Prince of Peace
Weekly Update
June 19-25 2020
"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing."

Helen Keller  
Dear Members and Friends of Prince of Peace:

You are invited to attend the ZOOM Congregational Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m., following the 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, June 28 . Please refer to the ballot for the Zoom invite. Only those who participate in the Zoom meeting via phone or monitor device are permitted to vote.

The proposed agenda for the meeting is as follows.

  • Call to Order
  • Opening Prayer
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Vote on Congregational Council Ballot
  • Vote to put Misty Hollow up for sale
  • Adjournment
  • Lord's Prayer
Please plan to participate in your Congregational Meeting. Thirty-five confirmed members are needed to conduct official business. 
If you have questions not answered in the supporting documents, please speak with a member of the Congregational Council prior to the meeting in order to have your concerns addressed. If you have questions about Zoom, please contact Pastor Lutz. 
Although anyone involved with Prince of Peace is welcome to attend the Congregational Meeting, only confirmed members of the congregation are permitted to make a motion and to vote.

Yours in Christ,

The Rev Paul Lutz
We Want to Hear From You!

As work begins both at reopening our physical space and reinventing who we are as a church, we are seeking your input on what makes Prince of Peace special to you.

It’s 4 questions .
4 questions… that could change the direction of our church.
4 questions… that will not just sit in a document. These will help us shape what Prince of Peace will look like in the coming months. 
4 questions… that give you a voice. 
Please take a few moments to prayerfully respond to this 4 question survey .
Your answers will be shared with the Forward Leadership team and Council. Summary data will be shared with the Re-forming teams.
If you are not able to access or reply to these questions, please let us know and we will have someone contact you to get your responses. You are a part of this church and we want to hear from you!
Where is Prince of Peace?

During this pandemic Prince of Peace’s doors may be closed, but God’s work continues through our hands! Our Social Ministry has sprung to the task of bringing Prince of Peace to our community and the world.

Here is a sample of what is happening:

Prince of Peace Community Sewing Group- a group of both POP members and community members worked together to respond to the needs of those who were working closely with COVID patients. These items were donated to Danbury Hospital (Emergency Room, 8th and 12th floors), Greenwich Hospital, Bridgeport Hospital, and Danbury Visiting Nurses. Also face masks are being made for church members, family and friends and any community member who was in need. The group’s sewing machines are still humming with face masks being made for Nursing homes and Food Banks (Filosa/ Hancock Hall, Bethel Health Care, Brookfield & Bethel Food Pantry, & Daily Bread Food Pantry). Approximately 1,500 scrub caps and face masks have been created by this talented group!
Loaves and Fishes- small groups of 2 are serving food on the 2nd Sunday of each month following state guidelines for safety. Meals are being prepared and handed out in bags.

Daily Bread - members provide food and monetary donations to support those in need of food at this time.

Naomi Circle- blankets, quilts, baby blankets and hats created by POP members and then shipped to those in need in the world.

LOVE fund - monetary donations that Pastor Lutz can pass onto those in the community in need.
Alleluia! POP is alive and well, serving those in need!

~ Monica Walsh
Offering,Tithes and
Special Donations 

Please help us stay current with our financial obligations
during this difficult time.
We say "Thank you" to all who have mailed in their offerings.

We are now able to offer online giving here.

Now you can give a one time gift or a reoccurring gift through a checking account or a debit/credit card.  

Please join us whenever convenient for your household for virtual worship. Each Sunday service is posted by 8 a.m. on our website. The abbreviated virtual worship experience including hymns you can sing along with, a gospel story worth telling, a sermon that speaks to our current reality, prayers for the community and world and community announcements about what's happening at PoP. Check your email for the link or go our website ( ) and click on the date of the service you would like to experience.   

Virtual Lectors Sought!

If you have a phone you can record yourself reading one of our Sunday scripture passages to be included in our virtual worship.

We will include all four of the Sunday readings.

Speak to Pastor Lutz if you'd like to serve as a "virtual" lector.
How to Reach
the Pastor

And as always, Pastor Lutz is easily accessible. You can email him (poppastorpaul@ call him on his cell (609.578.7921) or post on his Facebook page ( ). Although there will be no regular office hours, the church phone is checked every couple of days for messages.
Congratulations to all our Graduates! *
Cassandra Buzzell
Whisconier Middle School

Emma Cable
Whisconier Middle School

Ava Cantone
Whisconier Middle School

Andrew Confortini Jr.
Westside Middle
School Academy

McKenzie Kleppin
New Milford High School

Morgen Kleppin
Schaghticoke Middle School
New Milford

Luke Lacey
Bethel High School

Christopher Mattera
Newtown Middle School

Colin McLoone
Brookfield High School

Melissa McLoone
Quinnipiac University
Master's Degree

LeAnna Murphy
Marist College
Bachelor's Degree

Riley Roksvold
Whisconier Middle School

A Blessing at Graduation
May you have wisdom in heart and mind; success in every challenge you find;
courage to seek life’s purpose for you; belief in yourself to make it come true;
strength to do your best and endure; and the guiding light of faith to ensure
that wherever you go, whatever you do, God’s love will always see you through.

*We tried to get everyone but if we missed you, please let us know. And Congratulations!

Also, consider the following resource as a way to help make your graduation even more memorable.
Where do you see God creating something new today?

We Want to Hear From You!

Join us this Sunday at
11:00 a.m. for our weekly Fellowship/Coffee Hour.

We are collecting stories to better understand the power and influence of Prince of Peace in our membership.

Members of the Forward Leadership Team will be present to share their stories and to capture yours.

Sign into a Virtual Coffee Hour by clicking on the link below.
If prompted

Meeting ID: 988 8813 8373 Password: 735006

It is always helpful to test your ability to join and visual & audio sounds on your computer or tablet prior to the meeting.

See you Sunday at 11:00 a.m.!
Join Virtual Coffee Hour
"Creating Community" Email Devotions sent on Mondays
Creating Community is an email devotion to guide your preparation for worship for the following weekend. 

Imagine how much more clear and relevant God's Word will be if you have had an opportunity to read, reflect, and dwell in the Word prior to worship. You may do this devotion as an individual, with others, as a family, or over Zoom as a small group. 

Each devotion arrives on Monday and can be engaged in anytime before Sunday's worship. 
The devotion includes three simple steps:

1. Read through the text (provided)

2. Respond to the questions (select one of the sets of questions from the three possibilities )

3. Offer a Prayer (one is provided)
Click below to see devotions for this Sunday.
The New Christ in Our Home (July, August, September) is available for pick up.

The Gather Magazine is also available for pickup.

Please pick up your copy of this devotion and magazine by driving to the church building and walking up to the front door. Please wear gloves and keep 6 feet away from any others you may find there.

Pastor Lutz is available
to drop Christ in our Home devotion or the Gather Magazine to your home per your request.

You may reach him at 609.578.7921 or
by email or by Facebook.
Please consider a food or monetary donation to the DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY during this pandemic. 

Your food-insecure neighbors will benefit from your donations of:

  • Black beans or any kind of canned or bagged beans
  • Rice in 1,2 or 3 lb. bags
  • Pasta - any kind
  • Cereal - Cheerios, Corn Flakes. Rice Krispies (no sweet cereals)
  • Tomato sauce in cans
  • Tuna
  • Chicken in cans
  • Peanut butter
  • Pork & beans or meals in cans
  • Canned vegetables (especially corn)

Drop off your food items or checks (payable to DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY) to the church's freshly painted front door anytime between now and Tuesday morning.

Your neighbors thank you.