Sunday Service

"Bring Back the Buzz: Why Pollinators Need Banquets in Our Backyards"

led by Meredith Barges

 Meredith Barges is a born-and-raised UU originally from Williston, Vermont. As a Master of Divinity student in her final year at Yale University, she is preparing for work as a Bird Conservationist and EarthCare Chaplain, sowing seeds of Care in our climate-changed world. As the co-chair of Lights Out Connecticut and a policy researcher at Yale Law School, she works toward system changes to make our cities and towns safer for migratory birds. She also organizes bird-themed community gatherings, like an upcoming mystical bird walk and bird-themed sip n’ paint. In 2021, she helped convince Yale Divinity School to become the first “Lights Out” bird-friendly campus in Connecticut. Most weekends, you can find her birding in East Rock Park or in the Yale DivFarm growing flowers and herbs for pollinators.

This service will be held in the sanctuary and on Zoom:

Join us online at

Join us by phone at 301-715-8592, meeting ID 89873989254

Masks encouraged in the sanctuary. 

Religious Exploration

Next RE Class:

Sunday, March 19

9:30 am

The RE theme for March is "Helping". Can you think of a time when you've helped someone, or someone has helped you? What are some unexpected ways you can be helpful? How does helping others relate to being UU?

We will discuss these topics and more on

March 19!

RE classes are held the 

FIRST and THIRD Sundays from 9:30 - 10:15 am. All are welcome! Snacks provided!

Childcare will always be available during worship!

Please use the buttons below to register your child(ren) for RE, or to volunteer to help!

All children participating will need a registration form.

Thank you!

RE Child Registration Form
RE Volunteer Registration Form

Please contact our RE Coordinator, Colleen Munson, with any questions.


EMERGENCE: Our Annual Pledge Campaign!

Welcome to our Annual Pledge Campaign! As we mentioned in Sunday’s service, our pledge theme this year is Emergence and our goals are Moving from Cocoon to Connection, Spreading our Wings, and Living in the World As It Is. Our goal is to raise $150,000 and once again an anonymous donor has agreed to match any pledge increases from last year!

Thanks so much to those who got an early jump on their pledge! If you haven’t yet pledged, you can pledge online in Realm here: AddPledgeOr you can fill out a pledge card at the church (and found in the letter we sent you), or you can simply email our treasurer, Lisa Shumway, at with your pledge amount or with any questions whatsoever.

Thanks so much! Let’s Emerge – TOGETHER!


The Annual Pledge Committee

Pete Allen, Bruce Hall, David King, Rev. Laurel, Kathie Metzger, Ellen Rutter, Nancy Siegal, Lisa Shumway, and Juliana Spofford.

You may review your giving and pledge history at any time through your Realm account or by contacting Susie Wells, our collector, at Contribution statements for the 2022 tax year were emailed to you (or mailed to your home if we don't have your email address) on 1/31. Click on the "View Your Giving Statement" link in the email to open your document. 

Statements are also available for printing yourself through Realm, by clicking on "giving" and then selecting "2022 Contribution Statement" on the right-hand side of the screen. If you have questions, contact Lisa Shumway at

UUCSW Announcements

Saturday March 11th from 1-3pm is the annual meal packing event at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. UUCSW has participated for many years and we need 5-10 volunteers who can help that day. This is one way that we can help people struggling with food insecurity and make a clear difference.

Racial Justice Committee Meeting

March 15, 2023 07:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 508 366 2635

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,5083662635# US (Washington DC)

Greeters Needed

We need smiling faces greeting our friends at the doors. Can you help? Please sign up using this sign-up genius link: Greeter SignUp Genius Link

Thank you for your help in making UUCSW a more welcoming congregation!

Wondering what being a greeter entails, or have other questions? Please contact Lisa Shumway at

Come join our Community Choir! Previous experience is not required, all are welcome to join us in embracing the connective healing power of communal singing. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am!

Contact Kala Farnham at with any questions. 

Book Group

Our next Book Group meeting will be held Tomorrow: Friday, March 10. We will be reading Stones from the River, by Ursula Hegi.

From now through May 2023 Book Group meetings will be at the First Central, 40 South street at the back door at 7pm.

Contact Susie Wells at with any questions.

SMOC Food and Clothing Drives

SMOC Food & Clothing Collections are on the following Thursdays:

March 23

April 27

May 25

4:30 pm

Ruggles St. Door


Sunday, Mar 12

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, Mar 12

5:30 pm

Youth Group Meeting

Monday, Mar 13

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Sunday, Mar 19

9:30 am

RE Class

Frog Room

Sunday, Mar 19

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Monday, Mar 20

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Sunday, Mar 26

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, Mar 26

5:30 pm

Youth Group Meeting

Monday, Mar 27

6:30 pm

UU Knits



Donate to UUCSW
Submit an Article for the Weekly Update (deadline: Tues evening)
Schedule a Meeting with Rev. Laurel
UUCSW Covid-19 Policy, Sept. 2022
ChUUrch Talk Podcast
Submit a Question for the Podcast
Side with Love: Article and links for reproductive justice
Soul Matters March 2023 Packet
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