Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Dear Friends,

Lent begins early this year, with Ash Wednesday on February 14th. After a short Epiphany season, we now enter the season of Lent to be surprised by God’s presence in unexpected people and places, and to find new ways in which God makes love known. February may seem a strange time to think in this way, with cold temperatures, dark mornings, and early sunsets. But days are getting longer and light is finding its way back! Hmmm…something theological in that statement! 

I have seen this light in you! I’m grateful for the compassion and kind wishes you share when people are in need, in so many expressions. The chatter after worship warms me, the quiet service anonymously offered by so many people who support our mission, maintain our buildings, volunteer for program leadership and prepare for our worship. This congregation responds to need readily in both out-front and in hidden ways.

As we walk forward, I am grateful for this season of Lent that comes beginning on the 14th. Join us on the 13th for PANCAKES and Fun! Be grateful for the reminders and opportunities to discover where God’s light shines!


Help support our Youth Mission Trip to Maine by ordering your Super Bowl pizza by THURSDAY (Feb 8) - that’s in 2 days!

Email Angélique to order your cheese and/or pepperoni – both $15 each. You can pay by cash, check, or online on the church’s website GIVE tab (DONATE NOW – MISSION TRIP)

You can pick them up on Sunday after church - (or we can make other arrangements if you can’t make it on Sunday). They will be uncooked, you just need to take them home and pop them in your oven!

Don’t make dinner Tuesday February 13th! Instead, come to our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall! FUN, FOOD and FELLOWSHIP!

For a free-will donation that will also help support the Youth Mission Trip to Maine, you can join us and have a fun and easy night of pancakes, sausage and fruit!

Join us this Sunday, February 11th! The kids will be sharing the story of Queen Esther during a Time for All Ages, and then singing a very special Esther song. We’ll celebrate Purim after church during coffee hour! 

(Not sure what Purim is? Come and find out!)

Reminder to children who will be participating that they should be at church by 9:30 to rehearse.

LINGER LONGER this Sunday, February 11th for an informal musical event during Coffee Hour. Sponsored by the Music Board, David Woods will lead songs of faith and hope on guitar. Songs will be familiar with some hidden gems from the Chalice Hymnal and the theme of all of them, as we look forward to Valentine's Day, is: Love From Above


Which team do you think will win the Super Bowl? This Sunday, February 11th, bring in some canned goods and non-perishables and place them in the box of the team you think will win! Let’s see how good you are in predictions! All food will benefit Pilgrim Church Food Pantry!

The See No Stranger book discussion will continue in February!

All meetings begin at 6:30 in the Youth Room and go until about 8:00.

I realize it’s difficult to make every Monday night, so come whenever you can. We’ll be discussing the following chapters on the following dates:


February 12 – Chapter 4: rage

February 26 – Chapter 5: listen




Join us as we enter the Lenten season with a simple soup and bread supper at 6:30 pm and worship at

7 pm.

If you would like to offer soup and bread, email the church office at [email protected] or sign up in Fellowship Hall.

A Message from your Stewardship Committee

Each act of giving is sacred offering, a testament to our shared humanity, and a reminder that our collective strength lies in the generosity that binds us together, creating a world illuminated by the warmth of compassion.



Many years ago, Pilgrim Church used wooden kneelers in the pews. For many years several have been stored in the church attic but now it is time to clean out and make space.  The Mission/Outreach committee is suggesting a fun crafting challenge for all who would like to participate.  The idea is for individuals and families to take a kneeler home with them and decorate it.  Be as creative as you possibly can be by painting, decoupaging, sketching, drawing, covering, anything your creative mind would like to consider no artistic talent required to participate in this. Just willingness to get a little creative! The kneelers are all different lengths and will be available on Sunday February 4, in time for families to add crafting into their February vacation activities.  The completed kneeler should be returned to the church no later than Saturday, March 16, but preferably on March 10.  On Youth Sunday March 17, during coffee time, we will raffle the newly designed kneelers off.  This will be a fundraiser for support of one of Pilgrim’s Mission Projects.  Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each or 15 for $10.   ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE?  

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