Weekly Update 1/25/2024

Grace Happenings

Weekly Update E-news

Click HERE for the Church Calendar!


Worthwhile Work

Throughout the year, members and friends of Grace give special, "above and beyond" donations to the Discretionary Fund with the intention that I, with the help of others, will direct these dollars to needs in the community as they arise. 

Over the past 18 months, Sabena has become a key partner for me in this work. Because she has such a heart for helping those in our community, she has endeavored to communicate and coordinate with other congregations and organizations helping people in times of need. This has been a tremendous help to me, as one of the things I am constantly short on is time. The extra hours to vet requests and coordinate with community partners is crucial to ensure we're focused on helping people with their greatest needs.  

It occurred to me that many might not know about all the good that gifts to the discretionary fund provide. Here are a few highlights from the last few months:

1.) We worked with several other congregations and organizations to help a young man catch up on back rent that occurred when this recent graduate was between jobs. He was so grateful and has followed up a few times to thank us.

2.) Through Pastor Lauren Carlson in Morganton, we learned of a situation where a student needed help paying the cost associated with remaining in their dorm during Christmas. We were able to cover that amount to ensure the student was not left homeless for three weeks.  

3.) Around Thanksgiving I spoke with the social worker at Hardin Park, and she shared how difficult it is for some families when children are home during breaks. We were able to purchase $500 worth of food cards, in small denominations, enabling the social worker to discreetly put them in backpacks.  

4.) In October we received a larger-than-normal donation to the discretionary fund. In this case, the donor made themself known to me, and together we talked about what good could be done. We decided to participate in the school Christmas gift project. So we had each staff member (and some significant others) choose one child for whom they would shop. We went to Walmart together and just had the best time roaming the aisles and purchasing clothing and gifts for 12 children in our community!

5.) Two weeks ago we worked with a coalition of donors, coordinated by Western Youth Network, to help a family cover a portion of the cost of replacing their broken septic system (unusable for four months!). Without this support, the family would have had to find another place to live!

6.) Just this week, we worked with Watauga Opportunities to help an individual with a disability and on a fixed income cover a particularly high power bill.

This is just a small sample of how these funds are used. I give thanks to those who support this work through their "above and beyond" gifts to the Discretionary Fund. Because of your gifts and Sabena’s excellent work, Grace continues to be a trusted partner in helping to directly respond to the needs in our community.  

Thank you!  

Pastor Steve

P.S. This last week there was a phishing scam where an email account, very similar to mine, was sending emails to people asking people to financially support a need in the community through the purchase of gift cards. As you can see from above, the way that we help people in the community is through the official channel of the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. To be sure, I will never email you and ask you to purchase a gift card. This is an unfortunate scam that preys on the generosity and compassion in church communities.  

Where's the New Church Directory?

Next week the latest version of "The People of Grace" church directory will be available on January 31--FINALLY!

To request a copy (digital or printed) next week, you will go to our website's "Church Publications" page (see the screenshot below). In the bottom right corner, select the "Church Directory Request Form" button. We'll make some paper copies of the form and place them in the narthex as well.

For those opting for a printed directory, it's important to share that to offset the color copy costs, there's a suggested minimum donation of $5 to cover the cost of printing. Also in the current version, please note that about half of our congregation is pictured. So if you were not able to send in a photo or request to have one taken, no problem! Because this directory is being created with our Breeze program, we can keep adding photos and making updates as they arise. Just call 828-264-2206 or email Sabena.

You can get a sneak peak of the sample copy of the directory which will be available for review in the narthex this Sunday.

A special thanks to Sam Fike, Martha Kreszock, Jan Burgess and Catherine Templeton who helped organize, take photos, update contact information, etc.!



Link to our website HERE!

Sunday, February 11 is the last day to sign up for the Wild Women retreat at Lutheridge which will be held March 8-10th. Anyone interested in attending should contact me at [email protected] for the registration form. Thanks! Dana


We welcome you to sign up to help serve on a Sunday!

1) Use the posted pen and "tablets" displayed in the narthex by the entry door.

2) Call Sabena at 828-264-2206 or email her at [email protected]

3) Check this weekly "Grace Happenings" e-newsletter (see the colorful button links below).

4) NEW! Sign up yourself using the previously emailed link titled Worship Assistants till Aug. 25, 2024 Sign-Up Sheet. Let Sabena know if you need it resent.

Please note that if we ever have a duplicate sign-up, Sabena will follow right up with you to confirm your requested date availability. Thank you!

View Only: Currently Signed-Up Volunteers
Inquire about Volunteer Openings


Digital Prayer Request Form
Weekly Published Prayer List


Schedule Online HERE!
Click HERE to RSVP


Click on each image below for more information or sign-ups!


Faith Formation Zoom Link (for Thursday Bible Study & Adult Sunday School)

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Thursday Morning Bible Study will meet on January 25th with Dr. Alan Hauser, as he completes the Matthew nativity narrative. Pastor Steve will resume teaching the class on February 1st.

Young Adult Sunday Evening Bible Study

Young Adult Bible Study meets (as scheduled & shared by James) on Sundays at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall or Parlor. For more information, contact James Holden [email protected].

Adult Sunday School Class

Sunday School continues to meet in-person and via zoom at 8:30am. 

For the next series, Pastor Steve will be having Adult Confirmation classes which will start on Sunday, February 4th and will run through April 14th (taking Easter Sunday off). 

All are welcome to join in!

Special weather note: IF church is cancelled, Sunday School will still be held via zoom.

Class Syllabus

See below for a list for

upcoming great activities

for Children, Youth and Family!

Contact Deacon Stacey to

RSVP or get more details.

Contact Deacon Stacey


Inclement Weather Policy

Grace Weather Policy
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