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Prince of Peace

Weekly Update

January 29 - February 5, 2025

Annual Meeting

February 23,2025

11:15 a.m.

Dear Members and Friends of Prince of Peace:


You are invited to our congregation’s Biannual Meeting, Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 11:15 a.m. immediately following our 10:00 a.m. worship service.


I encourage you to attend our Biannual Budget Meeting so that you can be well informed about the proposed 2025 Program on Ministry. Following discussion, there will be a vote on the budget. There are other important items on the agenda for this meeting as well.


The proposed agenda for the meeting is printed below.


● Call to Order

● Opening Prayer

● Adoption of Agenda

● Approval of Minutes of February 25, 2024 Annual Meeting

● Membership Report

● Prince of Peace Financial Reports and the Proposed 2025 Program on

  Ministry - Vote

● Misty Hollow Outreach funds - Vote

● Proposed 2025 Cemetery Association Budget - Vote

● Election of Nominating Committee - Vote

● Organ fundraising update

● Focus activity on our mission and welcoming

● Lord’s Prayer

● Adjournment


You do not have to be a member of Prince of Peace to attend this meeting, but only members can make motions or vote.


In Peace,

Lorraine Lavery

Council President


January Evening Prayer (Vespers)

Come Away and Rest a While tonight, January 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Life’s preoccupations are relentless in pursuing our total attention. But in every circumstance, God’s presence is assured and is nearer to us than our own breath. Amidst the static, in silence, God’s speaks to us, calming our hearts, granting us peace. So, come away and rest a while with Evening Prayer and be reminded that the only thing that can name you is God’s love.

Altar Guild Looking for New Team Members

The Altar Guild is in need of a couple new team members!

You will be trained, and you will not be scheduled alone until

you are comfortable with the process.

Please contact Susan Lehmann at or

203-744-2033 if you are interested.

Los Angeles

Wildfire Assistance

For over a week, Los Angeles County has struggled with catastrophic wildfires with tens of thousands of people under evacuation orders. Sparked by dry conditions, strong winds and a limited water supply, these fires have destroyed homes and businesses and have led to injuries and loss of life.


Please click the button at the bottom to give directly to Lutheran Disaster Response and provide financial assistance.

Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod, Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and recovery amid the widespread destruction. Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to accompanying recovering communities for months and years to come.


Please pray for communities in California impacted by the wildfires. May God's healing presence bring them peace and hope in their time of need and give strength to those working diligently to contain the fires and care for affected communities.

Donate to Lutheran Disaster Response

Annual Camp Calumet Retreat for Women

Women of Prince of Peace….Our next retreat at Camp Calumet is scheduled for March 28-30, 2025. The cost will be approximately $180 and that includes; two nights lodging, five meals, and snacks. You will make that payment directly to Calumet when you arrive.

Calumet is a wonderful experience and that’s why the women of POP go back year after year (and have done so for 30+ years). We know that there are some women at Prince of Peace that would love to go but the expense is just not in their budget…SO…our Women of the ELCA would like to offer a Fellowship to cover the expenses at Calumet to one woman from POP that would like to attend. Please let me know if you are interested in receiving this Fellowship.

A sign-up sheet will be posted on the table in the Narthex in February. Friends are welcome as well as any POP woman. Questions, please call me at (203) 947-4413.  If you are riding with someone else, it would be nice if you chipped in at least $15.00 for gas to your driver!

A Saturday morning program hasn’t been decided as yet. In addition, there will be free time to relax, shop, etc. …of our own choosing. I’m sure we will be having “movie time with popcorn” in the evening.

We will plan to leave the area on Friday morning. We can check in any time in the afternoon and our first meal at Calumet will be dinner on Friday

Marci Sharp (203) 947-4413 (cell) or email:

February 2 at 10:00 a.m.

Our Sunday assembly benefits enormously from many people's generous sharing.

Thank you to everyone helping us all in our worship. If you wonder whether you might have a role in our Sunday gathering, please connect with Pastor Michael. 775-9070

Altar Guild: Cathy Fegley, Susi Lehmann

Communion Assistants: Susi Lehmann, Jenifer Beaudean-White

Lector: Cathie Fegley

Ushers: Ernie Lehman, NEED VOLUNTEER (Please contact Rene)

Virtual Technical Advisor: Steve Davies

We continue to worship together Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the building, in-person or on Zoom, Facebook Live, or webpage (


  • Please sign in upon arrival.
  • A separate booklet will be produced for each service that you are welcome to take home with you.  
  • Communion can be received around the altar.
  • The offering plate will be passed during the anthem. Please help the ushers by passing the plate down your row.   


Sundays at 10:00 a.m. will also be on Zoom and streamed to our Facebook page.

Click here to join service via Zoom

Prince of Peace Church Staff

The Rev. Michael Anderson, Pastor

(o) 203-775-9070 (m) 203-794-4694/

Want to connect with Pastor Michael?

Schedule an appointment by clicking below.

Make an appointment with Pastor Michael

Brian Muller, Music Ministry Director



Rene Tuccillo, Office Manager

203-775-9070 /

The church office is open most weeks Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please call first.