Grace Episcopal Church 

Weekly Update
September 6, 2023

get connected - networking concept - isolated words in vintage letterpress wood type

We are so excited to see the new faces joining us for worship on Sunday! Let's make sure we are connected.

If you see someone new, invite them to fill out a Newcomer Card or a ministry team sign up sheet on Sunday. By doing so, they will be able to receive our weekly Enews, Quarterly Newsletter and special announcements.

And best of all, it will allow us to help create an updated directory. Be on the lookout later this week for an email highlighting how we want to gather our members and friends of Grace's information for the newest directory!
The word  Sermon  painted in black ink over a colorful watercolor washed background concept and theme.


In case you missed it on Sunday, here is Brian's Sermon.

Grace Church Fall Kickoff
Mark your calendars! We will be coming together after the 10 am service on September 10th for our Fall Kickoff! Children's Chapel will NOT be held that day. Instead, we are inviting everyone to come together for a potluck lunch and lawn games. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a lawn chair. We will need lots of help so please consider using this link to sign up to bring a dish! If you have any questions, please contact Megan Howerton at

Food Pantry Sunday
Reminder that Food Pantry Sunday is September 10th! If you are able to support the GoochlandCares Pantry this month, please leave any donated items in the Parish Hall.

Ministry Opportunities
Are you looking for ways to get connected? Be in the lookout for our updated Ministry Opportunities flyer and sign up card available at the picnic on September 10th!

Horizons Book Club
Horizons Book Club will meet September 13th at 6 pm in the Parish Hall to discuss the Pulitzer Prize winning book COVERED WITH NIGHT, by Nicole Eustace. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Questions? Contact Jamie Baker at 804/955-7465 or
4 elements. Set of four beautiful backgrounds. Raster version. Vector is also available in my gallery
This Sunday at a Glance

Food Pantry Sunday
Morning Prayer Service - 9:00 am
Worship Service - 10:00 am
Fall Kickoff Picnic- 11:00 am

Readings for September 10, 2023
Matthew 18:15-20
Ezekiel 33:7-11
Psalm 119:33-40
Romans 13:8-14