This week's happenings!

January 14th, 2024

Upcoming Events

See what's happening this week:


Auxiliary Dinner 5 - 7 pm

Cut N Shoot 6 - 8 pm

Queen Hearts 7 pm



Meeting Night -

Auxiliary Meeting in Canteen

No Tacos



Burger Night 5 - 7 pm

Bingo 6 pm

Trivia 7 pm


Pool League 6pm

Bar Poker 6 pm


Dinner TBD


Cut N Shoot 5 - 7pm

Karaoke 7pm



Wings 12 - 5 pm


From the Commander:

Congratulations to Troy Price, an Auxiliary member for winning the Queen of Hearts!

Post and Auxiliary meetings will be held as normal. The Auxiliary will meet in the canteen and the Post will meet in the hall. The Bar will be closed while meetings are in session. Canteen will be closed while the Auxiliary holds their meeting!

There are a lot of great events coming up, so keep an eye on the calendar.

We will be hosting a membership booth at this year's Thunder by the Bay. We will be looking for both Post and Auxiliary members to man the booth in 2-hour blocks on 2/16, 2/17, and 2/18. Volunteering will get you free admission to the event! Sign up sheets are in the canteen.

I am happy to announce that the Sarasota Firefighters Benevolent Fund is bringing their Casino Night Fund Raiser back to the post! This will be the first event in the hall after the renovations! This is a ticketed event, so if you want to attend, you will need to purchase a ticket. See the attached flyer for details on how to purchase. THE POST IS NOT SELLING TICKETS FOR THIS EVENT! Tickets are available at

This Week in US Military History:

The week of January 14th has been marked with significant events in US military history, from key battles to the birth of significant figures. Each event has dramatically impacted the course of history, shaping the country into what it is today. From the Revolutionary War to the modern-day conflicts, January 14th has been a week of bravery, sacrifice, and triumph for the US military.

The Week of January 14th marks the beginning of one of the most crucial battles of the Revolutionary War: the Battle of Cowpens. On January 17th, 1781, American forces led by Brigadier General Daniel Morgan faced off against British forces led by Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton in a small, but strategically significant, town in South Carolina. The victory at Cowpens was a turning point in the war, boosting morale for the American forces and weakening British control in the South.

In the years following the Revolutionary War, the US military saw further developments on January 14th. On January 16th, 1786, the United States Congress established the War Department, which would later become the Department of Defense. This marked the official birth of the US military as we know it today. The War Department played a crucial role in organizing and overseeing military operations, and its establishment laid the foundation for future achievements.

The 1800s saw continued developments in the US military during the week of January 14th. On January 17th, 1806, Colonel Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers and the first Secretary of the Treasury, died from wounds sustained in a duel with Aaron Burr, the third Vice President of the United States. Hamilton's contributions to the establishment of the US military during the Revolutionary War and his role in shaping the country's financial system were crucial to its success.

The week of January 14th also saw notable advancements in the US Navy. On January 14th, 1847, the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, was established. The Academy was created to provide a formal education and training for future officers in the Navy. It has played a significant role in preparing military leaders and continues to be a prestigious institution today.

Auxiliary Monday Night Dinner:

Spaghetti Dinner! Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, salad, bread, and dessert!

5 - 7 pm or until gone!


From our Auxiliary:

Happy Sunday!

Cut and Shoot Tony will be in the kitchen today serving up his delicious WINGS. We will be serving through January and then hopefully once a month until the next football season.

Mama Julie's spaghetti will be served tomorrow night from 5-7 or sold out.

With the Hall renovations in full swing, our January Auxiliary meeting will be in the pool room of the Canteen on January 16th at 6 pm; our District President will be in attendance to complete our annual audit.

Connie Gesell and I will be in Orlando this weekend for Mid-Winter. A full report will occur at our February meeting, and of course, I'll send out one of my emails.

Everyone have a fantastic week!

The caller is a volunteer. Please be Respectful.

Cut & Shoot

This Saturday

5 - 7 pm

You can't win

if you don't Play!

This week Queen of Hearts will start out at $2000.00! Congratulations Troy Price!

Before you complain, Have you volunteered lately?