Prince of Peace

Weekly Update

  November 23-December 1, 2022

"'Hope is the thing with feathers —

That perches in the soul —

And sings the tune without the words —

And never stops — at all."

- Emily Dickinson




We continue to worship together Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the building, in-person or on Zoom, Facebook Live, or webpage (


  • The wearing of masks is now optional.

  • Social distancing by staying in household pods and staying six feet away from others is still encouraged.

  • Please sign in upon arrival.

  • We have a seasonal bulletin to be used each week. Please return the bulletin to the tall table to be used again.

  • Communion can be received around the altar. Please pick up a communion kit. 

  • The offering will be gathered when worshipers arrive and brought forward during the service.


Sundays at 10:00 a.m. will also be on Zoom and streamed to our Facebook page.

Join Sunday 10:00 a.m. Service via Zoom

Please give a warm welcome to Pastor Ned McMillen who will be our guest Pastor this Sunday.


We are continuing to work to establish our pre-Covid worship practices at Prince of Peace. 

Beginning this Sunday, we will once again offer Holy Communion by intinction. As you kneel at the altar to receive the elements, the Body and Blood of Christ, you will be offered a wafer of bread first, and then a Communion Assistant will come with the chalice. You may dip the wafer into the wine (intinction). When you have received the elements, you may return to your seat and the next person can take your place at the altar.

For those who wish to continue to use the communion packets of bread and wine, please feel free to come to the altar with those who are using intinction. If you wish to remain in the pew, you may do so and commune as you hear the words spoken at the altar.

Thanks to all who have submitted their financial commitment letters for the coming year of ministry at Prince of Peace. To date, we have received 38 commitments!

Our goal is to reach at least 50 commitments. 

Can you help by returning your commitment letter soon? This is one important way in which Prince of Peace plans the budget and acts as good stewards of the gifts you entrust to your congregation.

Thank you again for your generosity!


We’d like your help collecting items to go into care packages for our college students participating in our campus contact ministry.

Please bring any of these items that you can collect to church with you on or before Sunday, November 27th so that we can get the packages out to the college students in time for exams.


There are 6 students who are participating in our Campus Contact Program this year.


  • microwave popcorn
  • single packs of hot cocoa
  • microwavable soup cups
  • microwavable macaroni and cheese
  • cold drink mixes
  • single packs of tea and instant coffee
  • candy and gum
  • packaged snacks


Please leave the items on the window seat under the sign in the narthex.

We will be packing up the items on December 1st at 1:00 p.m. if you would like to help. Many hands will make the packing go faster!!!!



Marci Sharp

[email protected]     

Daily Bread

Food Pantry Update

Donations have been down, and Daily Bread is in need of everything. 

With the cost of food, the pantry is giving out approximately 200 bags of groceries every three days that they distribute food. 

They need everything especially mac and cheese, peanut butter and pasta. 

Please note the items that are listed below for the pantry. They tend to be the most nutritious and are easy to distribute. 

Avoid glass jars and fragile packaging. 


  • Canned tuna, salmon or chicken
  • Beans (canned or dry)
  • Peanut butter
  • Meal-in-a-can (beef stew, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.)
  • Soup (especially chicken noodle)
  • Rice (1, 2 or 3 pound bags)
  • Pasta
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Canned corn
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit
  • Breakfast cereal (hot or cold)
  • Marinara sauce and canned tomato products







Drop off your food items or checks (payable to DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY) to the church's front door anytime.  

Monetary donations are a good choice and easy to do on-line by clicking on the link below.

Thank you for your donations and prayers.

Click here to donate to the Daily Bread Food Pantry

Church Contact Information: 


By email – [email protected]

By phone – (203) 775-9070

Facebook Message –


The church office is open most weeks Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please call first.




The church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Enjoy a pancake breakfast and a picture with Santa!

Saturday December 10

Prince of Peace

119 Junction Road

8:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

Ticket: $10 per person

Children under 5 free

Family cost: $40

Cash or Venmo at the door.

Ticket includes a delicious breakfast.

Please see the links below to register or help out at this special event.

Click here to RSVP
Sign up to help at the Pancake Breakfast
List of Donated Items Needed

Dear Members and Friends at Prince of Peace Lutheran:

The message I share with you today is personal.

Caryl and I have made friends with a family in CT from Ukraine. 

The US Customs and Immigration Service currently has a “fast track” program for bringing refugees from Ukraine to American for a period of two years.

Our friends were approved as sponsors to bring his brother and family to America.

In May, our friend asked if we would consider sponsoring his sister and her family, since each sponsor is only allowed to sponsor one family. Caryl and I were honored, humbled, and a little scared. But after much thought and prayer, we have sponsored a family. 

There were a lot of delays, primarily due to the war, but our family is now scheduled to arrive in the coming week.

Last week, our friend asked if we knew of anyone who would consider sponsoring another young family of relatives (two adults, one child) in this program. I told him I would ask some friends.

So, dear friends, if any of you are curious about what is involved in this program and interested in a potential sponsorship for a family in need, please give me a call. 

Thank you for considering this special opportunity to help.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Blessings to you and Peace,

Pastor Mark A. Grorud


A key step in the process to call a new pastor is to complete the Church 

Assessment Tool (CAT) – a 90-question online assessment of a congregation that is completed by members of a church.  It takes about 30 minutes to complete.  The link will be sent out starting on Nov. 28th and can be used multiple times on your computer so that all confirmed members of your household can individually respond.  

Your response will help generate the VitalSigns© report that gives leaders a read-out on the health of the church, a sense of where members think Prince of Peace should head in the future, and a description of Prince of Peace as a unique body of people.  More details will be shared soon! 

Need to contact Pastor Grorud?

At this point, he will be in the church office on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week and other times as the calendar requires. 

If you would like to visit with him about anything, please contact him or call Rene in the church office to set up a time to chat.

He is also available by phone at any time. His home phone is 203-210-7762. His cell is 402-620-8032. Please feel free to call if you have an immediate concern or question.


Prince of Peace is once again participating in the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. There will be 25 Tags available in the near future. If you take a tag, please make sure you write your name on the sheet on the table after the correct tag number. The tag numbers are written in black marker.

Gifts purchased should not exceed $30. If the item on the angel tag is more than $30, feel free to substitute the item. When the tags were prepared, it was not possible to research the price of each item. Attach the entire tag to the gift. It is very important that the tag be secured to the gift because it has the family number and the name of the child on the tag. When these become disconnected, it makes it difficult to try to match up the gift to the child.

Ernie Lehman


All gifts need to be back to the church by early December an exact date will be sent out in the weekly update.





I spoke to Peter Kent at the Daily Bread Food Pantry. Special needs for Thanksgiving include side dishes for Thanksgiving Dinner. Turkeys are provided by other donors but they need:

· Cranberry Sauce

· Stuffing Mix

· Canned Vegetables

· Fixings for desserts…pie crust, canned apples and other fruit, pudding mix


It would be great if each of us brought at least one item of non-perishable food.

It’s a great way to express our thankfulness by making someone else's’ dinner complete.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Nan Carlson

As Prince of Peace is transitioning to a new phase, Council has put together this brief survey for you to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns with us.

You can complete this multiple times, so feel free to submit whenever you have something to share. 

If you prefer to talk directly to a Council member, their contact information is in Blueprints - feel free to reach out anytime.

There will also be a hard copy in the narthex with a designated box to hand in the form. 
Click here to fill out Survey


[email protected]