Prince of Peace

Weekly Update

February 9-15, 2024

“Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches,

letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.”

 Pauline R. Kezer



We continue to worship together Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the building, in-person or on Zoom, Facebook Live, or webpage (


  • Please sign in upon arrival.

  • We have a seasonal bulletin to be used each week. Please return the bulletin to the tall table to be used again.

  • Communion can be received around the altar.

  • The offering will be gathered when worshipers arrive and brought forward during the service.


Sundays at 10:00 a.m. will also be on Zoom and streamed to our Facebook page.

Join our 10:00 a.m. service via Zoom

Please give a warm welcome to Pastor Linda Kraft who will be our guest pastor this Sunday.

Feb 12th is Shrove Tuesday please join us for Pancakes, Bingo and fun starting at 6:00 p.m.

Ash Wednesday is February 14th – so bring your Valentine to either a service of prayers and ashes at 12:00 p.m. or a full service at 7:00 p.m. The 7:00 p.m. service will be available on Zoom.

Wednesday, February 21st 

starts our Lenten services – 6:30 -7:00 p.m. is a soup and bread meal – you can sign up to come or bring food on the narthex table.  

At 7:00 p.m. we will begin the Holden Evening prayer with a meditation on Items of Lent shared by members.  The service will also be available on Zoom.



Dear members of Prince of Peace,

We want to thank you once again for the privilege of serving our Lord with you. PoP is such a great congregation with such a great future.

We thank you for all the special gifts we received on our departure; special gifts from the Church Council as well as the flowers and financial gift from the congregation. We were overwhelmed by your generosity.

We will never forget our time at PoP, nor the friends we made there.

May God continue to bless you all now and always.

Pastor Mark & Caryl Grorud

Update from the Daily Bread Pantry

The client population is changing. Last week, more than 400 clients were served, and the type of client is certainly different. The Pantry now sees many more adult clients, mostly immigrants who are newly arriving and have no local address, presumably housed in emergency shelters or "on the streets". 

Food supplies in the pantry are challenged and additional food collections are encouraged.

Food is really appreciated, as well as financial donations.

Please open your hearts to these hungry people and pray for their well-being and health.

Nan Carlson


Please note donations go down after the holidays and January and February are some of the worst time for donations. 


Below is a list of the most nutritious and easiest items to distribute. 

Avoid glass jars and fragile packaging. 


  • Canned tuna, salmon or chicken
  • Beans (canned or dry)
  • Peanut butter
  • Meal-in-a-can (beef stew, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.)
  • Soup (especially chicken noodle)
  • Rice (1, 2 or 3 pound bags)
  • Pasta
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Canned corn
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit
  • Breakfast cereal (hot or cold)
  • Marinara sauce and canned tomato products







Drop off your food items or checks (payable to DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY) to the church's front door anytime.  

Monetary donations are a good choice and easy to do on-line by clicking on the link below.

Thank you for your donations and prayers.

Click here to donate to the Daily Bread Food Pantry

Dear Prince of Peace Members: 

I am following-up from the past weekend’s congregational vote, to call Pr. Michael Anderson to serve as the pastor of Prince of Peace. I am so excited to announce that he has accepted the call and will start at Prince of Peace on March 11th. 

Pr. Michael and his wife, Rebecca, are coming from Christ our Savior Church in Sussex, WI. As part of the calling process, the congregation is to cover the full moving expenses. Please consider making your Wednesday Lenten offerings in support of these moving expenses. Please indicate on a check or envelope with cash that you would want your Lenten offering directed towards the moving expenses. 

What a blessing to have Pr. Michael with us for the Holy Week services! We are looking forward to welcoming him and Rebecca into our Prince of Peace family. 

God of new beginnings, prepare us to welcome Pr. Anderson with open hearts. Bless him and his wife in their transition and grant them a safe move. Kindle in us an excitement to discover new gifts together in ministry. Amen.

In Thanksgiving:

Lorraine Lavery

Council President


Rev. Michael Anderson

Rev. Michael Anderson is an ELCA pastor of 18 years and has served congregations in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and the Greater Milwaukee Synod in both called and interim pastor roles.

A graduate of Valparaiso University with a Bachelor of Art degree in Communication and Spanish, he earned a Master of Divinity degree from The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (now, United Lutheran Seminary). His professional interests include contemplative spirituality and mysticism, liturgy and preaching, faith formation, congregational spiritual practices, congregational mission and leadership development, and writing.


A Wisconsin native, he enjoys cheering on the state’s professional and collegiate sports  teams (the Brewers, Bucks, and Packers in particular), live music, travel, cooking, motorcycling, pursuing physical fitness (running, weightlifting, golf, hiking), and reading (especially the work of  Jim Harrison, David James Duncan, Christopher Moore, and Christian Wiman). He and his wife Rebecca live in Milwaukee, WI with their cat, Junior.


Annual Congregational Meeting

Our annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, February 25th immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service. More information to come soon.

Thank you,

Lorraine Lavery

ADULT BIBLE STUDY Sundays after service

Is your heart unsettled by the chaos of the world? Are you heavy-laden with bad moments, mad moments, or anxious moments? Today, rest in God’s self-giving love and leave all your troubles at the foot of the cross.


There were no accidents on the days surrounding Jesus’ death. Jesus’ last moments were not left up to chance. God chose the path; he selected the nails. Our Lord planted the trio of crosses and painted the sign.


In He Chose the Nails, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado will help you:

  • Learn just how much God loves and cares for you.
  • Take comfort that Jesus understands everything you face in this life.
  • Remember that there’s nothing you can do to earn God’s gift.
  • Stand firm in the promise that you are forgiven, and you are welcome in God’s presence.
  • Search the scene of the cross and listen for God’s gentle whisper, “I did it just for you.”



  1. Feb 18 - He Chose to be One of Us
  2. March 3 - He Chose to Forgive Us
  3. March 10 - He Chose to Invite US into His Presence
  4. March 17 - He Chose to Love Us Forever
  5. March 24 - He Chose to Give Us Victory


Church Contact Information: 


By email –

By phone – (203) 775-9070

Facebook Message –


The church office is open most weeks Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please call first.
