Sunday Service

"Our Living Tradition"

led by Rev. Laurel Gray

Unitarian Universalism is a living tradition, which means we are always adapting and learning, trying to get clearer about who we are together. Our UUA constitution requires that we periodically reconsider even our seven principles and six sources, and we are currently in the midst of that process. Today we’ll reflect on the suggested changes to our principles and the process for making changes to our core documents. You can read more about this process here:

Join us online at

Join us by phone at 301-715-8592, meeting ID 89873989254

Masks encouraged in the sanctuary. 

RE Updates

Religious Exploration classes & programs will be starting in January!

  • Youth Group will be held on Jan. 15 & 29 at 1:00 pm. This is open to all high-school youth. Please check with Rev. Laurel or Colleen if you have any questions.

  • Religious Exploration classes kick-off on January 22 from 9:30 - 10:15 am! We will continue to hold RE classes every FIRST and THIRD Sundays from 9:30 - 10:15 am

Childcare will always be available during worship!

Please use the buttons below to register your child(ren) for RE, or to volunteer to help!

All children participating in RE will need a registration form.

Thank you!

RE Child Registration Form
RE Volunteer Form
UUCSW Announcements



Hi All,

I want to reconnect about circle suppers so we can get them started.

What is a circle supper?

A small potluck dinner, hosted by someone who provides the gathering space, where each attendee brings a dish to pass enough to feed all attending.

The host chooses a date, and can also choose a meal theme if desired, and make suggestions to attendees what category of dish to bring so there is a balanced meal. Usually appetizer, salad or veggie, main dish, grain, dessert, drinks. 

So if 6 people are attending, each guest (if a couple, each partner signs up for a dish) would bring one of the above enough for 8 (hosts don’t have to cook, they just get to eat the yummy food provided by the guests!) It is a nice chance to chat and get to know folks in a smaller setting with a little more time to chat than coffee hour! Very enjoyable for all.

P.S. Masking/testing will be at host's preference, and of course please let the host know if you are ill and cannot attend.

I want to make sure you get your name on the list if you are interested in participating in this fun activity! So far I have the following people signed up:

KATHE SCOTT                                 

BEN AND ERIN GOLD                                                  

JULIANNA SPOFFORD(+1 ?)                                         


I apologize if I have missed anyone who signed up on paper- turns out that is no longer the most efficient way!!

I will be taking names by email for sign up until 1/15, then will start setting up groups. The suppers will happen sometime in February, depending on host preference.

Please email if you would like to attend and please let me know if you are willing to host as well.

Remember, host does not have to cook- just provide the space ;-)



CommUUnity Collaborative

"CommuUUnity Collaborative is a Unitarian Universalist platform created/conducted by ministers and staff teams who want to share new programs with their congregations, and beyond. Our course catalogue includes a variety of stimulating programs and workshops to help adults deepen their faith, wrestle with big questions, and nurture their souls."

Click below to find out more!

CommUUnity Collaborative Welcome Video

The next Racial Justice Committee meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18 at 7:30 via zoom. We will be meeting with Sara Shields of the Family Health Center of Worcester. She will be sharing her experiences and observations regarding racial disparities in health. All are invited to join the meeting.

Community Choir has started! Previous experience is not required, all are welcome to join us in embracing the connective healing power of communal singing. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am!

Contact Kala Farnham at with any questions. 

Book Group

Our next Book Group meeting will be held on Friday, January 13. We will be reading Pocketful of Names, by Joe Coomer.

From now through May 2023 Book Group meetings will be at the First Central, 40 South street at the back door at 7pm.

Contact Susie Wells at with any questions.

SMOC Food and Clothing Drives

SMOC Food & Clothing Collections are on the following Thursdays:

Jan 26

Feb 23  

March 23

April 27

May 25

4:30 pm

Ruggles St. Door

Community Announcements


Sunday, Jan 8

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, Jan 8

5:00 pm

High School OWL

Monday, Jan 9

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Sunday, Jan 15

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, Jan 15

1:00 pm

Youth Group Meeting

Sunday, Jan 15

5:00 pm

High School OWL

Monday, Jan 16

6:30 pm

UU Knits


Weds, Jan 18

7:30 pm, on Zoom

Racial Justice Committee Meeting

Sunday, Jan 22

10:30 am

Sunday Service

Sunday, Jan 22

5:00 pm

High School OWL


Donate to UUCSW
Submit an Article for the Weekly Update (deadline: Tues evening)
Schedule a Meeting with Rev. Laurel
UUCSW Covid-19 Policy, Sept. 2022
ChUUrch Talk Podcast
Submit a Question for the Podcast
Side with Love: Article and links for reproductive justice
Soul Matters January 2023 Packet
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