Unitarian Universalist Congregational

Society of Westborough

Sunday at UUCSW

Service at 5:30 pm (No Service at 10:30 am)

Christmas Eve

Led by Rev. Laurel Gray

This is our classic lessons and carols Christmas Eve service. We will tell the Christmas story, sing carols, and end with a candlelit singing of Silent Night. As always, this service will feature both our Music Director, Kala Farnham, and additional guest musicians.

This service will be held in the sanctuary and on Zoom:

Join us online at zoom.us/j/89873989254

Join us by phone at 301-715-8592, meeting ID 89873989254

Masks encouraged in the sanctuary. 

We will be having a special collection at this service, benefitting the Minister's Discretionary Fund. Please note that the way to donate will be slightly different that usual. Here is the information:

We have multiple ways to give to the discretionary fund. You can:

  • Text: “UUCSW Xmas" to 73256

*you’ll need to enter your bank info the first time you text

  • Give ONLINE through realm
  • Or by check made out to UUCSW with Xmas collection in the memo line

UUCSW Calendar & Announcements

Calendar of Upcoming Events

  • Sun, Dec 24
  • 5:30 pm - Christmas Eve service (Please note: there will be no morning service on 12/24)
  • Sat, Dec 23 - Mon, Jan 1: Church office closed. See you in the New Year!
  • Sun, Dec 31
  • 10:30 am - Sunday Service and Pot Luck - in the Chapel
  • Sun, Jan 7
  • 9:30 am - RE Classes
  • 9:30 am - Choir Rehearsal
  • 10:30 am - Sunday Service

Why We Cannot Turn Away

UUCSW will be hosting two discussions about Side With Love’s webinar: “Why We Cannot Turn Away: Resources for UU Leaders Engaging on Israel and Palestine.” The webinar video is available for viewing on Vimeo:

View Video Here

Watching the video will be necessary in order to engage in the discussion, so please do so before the meeting dates. The webinar video is approximately 1hr 45min. Please rsvp to Rev. Laurel at laurel.gray@uucsw.org if you would like to join in this important conversation.

The next discussion date is Sunday, January 14, 1:00-2:30 pm

Volunteering for RE?

Sign up here!

All volunteers must have a valid CORI check on file - if you haven't been CORI'd or f you have any questions, please contact Colleen at colleen.munson@uucsw.org.

RE Volunteer Signup

SMOC Food &

Clothing Drive

Donations are now being accepted at the church on the Sunday before the delivery date. If you would like to donate but cannot come to the Sunday service, please contact Pauline Sciarappa to make alternate arrangements. psciarappa@gmail.com

Below are the upcoming Sundays before the monthly Friday delivery, so you are sure to bring in your donations by that Sunday:

Sunday January 21

Sunday February 18

Sunday March 17

Sunday April 21 

Book Group

Our next book group meeting will be on January 12, 7pm at Central One Bank, 40 South Street, Westborough. The book this month is When We Believed in Mermaids, by Barbara O'Neal. Please contact Susie Wells with any questions: susie48winnip@gmail.com. All are welcome!

The MET needs you!

A small, easy lift is needed from our members & friends! We would love to have your smiling faces greeting at our doors on Sunday morning!

Can you arrive at 10 am and help with this important task? Meet other UUs and help a new visitor feel a little more comfortable.

Please sign up using the "Sign-Up Genius" link below for dates that work for you.

Thank you in advance for your support!

The Membership Engagement Team (MET)

Sign Up to be a Greeter

Community News

Please consider signing up for one of these upcoming drives honoring Corinne while helping people who need our support. In this season where many are planning on giving gifts to family and friends, consider giving a gift without comparison, the promise of life. For Tuesday 12/26 please use this link and for Saturday 12/30 use this one to register for an appointment. If you donated at the 10/24 and 10/28 drives you are eligible for either of the December Tatnuck drives.

Thanks to those of you who have already signed up for these drives at Tatnuck and to each of you thanks in advance for your help with this essential cause. If you have any eligibility questions please reach out to the Boston Children's Hospital Blood Donor Center staff at 617-355-6677 or email them at blooddonorcenter@childrens.harvard.edu and note that they are closed on Mondays. Please feel free to share this email with friends and family. Looking forward to seeing you there,





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ChUUrch Talk Podcast
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Sign Up to be a Greeter!
Soul Matters Packet - Jan
Schedule a Meeting w/Rev. Laurel