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Prince of Peace

Weekly Update

January 8-15, 2025

Looking for Help

We are looking for volunteers to help disassemble the Christmas tree in the sanctuary. We will be taking it down tonight, January 8 at 6:00 p.m.

We will need people who are not afraid to be up on ladders.

January Evening Prayer (Vespers)

Come Away and Rest a While on

Wednesday, January 15 at

6:30 p.m.

Life’s preoccupations are relentless in pursuing our total attention. But in every circumstance, God’s presence is assured and is nearer to us than our own breath. Amidst the static, in silence, God’s speaks to us, calming our hearts, granting us peace. So, come away and rest a while with Evening Prayer and be reminded that the only thing that can name you is God’s love."

Baptism at Prince of Peace

In the church, we love to have a reason for a big celebration. And lucky for us, we have a lot of

reasons to celebrate! Every Sunday is its own celebration of Christ’s resurrection, but baptisms

and festival days give us other occasions too.

Sunday, January 12 is our celebration of the Baptism of our Lord and happens to be a baptismal festival day. We’re blessed to have a baptism scheduled on that day this year, but other baptismal festival days await us: Easter, the Day of Pentecost, and All Saints’ Sunday.

If you are interested in baptism for yourself, for your child, or desire to affirm your faith, please contact

Rev. Michael Anderson ( to begin a conversation about

this important sacrament of the church, sign of the Holy Spirit, and marker of belonging in faith


Adult Forum for the

Sundays after Epiphany

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1:5) Light is a prominent theme for Epiphany and the Sundays that follow it that serves as a metaphor for what God is doing in and through Jesus. Join Rev. Michael for a four week study exploring the theme of light and how Christ’s birth affects our faith long after Christmas celebrations end through scripture and song.


Classes will begin following our Sunday assembly at approximately 11:30 a.m. No purchased materials are needed for the class, but participants are encouraged to bring their favorite bible. Please message Rev. Michael at to let him know to expect you.


Session dates: Jan. 19 & 26,

Feb. 16 & 23


January 12 at 10:00 a.m.

Our Sunday assembly benefits enormously from many people's generous sharing.

Thank you to everyone helping us all in our worship. If you wonder whether you might have a role in our Sunday gathering, please connect with Pastor Michael. 775-9070

Altar Guild: Heidi Adam, Eileen Muller

Communion Bread Baker: Heidi Adam

Communion Assistants: Susi Lehmann, Jenifer Beaudean-White

Lector: Rebecca Cebollero

Ushers: NEED VOLUNTEER, NEED VOLUNTEER (Please contact Rene)

Virtual Technical Advisor: Steve Davies

We continue to worship together Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the building, in-person or on Zoom, Facebook Live, or webpage (


  • Please sign in upon arrival.
  • A separate booklet will be produced for each service that you are welcome to take home with you.  
  • Communion can be received around the altar.
  • The offering plate will be passed during the anthem. Please help the ushers by passing the plate down your row.   


Sundays at 10:00 a.m. will also be on Zoom and streamed to our Facebook page.

Click here to join service via Zoom

Prince of Peace Church Staff

The Rev. Michael Anderson, Pastor

(o) 203-775-9070 (m) 203-794-4694/

Want to connect with Pastor Michael?

Schedule an appointment by clicking below.

Make an appointment with Pastor Michael

Brian Muller, Music Ministry Director



Rene Tuccillo, Office Manager

203-775-9070 /

The church office is open most weeks Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please call first.