We are excited to offer FIVE Christmas worship services
in 2020.
Christmas Eve at 7:00* p.m. for the entire family (with a special Christmas music prelude starting at 6:45 p.m.) Click the button at the bottom of this article, read the Christmas Weekly, or go to our website at https://princeofpeacebrookfield.org Have a candle ready for when singing Silent Night!
Christmas Day at 9:30* a.m. for the entire family. Click the button at the bottom of this article, read the Christmas Weekly, or go to our website at https://princeofpeacebrookfield.org
Christmas Day “Parking Lot” Communion (in your car over the radio) at 11:00* a.m . Bring bread and wine or receive a prefilled cup with wine and bread when you arrive. Stay warm in your car as we will follow a short service (to be provided) broadcasted over the FM radio.
The First Sunday of Christmas,12.27.2020, Lessons and Carols #1 at 9:30* a.m. Click the button at the bottom of this article, read the Christmas Weekly, or go to our website at https://princeofpeacebrookfield.org
The Second Sunday of Christmas,1.3.2021, Lessons and Carols #2 at 9:30* a.m. Click the button at the bottom of this article, read the Christmas Weekly, or go to our website at https://princeofpeacebrookfield.org
*The times refer to the Zoom, Facebook live, prerecorded, or live events. All the services (except the parking lot communion service) are recorded, however, and available to watch at any time convenient for you. Simply go to our website (https://princeofpeacebrookfield.org/) to participate in Christmas worship at a time that works for you.
Sunday Virtual Coffee/Fellowship Hour
Join us this Sunday at
11:00 a.m. for our weekly Fellowship/Coffee Hour.
It is an opportunity to stay connected, hear the latest congregational news, care for one another, and see the faces of all you are missing.
This Sunday's topic is Christmas.
Sign into a Virtual Coffee Hour by clicking on the link below.
If prompted
Meeting ID: 988 8813 8373 Password: 735006
It is always helpful to test your ability to join and visual & audio sounds on your computer or tablet prior to the meeting.
See you Sunday at 11:00 a.m.!
Would you like to participate in a reverse Advent calendar that tells you to add a food item to a box every day in December, leading you to have a container full of 24 items by the time Christmas comes to donate to a local food panty?
The items chosen on the list to fill your reverse Advent calendar donation box are inexpensive and easy to find. In fact, you probably have many of these items in your pantry already. And if you want to swap some of them for alternate donation items, the end result will be just as satisfying when you drop off your box of food.
Offering,Tithes and
Special Donations
We say "Thank you" to all who have mailed in their offerings.
Please help us stay current with our financial obligations
during this difficult time.
Mail in your offering to address below or give online by clicking the button below.
You can now make a one time or reoccurring donation
through your bank account or debit/credit card.
Check out the amazing
stories of Christian
encouragement from
and friends of Prince of Peace.
Thank you to those who generously gave food and money to the Daily Bread Food Pantry. Your generosity is appreciated as the numbers of people needing food has greatly increased in Danbury, as well as the rest of the country. The Pandemic has kept many people out of work and without money to buy food. Stimulus money may be coming, but not soon enough.
There is one fact which I must share with you to help to increase available food for those in need. Financial support is even more effective than food donations as food banks can purchase perishable and other food items from the Connecticut food bank at discounted prices, therefore, providing even more food for the hungry.
You can do this by donating virtual poinsettias at church. You can also send money to church and we will make a combined donation. You can log on to dailybreadfoodpantrydanburyct.org and donate there. The Love Fund also helps those in need.
Finally, if you, a relative or neighbor is food insecure, please contact the church office or me. We are all in this together!
Nan Carlson
The new Christ in Our Home devotional (January, February March) is available for pick up.
There are also copies of Gather Magazine from October, November, December, January and February that can be in your home if you drop by the church and pick up a copy.
Year to date statements through 11/30/20 were sent out the first week of December. Remember statements can be run at any time, please just reach out to Nicole Cable at andcable03@yahoo.com or 203.775.8358.
If you currently have an envelope # higher than 180, you will be assigned a new number for 2021.
If you would like Nicole to set up annual giving online for 2021, please return the form to her by December 20th. If the financial secretary set this up for you last year, it will expire on 12/30/20.
We’re bringing Sunday School into your home!
Pre-K through 6th graders will meet via Zoom for 30-minutes of games, bible stories, and interaction!
Sunday mornings at 8:30-9:00am.
We will have Sunday School this weekend but not the two weekends over the holidays - 12/27 or 1/3.
Parents - Please follow the link below to join Zoom each Sunday.
Meeting ID: 810 2966 7079
Passcode: 999695
How to Reach
the Pastor
And as always, Pastor Lutz is easily accessible. You can email him (poppastorpaul@ sbcglobal.net) call him on his cell (609.578.7921) or post on his Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/plutznj). Although there will be no regular office hours, the church phone is checked every couple of days for messages.
Please consider a food or monetary donation to the DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY during this pandemic.
Your food-insecure neighbors will benefit from your donations of:
- Black beans or any kind of canned or bagged beans
- Rice in 1,2 or 3 lb. bags
- Pasta - any kind
- Cereal - Cheerios, Corn Flakes. Rice Krispies (no sweet cereals)
- Tomato sauce in cans
- Tuna
- Chicken in cans
- Peanut butter
- Pork & beans or meals in cans
- Canned vegetables (especially corn)
Drop off your food items or checks (payable to DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY) to the church's freshly painted front door.
Your neighbors thank you.