Sunday Morning

Service: "Creative Resistance"

led by Elizabeth Foster


Why is creativity so closely associated with social justice movements? Today, we'll talk about some of the art associated with social justice, from protest songs to drag. We'll also explore some of the ways in which resistance movements have responded creatively to the forces, and the inherent creativity that is required to imagine a different and more equitable world.

Elizabeth Foster is the Ministerial Intern at First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Canton, MA. She received her BA from Bryn Mawr College, and holds an MS in Nonprofit Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania. She recently graduated from the Boston University School of Theology with a Master's of Divinity in Interfaith Leadership, and is currently developing an ARE curriculum on the history of Unitarians, Universalists, and the eugenics movement. She is a member of the Executive Board of EqUUal Access and serves as Chair of the Rider’s Transit Access Group for the Boston MBTA. Elizabeth is a former DRE and active LREDA member, and frequently presents on topics related to disability justice. She lives in Dorchester, MA with her cat, Jade.

This service will be held in the sanctuary and on Zoom:

Join us online at

Join us by phone at 301-715-8592, meeting ID 89873989254

Childcare is always available downstairs

during the service.


Meets at 9:30 am. All are welcome!

UUCSW Announcements


Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 11 after service. Please try to get your reports submitted to Colleen at by Weds, May 31. Thank you!


Kindness Rocks Painting &

Pizza Party

Wednesday, May 31

5:30 - 7:00 pm

In the downstairs conference room

Enjoy a night off from cooking, bring the kids and/or your favorite grown-ups, and paint some Kindness Rocks with friends!

This event is open to everyone in the congregation - we hope you will join us!

Please rsvp to if you plan to attend. Thank you!

UUCSW's High School Youth Group is headed to Pittsburgh in June for the UUA General Assembly! According to the UUA website: "Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process." What an exciting and formative experience!

Will you consider donating to support our youth on their journey? Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated, and will help with transportation, lodging, and registration.

Donations can be made by check (with "Youth Group" in the notes line); or with cash at the Kindness Rocks party; or you can click the link below to go to Realm Giving and choose "Youth Group" in the dropdown.

Donate on Realm

Thank you!

Summer Services are ready to hit the road!

 ‘On The Road Sundays’ are going to be held at the following UU Churches on different Sundays.

6/19 Fathers Day -No Sunday Service.

6/25 General Assembly on Zoom.

7/2 4th of July - No Sunday service.

7/9 “Sharing Circle” @ Unitarian Church Marlborough and Hudson - UCMH.

7/16 “Poetry Share” @ UUCSW.

7/23 TBA First Parish Church Berlin -FPCBerlin.

7/30 TBA First Parish Unitarian Universalist Northborough -FPUUN

8/6 “Summer Church Share” @ FPUUC Stow&Acton.

8/13 TBA- First Parish Church Berlin - FPCBerlin.

Keep your eyes open for more developments of ‘On The Road Sundays’. The meeting time is yet to be decided. Do you want to start at 9:30 or 10:00? Your input would be appreciated in deciding.

Phyllis Barrett


Program Committee Member

Garden Committee

The garden committee is starting work on the woodland garden area and is looking for donations of specific plants and possibly some stone pavers. Please check the Facebook page or contact Jane for details. Thank you!’

Facebook Page

For more information, please contact Phyllis Barrett: at

Or Jane Gates: 


Greeters Needed

We need smiling faces greeting our friends at the doors. Can you help? Please sign up using this sign-up genius link: Greeter SignUp Genius Link

Thank you for your help in making UUCSW a more welcoming congregation!

Wondering what being a greeter entails, or have other questions? Please contact Lisa Shumway at

Book Group

Our next Book Group meeting will be held Fri, June 8.  We will be reading American Gods, by Neil Gaiman

We will meet at First Central,

40 South Street at the back door at 7pm.

Contact Susie Wells at with any questions.

SMOC Food and Clothing Drives

SMOC Food & Clothing Collections are on the following Thursdays:

today: May 25

June 22

July 27

August 24

September 28

4:30 pm

Ruggles St. Door

Community News

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Please join us for this virtual educational program!

"Be Aware"

Prevention of The Silent Epidemic…

Youth Suicide

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

5:30pm to 6:30pm

1730 to 1830

Suicide has been declared one of the leading causes of preventable death for our youth.

The key word here is preventable.

Prevention’s foundation lies in raising awareness and providing training that enables individuals to be better equipped to recognize and respond to young people who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide.

Please register and receive the Zoom link by sending an email to or submit your request through contact us.

Hopkinton Pride

Sunday, June 11, 1-4 pm

Hopkinton's Third Annual Pride is just three weeks away!!! All are welcome to attend and pre-registration is NOT required… but we definitely need more volunteers and performers and could use your continued help!

Volunteer Sign Up

Performer Sign Up

Group+Individual Sign Ups for Parade/Post Parade Activity:

Check out the HFT’s website for more details and FAQs and our Press Release.

Don't hesitate to reach out to Beth or Cathleen if you have any questions!

All Gratitude!


Camp Pride, a weeklong camp for LGBTQ+ youth and allies, embarked on its inaugural year on the banks of Lake Cobbesseecontee in West Gardiner, Maine in 2017. This camp week is intentionally interfaith and seeks to provide a place of safety and support for our LGBTQ+ youth to discover and to be themselves. With counselors from multiple faith traditions and backgrounds, we strive to build a community founded on love, openness, and inclusivity.

Click below to find out more!

Camp Pride

Today: Thurs May 25

4:30 pm

SMOC Collection

Sunday, May 28

9:30 am


10:30 am

Sunday Service

Monday, May 29

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Sunday, June 4

9:30 am


9:30 am

Last RE Class

of the spring!

Frog Room

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, June 11

9:30 am


10:30 am

Last Sunday Service of the regular church year!

Sunday, June 11

after service

Annual Meeting


Donate to UUCSW
Submit an Article for the Weekly Update (deadline: Tues evening)
Schedule a Meeting with Rev. Laurel
UUCSW Covid-19 Policy, Sept. 2022
ChUUrch Talk Podcast
Submit a Question for the Podcast
Side with Love: Article and links for reproductive justice
Soul Matters May 2023 Packet
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