Out of an abundance of caution and following Gov. Ned Lamont's injunction to
"Stay Safe. Stay at Home."
The Prince of Peace building
is closed for the foreseeable future (but not the people)
In the meantime, we are
being the "church" (God's people) in the world.
Blessing of Quilts
and Baby Blankets
We will be blessing the quilts made by the Naomi Circle and the baby blankets made by the women of P.O.P. that are sent to the ELCA Global Missions during our virtual worship on Sunday, May 10
(Mother's Day).
If you have any completed please take them to church. There will be a box outside the church where you can leave them. If you have a key to the church, you can leave them inside on the bench in the Narthex. Please deliver them no later than Friday, May 8
If you are unable to deliver...contact Pastor Paul (609-578-7921) and he will pick them up.
Contact - Marci Sharp
(203-775-4657) or
Karen Mueller
(203- 743-6750).
Meal Train Plus
The Danbury High School baseball team wanted to help take care of those on the front lines of the coronavirus, not only by social distancing and staying home but also by coming together to both support our local restaurants, doctors, nurses and other personnel at Danbury Hospital. They are working hard to make sure everyone can get through these trying times and what better way to help them accomplish that then to keep their energy up, and most importantly - boost morale. By ordering food (any cuisine) we'll help local restaurants' bottom line. Restaurants will prepare the food and drop it off at the hospital - and we'll help fund this important task!
Update on Summer 2020 VBS
There will be no Brookfield Ecumenical Vacation Bible School this year due to the COVID19 virus.
At the April 15 Zoom Council meeting the following items were discussed:
- Affirmed the building closure until further notice
- Applied (April 4th) for a Cares Act/Payroll Protect Program grant
- Reviewed virtual worship services, Fellowship/Coffee Hours, and the new online giving options
- Discussed current and projected deficit budget and agreed to reduce payroll across the board, (Preschool Director, Deb Nobes, Assistant Director; Heidi Riddle; Choir Directors, Laurie and Kevin Fay: and Pastor Lutz) by 20% effective May.1.2020. As an hourly employee Rene Tuccillo, our office administrator, gets paid only for the hours she works. She is currently working around 10 hours per week at home and in the office
- Heard a Preschool update
- Explore possible dates for Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism for seven 8th graders
- Discussed possibilities of a social distancing congregational meeting in June.
Christ in Our Home
is available for pick up.
Please pick up your copy of this devotion by driving to the church building and walking up to the front door. Please wear gloves and keep 6 feet away from any others you may find there.
Pastor Lutz
is available
to drop Christ in our Home devotion or the Gather Magazine to your home per your request.
You may reach him at 609.578.7921 or
by email or by Facebook.
Offering,Tithes and
Special Donations
Please help us stay current with our financial obligations
during this difficult time.
We say "Thank you" to all who have mailed in their offerings.
We are now able to offer online giving here.
Now you can give a one time gift or a reoccurring gift through a checking account or a debit/credit card.
Have a soon-to-be graduate in your family?
Consider the following resource as a way to help make it even more memorable.
I want to give you something to consider. It is looking as many citizens will receive a check from the government sometime in the near future. Like with all of your income, I invite you to join with me in considering a tithe.
A tithe is the giving of a percentage (typically 10%) of salary, financial gifts, interest, winnings or other income to others out of Christian concern. Jesus taught that "tithing must be done in conjunction with a deep concern for justice, mercy and faithfulness" (Matthew 23:23).
I invite you to consider any payment from our government as subject to tithing. There are many worthy organizations, small businesses, and efforts that would benefit from your generosity. Supporting “Brookfield Recovers”, the Dorothy Day House, your favorite local business, restaurant, coffee house, or favorite charity, to name a few. (See the list of local open business below).
To be clear, this is not a request to send money to Prince of Peace. This is an invitation to see this government payment as an opportunity to practice tithing. I am encouraging you to continue to be the church in the world by helping others in need with an act of justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
Let me know where your tithe goes. I will pray for the business.
Easter Blessings,
Pastor Paul Lutz
How to reach the Pastor
And as always, Pastor Lutz is easily accessible. You can email him (poppastorpaul@ sbcglobal.net) call him on his cell (609.578.7921) or post on his Facebook page (
). Although there will be no regular office hours, the church phone is checked every couple of days for messages.
Let us Pray
O God, where hearts are fearful and constricted, grant courage and hope. Where anxiety is infectious and widening, grant peace and reassurance. Where
mpossibilities close every door and window, grant imagination and resistance. Where distrust twists our thinking, grant healing and illumination. Where spirits are daunted and weakened, grant soaring wings and strengthened dreams. All these things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
(Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Additional Prayers, pg. 72-87)
I'll say it again!!!
If the school closures have you concerned about your child not being able to eat breakfast or lunch let me know. I will do what I can to help. A box of cereal, gallon of milk, bread, pb&j- just let me know. Feel free to contact me - no judgement!
This also goes for the elderly! If you know someone in need -please reach out!
I have heard from several members also willing to help as needed, Please be in touch. It is what church is all about, helping each other.
P.S. if you are ever worried about how you are going to feed your kiddo(s) or yourself we will figure it out together.
“Brookfield Recovers”
is a special fund created to assist residents impacted by the Covid19 emergency. Brookfield is an extremely generous town, so it’s not surprising that we’ve been overwhelmed with inquiries from residents about “how can we help?” This is how you can help Brookfield residents. Donations will be administered by the town’s Department of Social Services with 100% of all contributions directly benefiting residents in need.
Funds will be used to purchase items to resupply our food pantry and to assist clients impacted with basic needs to help them stay in their homes. Your gift will have a measurable and immediate impact on friends and neighbors. Please consider a donation to Brookfield Recovers.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
You may send a donation via check, payable to:
Town of Brookfield
(note Brookfield Recovers on the memo line)
Brookfield Social Services
100 Pocono Road
Brookfield CT 06804
Act of Spiritual Communion
By St. Alphonsus de Liguori
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
Please join us whenever convenient for your household for virtual worship. Each Sunday service is posted by 8 a.m. on our website. The abbreviated virtual worship experience including hymns you can sing along with, a gospel story worth telling, a sermon that speaks to our current reality, prayers for the community and world and community announcements about what's happening at PoP. Check your email for the link or go our website (
) and click on the date of the service you would like to experience.
Masks and Scrub Caps
The mask and scrub cap group, sometimes called, “The Merry Mask Makers” has satisfied the needs of the Emergency Department at Danbury Hospital, but we will continue to make scrub caps and masks for nurses who work on the Covid-19 Unit.
We will be making items for the visiting Nurses, local nursing homes and Regional Hospice in Danbury. Although there are some medical supplies, there is never enough to meet the needs at this time. Staff frequently use a single mask for extended periods of time. The masks are frequently worn over the N-95 masks to extend the use. As a mask becomes moist from talking and breathing, it can transmit particles of the virus so extra layers can improve safety. Remember to wash your masks.
On Monday, Pastor Lutz blessed 80 scrub caps and 60 masks. The grand total is 300 scrub caps and 380 masks. This does not count the masks which have been made for individuals and families in the community. One member sent masks to Texas for her family. There’s no limit to what we can do for others.
We continue to supply masks for our church and community.
Let us know your needs.
Nan Carlson
Further PPE Update:
Prince of Peace
an Amazing Ministry
As of April 30
we have donated -1,000 masks & scrub caps to Danbury Visiting Nurse, Danbury Hospital.
We're finding the request for scrub caps is still a concern - nurses continue to share stories of their shifts and home visits.
They are worried about the care they are giving their patients and about protecting themselves and their own families. They love the caps and are taking them home and washing them as they do their uniforms.
So keep sewing.
We've received a request for more caps from the 12
floor nurses.
Below is a list of those involved in our group-
Prince of Peace
Community Sewers
- Denise Allen
- Patricia Beck
- Tracy Bozek
- Colleen Boyd
- Barbara Bruno
- Betty Callahan
- Nancy Carlson
- Ken Carlson
- Danielle Connolly
- Tammy Weiner- Curatilo
- Liz Diker
- Michael Diker
- Laura Duffy
- Dianne Endsley
- Linda Frame
- Jean Futter
- Marcelle George
- Elaine Giagrande
- Cheryl Hallock
- Mike Hallock
- Debbie Helming
- Sue Herman
- Pam Hohenshelt
- Madeline Kalajian
- Denise Kearns
- Joan Ketterl
- Dory Kutz
- Ron Kutz
- Pastor Paul Lutz
- Anneliese Menrath
- Anton Menrath
- Diane Morey
- Barbara Morris
- Laura Neeb
- Julia O’Sullivan
- Mary O’Sullivan
- Neil O’Sullivan
- Kim Petruska
- Angie Reggiero
- Pati Richards
- Louise Riley
- Marci Sharp
- Bonnie Siclari
- Nancy Tolmoff
- Monica Walsh
- Russell Walsh
- Megan Wamock
- Nicole Werner
- Lucy Williams
So where do they all come from?
Brookfield, Bethel, Danbury, Newtown, New Fairfield, New Milford & Southbuy
Monica Walsh
It's noon. Let us Pray
Join Pastor Lutz each day at noon (until further notice) in prayer. Set an alarm, mark your watch, etc.
May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors remembers those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health and making their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools closed, remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips remember those who have no safe place to go.
May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of our economic market remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settle in for a quarantine at home remember those who have no home.
As fear grips our country let us choose Love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other.
Let us find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors.
(Cameron Wiggins Beld)
Faith Formation at Home
Parents of Sunday School children, we are supplying several options for faith formation at home. Download the Taking Faith Home insert from our website for daily family prayers, rituals and traditions. In addition there is on the web page Sunday School readings, questions, and activities that correspond to the bible story presented in the worship clip.
Parents of Confirmands, we have moved to a Zoom class every Tuesday. Let me know if you have any questions
Adult learners, I would like to also create an Adult Faith Formation blog to continue our learning. How many would be interested in such an experience? We could also hold the Women's Bible Study online with Zoom. Ladies, are you interested?
As a friend of mine said recently, .... it is also a time to recall that our God is an abundant, enduring and fiercely caring God who responds to our prayers by reminding us we are all ministers capable of serving our neighbors and the common good at ANY time.
Time in worship and study are perhaps more needed than ever before.
New Way to be the Church
So, what ideas do you have for new ways to be the church at a time like this? Here are some thoughts that may trigger some ideas for you.
- Take care of yourself. Read. Try to relax. I’ve rekindled a new music listening habit that had gone away because of a busy life. Restoring the practice has been such a gift. Exercise 30 minutes a day if you can. Taking a walk works.
- Reach out to others in new ways. Social distancing does not have to mean social absence. Try a Zoom meeting. Stay in touch with PoP friends by cell phone, email or by writing a compassionate note.
- Renew or energize family relationships and relationships with other friends with whom you’ve lost touch. You may have “forced” free time now to build on relationships that have lagged.
- Check on your neighbors. You can still knock on a door and give the gift of a smile, showing that you care. (That would be a group of less than 10, right?)
- Have a grudge against someone? No time like the present to mend fences.
- Say thanks to a doctor or nurse or EMT volunteer you know who may be having a tough time right now.
- Keep your offerings to the church going. Thanks to you, the ministry of PoP continues in the hardest of times. Remember PoP, its pastor and faithful staff and leaders in your prayers