Prince of Peace
Weekly Update
April 9-15, 2021

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
 -Nelson Mandela
Worship with us this season of Easter!
April 11th, the Second Sunday of Easter.  We will worship with the New England Synod using a special recorded Easter Worship service. The link is available on our website whenever convenient for your worship schedule that day. No FM parking lot worship this month.
April 18th, the Third Sunday of Easter. We will return to our 9:30 a.m. Zoom worship to sing Easter hymns, listen to stories about hunger and nourishment. Jesus both shares the disciples’ food and shows them the meaning of his suffering, death, and resurrection through the scriptures.
April 25th, the Fourth Sunday of Easter. We will return to our 9:30 a.m. Zoom worship to learn about the Good Shepherd’s willingness to lay down his life for the sheep. We will consider what it means to lay down our lives for one another by the example of sharing our wealth with any sibling in need.
Offering,Tithes and
Special Donations 

We say "Thank you" to all who have mailed in their offerings.
Please help us stay current with our financial obligations
during this difficult time.
Mail in your offering to address below or give online by clicking the button below.
You can now make a one time or reoccurring donation
through your bank account or debit/credit card.
Please consider a food or monetary donation to the DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY during this pandemic. 

Your food-insecure neighbors will benefit from your donations of:

  • Black beans or any kind of canned or bagged beans
  • Rice in 1,2 or 3 lb. bags
  • Pasta - any kind
  • Cereal - Cheerios, Corn Flakes. Rice Krispies (no sweet cereals)
  • Tomato sauce in cans
  • Tuna
  • Chicken in cans
  • Peanut butter
  • Pork & beans or meals in cans
  • Canned vegetables (especially corn)

Drop off your food items or checks (payable to DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY) to the church's freshly painted front door.

Your neighbors thank you.

The church office will be closed April 10-18, 2021. It will re-open on April 19.

Pastor Ned McMillen will be on call in case of an emergency. His phone number is
(203) 207-0117. His e-mail is
Fundraiser for the Daily Bread Food Pantry
We are grateful for the following contributions:

  •  54 Large Black Bags
  •  96 White Kitchen Bags
  •  86 Boxes with
Total Collections: 236

I know that more is coming so this number will increase!

The number of family units who come for food twice per week is well over 225!

A recent report on hunger in our great country is one in ten families are lacking enough food to stop their hunger.
Mothers frequently give their food to their children. Many go to bed in hunger.

Thank you for your generosity. Please continue to bring donations up until April 21st.
Nan Carlson
How to Reach
the Pastor

And as always, Pastor Lutz is easily accessible. You can email him (poppastorpaul@ call him on his cell (609.578.7921) or post on his Facebook page
Although there will be no regular office hours, the church phone is checked every couple of days for messages.