Soup and Salsa
Special Event to Celebrate our Members and Friends
This Saturday, Feb 25th
Each winter, the Membership Engagement Team holds a fun event to celebrate our community. Some examples from the past are the Birthday Bash, Talent Show and more recently, the Uupaluuza. This year we are trying something new - Soup and Salsa (Dancing that is). After we dine on some hearty soups, bread and dessert provided by the Membership Engagement Team, Laura Leones, the owner of Fiesta Dance, will lead us in a short class on Salsa and Bachata dancing. Earlier this year, Fiesta Dance Company began renting our Chapel space for lessons on Tuesday nights.
With roots in Cuba and Africa salsa dancing continues to grow in popularity largely due to the beautiful rhythmic music. Bachata dancing originated in the Dominican Republic and is now danced all over the world. Bachata music is sweet and characterized by unique guitar sounds. In the class you will learn individual footwork in the first part of the lesson that can be incorporated into dancing with a partner in the second half of the class. Don’t worry if you haven’t danced before, this is an introductory class and we will take you step-by-step. Please wear comfortable shoes that can glide on the floor easily. Sneakers are not recommended.
Don't worry if you don't want to dance - you are welcome to stay and watch or take off after dinner.
Dinner will be at 6:00, dancing will start around 7:00.
While not required, it would be helpful if you would RSVP to Lisa Shumway at [email protected].