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Prince of Peace

Weekly Update

October 2-9, 2024

New Member Sunday

Sunday, October 6, Prince of Peace will welcome new members to the congregation during the 10 a.m. worship service. New Members are received on a rolling basis and recognized during Sunday worship as an affirmation of faith accentuating a shared commitment to building one another up as the body of Christ and living our baptismal callings.

To become a church member or for information about becoming a church member at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, contact the Rev. Michael Anderson at or 203-775-9070.

As a faith community we give thanks for new relationships and for the ceaseless work of the Holy Spirit calling and gathering the church anew with fresh creativity and energy. Join us Sunday, October 6 to welcome Prince of Peace’s newest members.

Motions Pass at

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, September 29, members of Prince of Peace gathered at a congregational meeting and passed motions related to the church’s sanctuary organ and rooftop air conditioning units.


Organ motions passed:

    Approved pursuing a new organ.

    Approved fundraising up to

$250,000 for a new organ.

    Approved borrowing up to $100,000

from Misty Hollow funds after

$150,000 has been fundraised with

the intention to pay back as

fundraising continues.


Air conditioning motion passed:

    Approved use of up to $100,000 for

air conditioning and related roof

repairs from the capital

improvement funds account.


We give thanks to God for the gift of sharing a Lutheran witness to the gospel in Brookfield and invite the inspiration the Holy Spirit in calling us to vibrant expressions of faith.

Hymns on Sunday 10/6

All are Welcome!

ELW # 641

If you but trust in God to Guide you

ELW # 769

God, when Human Bonds are Broken

ELW # 603

Before the Waters Nourished Earth

ACS # 1049

Name Tag Sunday

Sunday, October 6 is Name Tag Sunday.

Share in stoking a spirit of welcome and care at Prince of Peace. When you collect your bulletin at the Welcome Desk this Sunday be sure to claim a name tag and help boost familiarity and kindle acquaintances.

Sunday Morning Adult Study Continues

Prince of Peace’s Fall 2024 Adult Faith Formation, Making Sense of Scripture, continues Sunday, October 6 following the Sunday assembly.

Making Sense of Scripture is a seven-week series designed to engage to common questions about scripture and how to read the Bible and build confidence in reading scripture.

PoP Ladies Night

Please join the ladies of PoP the 1st Monday of every month at Pulcinella's of Brookfield at 7:00 p.m.

We hope to see you on Monday, October 7!

No RSVP is required. Please text/call Lorraine with any questions at

(845) 416-0900.

The next Friday Night Live will be held on Friday, October 11 at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Nancy & Juri Tolmoff.

Please sign up on the poster board in the narthex if you would like to attend.

If you haven't signed up but would like to attend, please email Nancy Tolmoff at

Sunday, October 6

Our Sunday assembly benefits enormously from many people's generous sharing.

Thank you to everyone helping us all in our worship. If you wonder whether you might have a role in our Sunday gathering, please connect with Pastor Michael. 775-9070

Altar Guild: Cathie Fegley, Donna Vitetta

Acolyte: Kevin Buzzell

Communion Bread Baker: Donna Vitetta

Communion Assistants: Melissa Mercado, Marci Sharp

Lector: Dennis Schroeder

Ushers: Kevin & Meg McLoone

Virtual Technical Advisor: Tina Halas

We continue to worship together Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the building, in-person or on Zoom, Facebook Live, or webpage (


  • Please sign in upon arrival.
  • We have a seasonal bulletin to be used each week. Please return the bulletin to the tall table to be used again.
  • Communion can be received around the altar.
  • The offering plate will be passed during the anthem. Please help the ushers by passing the plate down your row.   


Sundays at 10:00 a.m. will also be on Zoom and streamed to our Facebook page.

Click here to join service via Zoom

Prince of Peace Church Staff

The Rev. Michael Anderson, Pastor

(o) 203-775-9070 (m) 203-794-4694/

Want to connect with Pastor Michael?

Schedule an appointment by clicking below.

Make an appointment with Pastor Michael

Brian Muller, Music Ministry Director



Rene Tuccillo, Office Manager

203-775-9070 /

The church office is open most weeks Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please call first.