Prince of Peace

Weekly Update

September 15-21, 2023

"It does not matter how slowly you go

 as long as you do not stop."




We continue to worship together Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the building, in-person or on Zoom, Facebook Live, or webpage (


  • Please sign in upon arrival.

  • We have a seasonal bulletin to be used each week. Please return the bulletin to the tall table to be used again.

  • Communion can be received around the altar.

  • The offering will be gathered when worshipers arrive and brought forward during the service.


Sundays at 10:00 a.m. will also be on Zoom and streamed to our Facebook page.

Join Sunday 10:00 a.m. Service via Zoom

Adult Bible Study Starts Sunday


11:30ish-12:15 p.m. in the Green Room


Topic: When Your Way Isn’t Working


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” - John 15:5


In this study we will draw on Jesus’ words to his disciples and explore what those words teach us about connection 

and purpose

We will examine how connection begins with Jesus - and how when our way isn’t working, it’s because there is a break somewhere in the connection with him.

Parents - while you’re in Adult Study, send your kids to Youth Music Ministry downstairs!


September 17th

4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Youth Room


All 6th - 12th graders are welcome!

Bring your favorite snack to share with the group.

Please call Monica Walsh if you are attending and if you have any questions,

(203) 512-1166.



Monica Walsh



Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone at Prince of Peace for your amazing support of Daily Bread. There are some eye-popping statistics in our 2022 Annual Report that you may wish to examine. In the first few months of 2023, our guest numbers continue to increase. Check out our weekly newsletters and a link to subscribe to future newsletters.

Daily Bread

Food Pantry Update

Donations have been down, and Daily Bread is in need of everything. 

With the cost of food, the pantry is giving out approximately 200 bags of groceries every three days that they distribute food. 

They need everything especially mac and cheese, peanut butter and pasta. 

Please note the items that are listed below for the pantry. They tend to be the most nutritious and are easy to distribute. 

Avoid glass jars and fragile packaging. 


  • Canned tuna, salmon or chicken
  • Beans (canned or dry)
  • Peanut butter
  • Meal-in-a-can (beef stew, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.)
  • Soup (especially chicken noodle)
  • Rice (1, 2 or 3 pound bags)
  • Pasta
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Canned corn
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit
  • Breakfast cereal (hot or cold)
  • Marinara sauce and canned tomato products







Drop off your food items or checks (payable to DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY) to the church's front door anytime.  

Monetary donations are a good choice and easy to do on-line by clicking on the link below.

Thank you for your donations and prayers.

Click here to donate to the Daily Bread Food Pantry

Church Contact Information: 


By email –[email protected]

By phone – (203) 775-9070

Facebook Message –


The church office is open most weeks Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please call first.

Friday Night Live is tonight at 6:00 pm.!

Donna and James Vitetta are the hosts.

If you haven't signed up and would like to attend please e-mail Donna at [email protected] if you would like to attend and what you will bring.

Dear Members and Friends of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church:

The days are getting shorter, the leaves are beginning to turn into colors of red and gold, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers are losing football games once again—all signs that autumn has arrived.

In the church, one of the sure signs that we are in the fall season is that we start to talk about stewardship. Someone has defined “stewardship” as the “Proper use of our lives”. I like that. How we use everything we are and everything we have is the basis of good stewardship.

This fall, you are going to hear a series of short “Temple Talks” in worship. They are not about money, but about other opportunities to be good stewards with our lives and share our gifts.

Just for starters, here are some exciting opportunities to be good stewards—using your time and talents wisely:

  • Sunday School starts this Sunday at 10:00 p.m. Prince of Peace has a great Sunday School, and a newly renovated space to learn and play. Bring your children this Sunday for the start of Sunday School.

  • Choirs are rehearsing. I know there are musical people in worship because I hear you every Sunday. Think about joining the choirs. They practice on Thursday evenings.

  • We have a five-week Bible Study course beginning this Sunday following worship. “When Your Way Isn’t Working” will be facilitated by Heather Pontonio. Join in the discussion and conversation starting this Sunday.

  • The Youth Group meets this Sunday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. They took a little break this summer but are ready to get together again for fun and fellowship. Be there!

  • The women of PoP have a project of knitting scarves and hats for the Seafarer’s International House, a ministry of the Lutheran church. These items will be Christmas gifts to seafarers docking in Connecticut from foreign countries. Are you a knitter? Check out the Blueprints for instructions.

All of these opportunities have to do with stewardship—the wise use of what we have, and what we are.

Stewardship is more than money. Think about the talents, ideas, energies and time you have to share as well.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Mark A. Grorud, Interim Pastor


Our ministry of food donations is a continued link to the community. God tells us to do this and our members give willingly. Feeding families with children is a wonderful gift of love to those who are hungry and needy. Their earnings are variable and often needed for rent and gas if they have cars. Many do not drive and walk to the Pantry. It's heartwarming to see them smile when they receive the food.

Thank you for your generosity and love. Prince of Peace is caring for others. My trunk runneth over with food this week.

Nan Carlson

If you have made a decision to increase your giving or your pledge this year, please share that information with Heidi Adam, the Treasurer of Prince of Peace.

[email protected]


That information will be very helpful as we strengthen our financial base in preparation for calling a new pastor.

As Prince of Peace is transitioning to a new phase, Council has put together this brief survey for you to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns with us.

You can complete this multiple times, so feel free to submit whenever you have something to share. 

If you prefer to talk directly to a Council member, their contact information is in Blueprints - feel free to reach out anytime.

There will also be a hard copy in the narthex with a designated box to hand in the form. 
Click here to fill out Survey

Need to contact Pastor Grorud?


At this point, he will be in the church office on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week and other times as the calendar requires. 


If you would like to visit with him about anything, please contact him or call Rene in the church office to set up a time to chat.


He is also available by phone at any time. His home phone is 203-210-7762. His cell is 402-620-8032. Please feel free to call if you have an immediate concern or question.


[email protected]