Sunday Service

"Members & Friends Sunday"

led by Rev. Laurel Gray

This is our annual friends and members Sunday, when we celebrate the joy of being in community together. We’ll recognize new members, those who have called this place home for years, and renew our commitment to caring together as a community. If you’re interested in officially becoming a member and being able to vote at the annual meeting, please email Rev. Laurel.

This service will be held in the sanctuary and on Zoom:

Join us online at

Join us by phone at 301-715-8592, meeting ID 89873989254

Masks encouraged in the sanctuary. 

Religious Exploration

Our next RE class will be on Sunday, March 5.

RE classes are held the 

FIRST and THIRD Sundays from 9:30 - 10:15 am. All are welcome! Snacks provided!

Childcare will always be available during worship!

Please use the buttons below to register your child(ren) for RE, or to volunteer to help!

All children participating in RE will need a registration form.

Thank you!

RE Child Registration Form
RE Volunteer Form

CommUUnity Collaborative

"CommuUUnity Collaborative is a Unitarian Universalist platform created/conducted by ministers and staff teams who want to share new programs with their congregations, and beyond. Our course catalogue includes a variety of stimulating programs and workshops to help adults deepen their faith, wrestle with big questions, and nurture their souls."

Click below to find out more!

CommUUnity Collaborative Welcome Video

Giving Statements for 2022

You may review your giving and pledge history at any time through your Realm account or by contacting Susie Wells, our collector, at [email protected]. Contribution statements for the 2022 tax year were emailed to you (or mailed to your home if we don't have your email address) on 1/31. Click on the "View Your Giving Statement" link in the email to open your document. 

Statements are also available for printing yourself through Realm, by clicking on "giving" and then selecting "2022 Contribution Statement" on the right-hand side of the screen. If you have questions, contact Lisa Shumway at [email protected]

UUCSW Announcements

Soup and Salsa

Special Event to Celebrate our Members and Friends 

This Saturday, Feb 25th


Each winter, the Membership Engagement Team holds a fun event to celebrate our community. Some examples from the past are the Birthday Bash, Talent Show and more recently, the Uupaluuza. This year we are trying something new - Soup and Salsa (Dancing that is). After we dine on some hearty soups, bread and dessert provided by the Membership Engagement Team, Laura Leones, the owner of Fiesta Dance, will lead us in a short class on Salsa and Bachata dancing. Earlier this year, Fiesta Dance Company began renting our Chapel space for lessons on Tuesday nights.  

With roots in Cuba and Africa salsa dancing continues to grow in popularity largely due to the beautiful rhythmic music. Bachata dancing originated in the Dominican Republic and is now danced all over the world. Bachata music is sweet and characterized by unique guitar sounds.  In the class you will learn individual footwork in the first part of the lesson that can be incorporated into dancing with a partner in the second half of the class. Don’t worry if you haven’t danced before, this is an introductory class and we will take you step-by-step.  Please wear comfortable shoes that can glide on the floor easily. Sneakers are not recommended. 

Don't worry if you don't want to dance - you are welcome to stay and watch or take off after dinner.

Dinner will be at 6:00, dancing will start around 7:00.

While not required, it would be helpful if you would RSVP to Lisa Shumway at [email protected]

Greeters Needed

Pull out your calendars, folks!... and please check to see which dates in February and March you will be at church and available to be a greeter. We need to have smiling faces greeting our friends at the doors. Can you help? Please sign up using this sign-up genius link: Greeter SignUp Genius Link

What does being a greeter entail? Welcoming guests at our doors, making sure they know that masks are encouraged, especially if they are going to be singing. For visitors, offer a nametag, ask a bit about them and if they have any questions. Try to take a few moments after the service to get to know them. Ask if they would like to fill out a blue card so we have their contact information.

You are also responsible for collecting the offertory during the service. The collection goes to Susie Wells who is usually sitting in the back of the sanctuary. After doing the collection, take a quick headcount of people in the sanctuary and fill in the sheet at the back of the sanctuary.

Thank you for your help in making UUCSW a more welcoming congregation.

Questions? Contact Lisa Shumway at [email protected]

Come join our Community Choir! Previous experience is not required, all are welcome to join us in embracing the connective healing power of communal singing. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am!

Contact Kala Farnham at [email protected] with any questions. 

Book Group

Our next Book Group meeting will be held Friday, March 10. We will be reading Zeitoun, by Dave Eggers.

From now through May 2023 Book Group meetings will be at the First Central, 40 South street at the back door at 7pm.

Contact Susie Wells at [email protected] with any questions.

SMOC Food and Clothing Drives

SMOC Food & Clothing Collections are on the following Thursdays:

Today: Feb 23  

March 23

April 27

May 25

4:30 pm

Ruggles St. Door


Today: Thurs, Feb 23

4:30 pm

SMOC Collection

Sat, Feb 25

6:00 pm

Soup and Salsa

Sunday, Feb 26

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, Feb 26

5:30 pm

Youth Group

Monday, Feb 27

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Sunday, Mar 5

9:30 am

RE Class

Sunday, Mar 5

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Monday, Mar 6

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Sunday, Mar 12

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, Mar 12

5:30 pm

Youth Group Meeting

Monday, Mar 13

6:30 pm

UU Knits



Donate to UUCSW
Submit an Article for the Weekly Update (deadline: Tues evening)
Schedule a Meeting with Rev. Laurel
UUCSW Covid-19 Policy, Sept. 2022
ChUUrch Talk Podcast
Submit a Question for the Podcast
Side with Love: Article and links for reproductive justice
Soul Matters March 2023 Packet
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