Sunday Morning

"The Power of Cultural Practice"

Led by Rev. Laurel Gray

 Cultural practices are fundamental to maintaining a sense of cultural heritage, to feeling connected to one’s culture and ancestry. This is also why there was such a widespread effort in this country to strip indigenous people of those practices. In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, we’ll reflect on the work of this month’s share the plate organization, Ohketeau.

This service will be held in the sanctuary and on Zoom:

Join us online at

Join us by phone at 301-715-8592, meeting ID 89873989254

Masks encouraged in the sanctuary. 

Next Religious Exploration Class:

"First Principle: Each Person is Important"

Sunday, Oct 15 at 9:30 am

in the Frog Room

We will start together in the Frog Room, and then we will break into 2 groups: PreK-3rd grade & 4-6th grade. Kids are encouraged to think about a time when they were made to feel important, and maybe a time when they felt left out or ignored. How can we treat others in a way that makes everyone feel important and included? We look forward to this discussion with our youth!

UUCSW Announcements

In case you missed it: Below are resources from the 10/1 service: "But What is Unitarian Universalism?". Please email Rev. Laurel at with any questions or feedback.

UU History Workbook
UU Workbook Inserts

Come Sing With Us!

Choir is starting again on Sunday, October 15 at 9:30 am. We would love to have you join us! For any questions, contact Kala Farnham at

SMOC Food and Clothing Drives

SMOC Food & Clothing Collections are on the following Thursdays:

October 26

November 16

December 20

4:30 pm

Ruggles St. Door

Book Group

Our next book group meeting will be on October 13th, 7pm at the home of Judith Nicholson, 49 Lacky St, Westborough 7pm (please note this is an updated location). The book this month is Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. Please contact Susie Wells with any questions: All are welcome!

Concert at UUCSW

October 22, 1pm

We are planning an joint organ and choral concert here at church with:




Don't miss this wonderful event!

Details to follow

Community News

Banned Book Read-In

at Westborough Public Library


Hello, Library Supporters!

I am writing to recruit support for a program that we are planning for Banned Books week in October. We would like to have "Freedom Readers" who will sit in the library Monday October 2 through Friday October 6 to read banned and challenged books.

We will request banned books from the ALA's banned book lists (the archive, and from 2022) to have available for anyone to check out, and we want "Freedom Readers" to read them. We will set up four comfortable chairs behind the Reference Desk, and we're looking for people to sit in them and read silently in two-hour shifts the entire time that we're open (9am-8pm Monday-Thursday, and 9am-5pm on Friday). On Wednesday October 4, from 6:30-7:45pm, we plan to have a "Freedom to Read-In" program open to all, where people will be invited to take a book from the pile on hand, then pick a place in the library to read silently.

We have a SignUp Genius for people to sign up; people are more than welcome to take more than one shift. We would love to have all of you sign up, and we ask you to please let other supporters know so that they can sign up too. Sign up here.

Please let us know if you have questions. Thank you very much!

Tracey Graham & Jen McGrath

Westborough Public Library


Sun, Oct 8

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sun, Oct 8

6:00 pm

Youth Group Meeting

Mon, Oct 9

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Fri, Oct 13

7:00 pm

Book Group

Sun, Oct 15

9:30 am

RE Class

Sun, Oct 15

9:30 am

Choir Rehearsal

Sun, Oct 15

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Mon, Oct 16

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Sun, Oct 22

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sun, Oct 22

1:00 pm

Organ and Choir Concert

Mon, Oct 23

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Wed, Oct 24

7:00 pm

RE Team Mtg

on Zoom

Sun, Oct 29

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Mon, Oct 30

6:30 pm

UU Knits



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Schedule a Meeting with Rev. Laurel
ChUUrch Talk Podcast
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Soul Matters October 2023 Packet
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UUCSW's Covid-19 Policy
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