Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation


JANUARY 29, 2023 11:15 AM All members are invited to the Annual Budget Meeting of the Pilgrim Church of Duxbury, to approve the proposed budget and other matters that may be brought to the floor. We will meet immediatley after church.



In accordance with Article III, Sec. 4 (B) of the By-laws of Pilgrim Church, the Annual Budget Meeting will be held Sunday, January 29, 2023, following the worship service. This meeting is open to all members for the purpose of approving the annual budget.

Typical New England January weather… 19 degrees, 5 inches of snow, gale force winds…50 degrees…press repeat.

Planning events in the winter in New England requires patience, prayer, and luck. You never know what tomorrow holds in store for us. As you read through this Blast, I ask that you add the prayer part to have the weather allow us to have the amazing events we have scheduled through the Winter months and for you to attend the ones that call your to attend (Hopefully, all of them!)

  • As part of our “Shake It Up Sundays”, the Jazz Service on the 29th preceding the Annual Budget Meeting will be special!
  • The Build-A-Bed Mission Project on February 4th provides immediate-use beds for Kids in Residential and Foster Care. (You build the Bed!)
  • The Silent Move Night with Live Organ Music is unique and amazing on

February 14th!

  • And Lent will start on Ash Wednesday , February 22nd with a combined Pancake Supper and Gathering for Worship.

All these events require your participation to build our community, despite the many challenges that arise to plan them all. They all give us an opportunity to meet and learn more about each other and our church family. I am so thankful for these opportunities because we realize we are changed people because of what Jesus Christ has done and we are called to go out into the world and share the glory of God.

“Dear God, ask much of us, expect much from us, enable much in us, encourage many through us. May we dedicate our lives to your glory. Amen.”




Join RB in the Church Library o January 19th at

10:00am to begin a new season of Bible Study with the series, “THE CHOSEN” . We will watch the show followed with discussion. We begin with Jesus delivering his Sermon on the Mount. If you would like to watch the show on line, here is the link;


Start your new year off by sharing the love with our children!

Volunteer here to help teach Sunday School or help in our nursery!


Watch for the information regarding Camp Cody soon! Please consider attending Camp on the shore of Lake Ossipee in Freedom NH August 12 – 19. At the moment, Camp is open to all students who will be entering 8th grade next Fall through Seniors who graduate this year. We are welcoming a new church to our Camp family program, with the Norwell UCC joining Old South Union of Weymouth, Union Cong UCC of Braintree/Weymouth, First Church of Weymouth and Pilgrim Church Duxbury Youth Group members.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2023 at 11:15am

 Interested in joining our Church? We will have a new member information class on Sunday, January 22nd after worship. Come and meet some of our members, get information about Pilgrim Church and the United Church of Christ. We will welcome new members on Sunday, February 5, 2023. Call the church office for more information.

Book Study

The 12 Extraordinary Women book study will meet on Monday, January 23rd from 6:30 – 8:00pm in the Youth Room. We’ll be reading chapter 2 of John MacArthur’s book “Sarah – Hoping against Hope”, plus supplemental reading that I will be sending out in the next week. If you are not a part of this group, but would like to be, please let me know! Each gathering is independent of other discussions, so we’re happy to have new people join us whenever they can!

Pilgrim's Pantry

Thank you for all of the donations in the past week. The only items we still need for our food pantry on Saturday, January 28th is APPLE JUICE and CRANBERRY JUICE.

Thank you for your continued support! Our neighbors in need truly appreciate your generosity.

Save the Date –

Sunday January 29, 2023 10:00am Jazz Service at Pilgrim Church

On Sunday January 29th, Willie Sordillo and his ensemble will be presenting a Jazz Service at 10 AM at Pilgrim Church. Willie Sordillo has been the Music Coordinator at Old South Church, Boston, for the Thursday evening Jazz Worship service since its inception in the fall of 2005. We are pleased that he and his ensemble will bring their unique sound to our worship on this “Shake it Up” Sunday. In anticipation of this service, you can watch livestreamed jazz services from Old South Church here: https://www.oldsouth.org/jazz

Can YOU spare 2 hours to build a

bed for a child without one?

Every child deserves a place to dream. But many live without one because their family can’t afford a bed. Through the Build a Bed team-building program, you can help ensure a child in your community falls asleep safe, warm, and cozy each night.


Join Pilgrim Church for a multigenerational event on

Saturday, February 4th - 10am to Noon  

No experience necessary  All tools provided


10 Teams of 4 members each are required to complete the 10 beds

Families, Groups, Businesses are all

welcome to participate. 

Don’t have a team of 4? We will find a team for you.

To sign up contact Maureen Ferguson at mferguson02332@gmail.com or

add your name to the poster in the

church Fellowship Hall


Please consider purchasing a share of a bed.

We NEED 100 shares to fully sponsor this event

Shares are $35 each – 10 shares per bed set (includes a mattress)

Donations of any amount can be sent to church office with

“Build A Bed” in notation line


Also being accepted are donations of

NEW twin size bedding

Boy or Girl from toddler to teen


This event is sponsored by the Mission/Outreach Committee and coordinated through

Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless – A Bed for Every Child Project


To learn more visit: https://www.abedforeverychild.org/

Silent Movie Night

A Community and Family event

for Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2023

Save the date and bring your Valentine!

On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 6:30 - 7:30pm, Pilgrim Church will be hosting a Duxbury Community Event for Valentine’s Day. Peter Krasinski, world-renowned organist and recitalist, will be presenting a Silent Movie night, featuring films with a Valentine’s theme with live organ accompaniment.

Silent Movies flourished from the mid-1890s to the late 1920s. Although without audible dialogue, these films were almost always accompanied by live sounds. Music was an essential part of the viewing experience. A theater organist would play music to accompany the films, usually through improvisation. The music expresses the mood of the films and advances the action of the storyline.

Peter will present short, comedic films for the family to enjoy. The audience will be able to watch the film and watch Peter play our wonderful Austin organ. A meet and greet with the artist will follow the event. 

Reviewers write:

“Krasinski’s musicianship and command of the organ were matched by his intuition and keen sense of dramatic sensitivity … Mr. Krasinski’s ability to paint the story sonically merited a standing ovation at the film’s conclusion. All the while, he made it clear that it was the film, which merited such praise, for without Wellman’s own skill, we would not have been graced by such a pairing of genius.”

Sean R. Glenn, WINGS


This event is no charge, although a free-will offering will be taken. More information will be available here in the weeks ahead. To learn more about Peter Krasinski, click here.

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