of allowing us to serve as your voice on Capitol Hill. It is a task that we do not take lightly. We can only represent you if we hear from you. So please reach out with questions or concerns regarding legislation. We will return next week with further updates on your Georgia General Assembly as we continue our work in reaching our goal of providing simple, smart and effective government.
Shaw Blackmon
Representative of Georgia's 146th House District
Representative Shaw Blackmon
District 146
Phone: 404-463-7583
Address: 401-K State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334